US Politics XXII: Idk About You, But This Is Thread 22

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it's almost as if the party establishment being openly hostile to one particular wing of the party over and over again might eventually inspire some anger and resentment among those people, or something.

i'm not saying they're right to be doing what they're doing, but it's not like the backlash is unjustifiable and unprovoked. the party establishment holds its own share of the blame for the current state of affairs.

I won't deny there's truth to what you're saying, historically. I didn't want Biden, I am no fan of Pelosi or Schumer, and I think the Democrats butchered their handling of the Trump administration.

But some things are bigger and more important. We can fight over the details on November 4th.
These accusations of members here looking to undermine establishment Democrats are pretty clearly aimed at Jerry. And if so the implication that he is indifferent to people's suffering or would accept it in order to make some kind of political point is incredibly unfair. He's been extremely vocal about the need for national healthcare so that people's futures stop being destroyed by insurance companies and the impoverished stop bearing a disproportionate amount of the covid pain. You can disagree with his politics but don't insinuate he's some kind of heartless Bernie bot.

Steve Mnuchin has got to be one of the least likeable members of this heinous administration. I understand that he has a lot of competition in that respect but there is something just downright creepy about him and a total lack of social propriety.

I am really surprised that he was so successful in the financial sector. Yes, those guys are generally all puffed up assholes, but they are also for the most part charismatic.
Actually, never mind. Im not being productive or helpful. I’m withdrawing this post.
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Steve Mnuchin has got to be one of the least likeable members of this heinous administration. I understand that he has a lot of competition in that respect but there is something just downright creepy about him and a total lack of social propriety.

I am really surprised that he was so successful in the financial sector. Yes, those guys are generally all puffed up assholes, but they are also for the most part charismatic.

Imagine you're a pair of attractive single young women at a bar, and the bartender puts down 2 apple martinis and says "ladies these are complements of the 2 gentlemen at the end of the bar and they'd like to possibly say hello" and you turn and see Mnuchin and Jared Kushner at the end of the bar making goo goo eyes your way.
Imagine you're a pair of attractive single young women at a bar, and the bartender puts down 2 apple martinis and says "ladies these are complements of the 2 gentlemen at the end of the bar and they'd like to possibly say hello" and you turn and see Mnuchin and Jared Kushner at the end of the bar making goo goo eyes your way.

I was just starting to make dinner here. :vomit:
Poutine sounds wonderful right now. I love fries, and gravy is a nice touch ;)

So now that Barr has shown he doesn’t give a fuck (or ever has) let’s play hypothetical

You know Trump is going to claim the election is rigged, he’s already claiming mail in vote is

If Barr can drop a clear cut case like Flynn, what’s to stop him from opening up a sham case on voter fraud ? Finding any small screw up as evidence that the 2020 election is tainted and illegitimate

Reports were Trump was going to pardon Flynn last week but Barr told him not to. Too damaging politically. Barr took the bullet since people will huff and puff, but eventually we’ll find something else horrible to latch on to (like a death from virus). If the Dems had any fucking balls they’d file impeachment against Barr

Would it go through? Probably not. But at least try to save our democracy???
Imagine you're a pair of attractive single young women at a bar, and the bartender puts down 2 apple martinis and says "ladies these are complements of the 2 gentlemen at the end of the bar and they'd like to possibly say hello" and you turn and see Mnuchin and Jared Kushner at the end of the bar making goo goo eyes your way.

Thanks for making my skin crawl.
It’s wonderful watching the Left slowly but surely convince themsleves that the only moral thing to do is to vote for Trump and/or to stop the Democrats so that people can continue to suffer and be purified by that suffering so that they will one day realize that The Left is correct and always has been and now they are ready for the real people’s revolution.

This is not even close to what I said at all. I have never expressed the belief that I didn't want Biden to beat Trump, only concern that the Democrats may not learn the lessons of what brought Trump into power in the first place and risk a similar thing happening further down the track.

this looks like fun, maybe after work i'll build a strawman to feel morally superior over too.


Actually, never mind. Im not being productive or helpful. I’m withdrawing this post.

I'm glad that you've come to your senses and posted this.
That’s fine, Vlad. But it remains inarguable that sections of “The Left” and much of its media are doing everything they can to tear down moderate Democrats to the point where it becomes de facto support for Republicans. If you’re going to say there’s no material difference between Trump and Biden, or if you’re going to side with the GOP on Russian interference, it’s helping Trump.

And it’s effective.
This is not even close to what I said at all. I have never expressed the belief that I didn't want Biden to beat Trump, only concern that the Democrats may not learn the lessons of what brought Trump into power in the first place and risk a similar thing happening further down the track.

What lessons would you say they should have learned that might bring about something similar in the future? Genuine question.
I think there are probably wildly different takes on this, so i'm just wondering what yours is.

For me:

I think that each election is unique and a slice in time of the attitude across the electorate. What brought Obama victory, would not necessarily have brought him victory 8 or 12 years later.
He was a new hope and direction after Bush, and the financial crisis was a unique event that created its own dynamics in that election.

It often is tied to the cyclical nature of elections as well. Obama coming in after two terms of a Republican held White House. Just as Trump coming in after a two terms of a Dem held White House.

That's something that you can't really control. It just is sort of the built in nature of how the public seems to move.

I think we also found out that narratives that are built over time by republicans work. They have always hammered away that we "need a business man" in the White House. Well, it seeped into the collective minds of many voters and this, along with coming off a two term Dem, along with a Clinton's baggage, along with Clinton going after Trump's character instead of driving home kitchen table priorities, along with Russian interference, along with Comey, we found out was a potent mix.

Pile on top of that, you had this simmering racism and disgust for Obama in a section of the electorate, that once they had a racist as a candidate, freed them. They knew they had their guy. One that they could be the shitty people they were on the inside, but could now feel free to let it out.

Also something that we can't really control. I would like those people not to be racist. but they are.

On top of that, I think we found out that there was also very large section of the electorate, that was much more susceptible to misinformation then we would have ever realized. Unfortunately this was a problem on both the far right and far left.
I think "progressives" need to reckon with the fact that they were played by the Russians just as badly as the right was. But I'm not holding my breath.

Also, I think we found out that Americans are too willing to be won over by a "celebrity" that is able to speak a million words, most untrue, and literally say nothing, but somehow gives them the feeling that he will make everything right, because he says so.
It turns out that narcissistic sociopaths, with no political baggage, actually make a potent candidate, but a horrific president.

So now this election brings another slice in time. One that is SO dramatically different than any other before it.
Some of these things can't be changed. Human nature, cyclical nature of elections, etc...

But, I do hope that Biden learns this time of who to speak to and how to speak to them in a way that Clinton didn't. I think we learned from 2018, that there is a swayble group in the middle, middle/right, that he definitely should go for.
BUT, he also at the same time needs to realize that there is new energy and ideas to the left of him that he also needs to connect with. This isn't an easy task to do both at once, but he needs to.

We’ll have senate hearings and trials based on Q conspiracies
That’s fine, Vlad. But it remains inarguable that sections of “The Left” and much of its media are doing everything they can to tear down moderate Democrats to the point where it becomes de facto support for Republicans. If you’re going to say there’s no material difference between Trump and Biden, or if you’re going to side with the GOP on Russian interference, it’s helping Trump.

And it’s effective.

Fuckin' THIS
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