US Politics XI - more threads than fired Trump cabinet members

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lol yea sure it's just "narcissism of small differences" why this guy sucks.

The fact that establishment Democrats can take a look at the current political landscape and decide what Americans are crying out for is “Obama, the sequel” makes me worry they haven’t learned a single lesson since 2016.

I have no truck with the “Bernie would have won” brigade. It’s an unprovable and unhelpful theory and pontificating on it wastes time, and I have even less tolerance for those who suggest a Trump presidency was a necessary evil to ignite a real progressive force in US politics. The Trump presidency is not a political experiment, it’s a very real nightmare that is destroying people’s lives and the Democrats cannot afford to mess 2020 up. Picking the “right” candidate is paramount.

But what does that actually mean? Is the right candidate simply someone who can beat Donald Trump by virtue of not being him? Genuine progressives would presumably want to gain power to enact change, not just gain power for the sake of it.

And in this regard, O’Rourke comes up short. For all his gloss and engaging rhetoric he simply doesn’t seem to stand for much. While the democratic base is talking with increasing confidence and urgency about single payer healthcare and free college education, when it came down to it O’Rourke didn’t back either bill. He seems positively Clintonite when it comes to Wall Street regulation and has voted consistently pro-police to the point of supporting making police officers a protected class.

Furthermore, a U-turn on Israel’s treatment of Palestinians in Gaza (as a rookie O’Rourke was one of just a handful of Democrats to vote against funding the “iron dome missile defence system” in 2014) suggests that when he does take a stand on something he lacks the stomach to fight for his convictions.

"i'm not big on labels"... yea that's what we really need, a wishy-washy empty shirt (who's only considered "left" because he's from texas) who refuses to commit to anything and stands for nothing. sounds like a guy that's really going to change things for the better :up:

this guy is not even close to what the left should be pushing. beto winning is how you guarantee you end up with a literal neofascist, and not just a sympathizer, in office the next time the GOP wins the presidency.

better than ted cruz ≠ good choice for president.
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it's not "news" per se but there were multiple people in here just last week talking about how they'd really like to see his name on the democratic ticket in 2020. just providing some evidence for why that's a bad idea.

This is silly. There’s NO clear defined definition of that label, or any others, in this country.

It would just be used to attack. Just recently we’ve seen people pissed off about the term ‘progressive’ and they want to be called ‘leftists’. If you get that hung up on a label, you’re doing it wrong. FFS
it's not, but i grew up in the church, and unlike our freakish resident pharisee, i actually read and studied what jesus said and taught about the poor and needy. he was a radical proto-socialist to the core in just about every conceivable way, and in fact violently opposed the wealthy class and insisted his followers give away their worldly possessions before they could hope to get into heaven, but don't tell that to our "poor people are lazy" and "don't touch my stuff you evil socialists" buzzword machine.

We might be fellow non-practicing Christians then, Dave. Citing the bible and claiming moral superiority over the few forum members who oppose illegal immigration on America's southern border is weak sauce.
i'm an atheist. i don't believe jesus was divine or in the resurrection but aside from that stuff he had a lot of really good things to say. i certainly think that there was probably a rabbi going around judaea gaining followers with a radical anti-establishment message who was crucified as a rebel by a threatened ruling class around that time but i don't think he was performing actual miracles or was really the son of god.

Citing the bible and claiming moral superiority over the few forum members who oppose illegal immigration on America's southern border is weak sauce.

i can't tell if this is directed at me or someone else, but i'm without a doubt morally superior to anyone who would actively defend a policy of deliberately traumatizing families for their "crime" of trying to provide a better life for their children.
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There could be many reasons to doubt Beto as a good candidate. His hedging around the word “progressive” is not one of them.

But let’s fight with our friends. That will inspire people.
We might be fellow non-practicing Christians then, Dave. Citing the bible and claiming moral superiority over the few forum members who oppose illegal immigration on America's southern border is weak sauce.

You’re right in that someone of faith doesn’t need to hear their scriptures from someone who isn’t of faith. My beliefs are pretty much what Dave said. However, also like Dave I did grow up in a religious community and I’m very familiar with the teachings.

There is something to be said from this stance. Don’t get me wrong — I don’t think you’re obliged to live by scripture. So I don’t really bother to call someone out on hypocrisy. But I’m totally fine if someone does.
Well, here's some incredibly shitty news to wake up to:

A federal judge delivered a stunning rebuke to the Affordable Care Act late Friday, ruling the individual mandate is unconstitutional and nullifying the entire ACA in a case brought by 20 Republican state attorneys general.

The law will still remain in place for the time being as the appeals continue on, but still. And of course, Trump is crowing about the ruling on Twitter.
i'm an atheist. i don't believe jesus was divine or in the resurrection but aside from that stuff he had a lot of really good things to say. i certainly think that there was probably a rabbi going around judaea gaining followers with a radical anti-establishment message who was crucified as a rebel by a threatened ruling class around that time but i don't think he was performing actual miracles or was really the son of god.

i can't tell if this is directed at me or someone else, but i'm without a doubt morally superior to anyone who would actively defend a policy of deliberately traumatizing families for their "crime" of trying to provide a better life for their children.

Again, and this is important, what’s funny about the few regulars on this forum is this..... never once did I say I was “against illegal immigration “ in either my post, or the video I shared. But that’s all the liberals heard, because I dared to point out, once again, the lies in their posts. I will not say all, because there’s no reason to generalize, but most of the people who post here do not care if their posts and/or views reflect truth, or just advance their “narrative “ or agenda. Facts no longer matter here, only feelings. You might as well put all of FYM in the “sharing fiction” portion of this forum
I almost want the GOP to repeal Obamacare so they can live with the political fallout.

The law is now popular! It’s why the D’s romped in the midterms. We are well on our way to some form of Medicare for all. It will probably be part of the Democratic platform in 2020, whether or not Beto swears allegiance to the Progressive Purity Colation or not. People like having health care. Go ahead, and let the horror stories of coal miners in Kentucky with no health care anymore dominate 2020.
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This is a real press release.
Please tell me this is fake.
I really wish I could.

I think the original draft will be framed and hung in the Smithsonian someday. Of course written in orange crayon, with the word wall written in all caps.
This is sheer insanity.
uh, ghads, how pathetic and embarrassing! :shame:

Full of Christmas and Christian spirit and goodwill huh? I was really looking forward to Trump dressed as Santa and Jim Acosta sitting on his lap.

Jeeez. OTOH depending on what food and drink was being served- Seth mentioned that no one ( if there was no other walk way) would want to walk through that hall with Melainia's blood-red trees. :uhoh:

Republican Jesus says yea, come un to me and I shall trick ye into caring for the poor and retched, and then the lord shall striketh you down to the nearest detention center.

This is the word of the lord. thanks be to tax cuts.

Whoever oppresses the poor shows shall receive better rates on their capital gains, but whoever is kind to the needy can fuck off.

This is our prayer.


Uh , :no:!


Things are okay here. We do have snow on the ground, but we didn't get this latest snowstorm, as it went through the southern U.S. :). My relatives who live in North Carolina got a few inches of snow out of that storm, though!

Hope all's well on your end!
:wave: things are pretty good here, thanks. We had one smallish snow - but it was a week before Thanksgiving. :angry: and often colder than usual days. Blah.

Yeah, I though you were too far north for that particular storm. Hope your NC'rs did ok in it.

I love how White Jesus basically lives in Bavaria.
Then there's that "fact".

Let us remember on this day that our drive by Trump supporters put a man in the White House who legitimized Alex Jones - a man who claims the slaughter of 20 first graders was a hoax.

Thanks guys :wave:
Not only that but he revealed addresses of some of the grieving parents so his minions could harass them. I believe he family of one little boy who was killed had to relocate 7 times.
The astonishing viciousness, and violence of some of these people. :sad:

And that poor 7 yr old from Guatamal!

it's not, but i grew up in the church, and unlike our freakish resident pharisee, i actually read and studied what jesus said and taught about the poor and needy. he was a radical proto-socialist to the core in just about every conceivable way, and in fact violently opposed the wealthy class and insisted his followers give away their worldly possessions before they could hope to get into heaven, but don't tell that to our "poor people are lazy" and "don't touch my stuff you evil socialists" buzzword machine.

For me me "do unto others" and the Good Samaritan have been been my guide posts.

And in Judiasm - tikkun - "to repair the World".
And Mohammed's Allah the Merciful.

Unfortunately - there are a whole swath of Republicans on DC who have taken scissors to the Bible and cut out all References to The Poor,.
But then again that river of Christianity equates Rich = Wothy, and Poverty = Immoral. :| ( of Calvinists origins?)
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I’m not gonna vote for someone unless they are 100% exactly the way i want them to be on every issue.
I thought the Supreme Court already ruled on this several years back, when Roberts famously sided with the liberal wing to uphold the individual mandate?

Yes, they did. Part of the argumentation of the SC was that the fine for not being insured could be considered as a tax and that Congress had the right to levy that tax (or something like that). Now, part of the tax bill that the Republicans passed earlier put that fine to 0. And then some Republican states filed the suit that the ACA is unconstitutional. The judge in Texas sided with them and also declared that the whole ACA is unconstitutional, instead of only part of it. Which legal experts consider overreach on the judge's part.

Of course there will be appeals and such before it lands with the Supreme Court. By that time (Democratic) Congress might've implemented the fine again as a tax, so that the argument for the protesters is moot again.

Or something like that... :shifty:
but most of the people who post here do not care if their posts and/or views reflect truth, or just advance their “narrative “ or agenda. Facts no longer matter here, only feelings. You might as well put all of FYM in the “sharing fiction” portion of this forum

Oh thank you, arbiter of truth. I needed the laugh. Given the sparsity and specificity of your posts, all the areas of discussion that you don’t venture into (possibly because the facts and truth don’t fit your narrative), and the constant and easily proven lies from Trump and his administration that you curiously don’t seem concerned about, it’s quite humorous for you to lecture others on agendas, narratives and lying.

The POTUS just called his personal lawyer a “rat” on Twitter.

I guess when every organization that has the name Trump on it is under criminal investigation

You might as well go full mob boss
And i think that’s what Cohen is hiding. He ain’t gonna rat on the big fish
The Russian mob/mafia??

Those aren’t bigger fish. A mob boss is not a bigger fish than the President of the United States.

Those are just more ways that Michael Cohen can spend longer behind bars, so he only told what he had to to stick to his ~4 year prison sentence.
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