U2 to Perform First Concerts at MSG Sphere in Las Vegas

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In my mind this venue looks like the stupid senate scenes in the star wars prequels. I get nervous when I’m too high at msg. I might have to get GA so I don’t have a full panic attack.

Hopefully the venue isn't too interactive.

next time, remember to wait at least two hours before eating a second brownie.

Honestly I’ve never smoked pot. Even during chemo. How’s that to ruin a joke? See I can be serious too you old assholes.

I hate everything about Vegas. So this trip should be fun!
if U2.com is smart - which they typically aren't... but if they are? they should absolutely hold fan club members to no more than two tickets per member and no more than one show per member.

And due to the production this is very likely going to be the EXACT same show every night, so this would make perfect sense.
if U2.com is smart - which they typically aren't... but if they are? they should absolutely hold fan club members to no more than two tickets per member and no more than one show per member.

That's a great, common sense idea and a fair way to treat fans, to hopefully give as many of us a chance to see the show.

So of course it won't happen and you'll see the same characters at multiple shows, just like what happened with Bono's recent book tour.
look i don't necessarily care if people go to multiple gigs. if they pay for it? knock yourself out - but you should only get a pair out of the fan club. everything beyond that? sweat it out with the normies on ticketmaster and/or pay up the asshole on stub hub.

if you want to do that? hey - have fun.

i do also wonder if the single location will hold back the "i must have bono sweat on me a minimum of 75% of the tour or my life is ruined" crowd.

Vegas can be cheap if you know what you're doing and/or you're a player - it can also be crazy expensive if it's not a typical vacation destination. plus - are you really going to fly cross country 6 times over a 2 month period?

i do hope the tickets go on sale well before the venue is finished, which does appear to be the case - because once it's done and they're able to use real footage from inside the place to promote it? i think that'll only drive prices higher on the secondary market, assuming they're able to pull off what they say they're going to pull off here.
look i don't necessarily care if people go to multiple gigs. if they pay for it? knock yourself out - but you should only get a pair out of the fan club. everything beyond that? sweat it out with the normies on ticketmaster and/or pay up the asshole on stub hub.

Any takes on what might be the chances/feasibility they add on more (whether it's truly a matter of being due-to-popular-demand or just a later reveal)?
Any takes on what might be the chances/feasibility they add on more (whether it's truly a matter of being due-to-popular-demand or just a later reveal)?

It’s def going to be a limited residency but wouldn’t be surprised at an additional weekend or two “by popular demand” depending on schedule openings in between U2 and the next act.
Any takes on what might be the chances/feasibility they add on more (whether it's truly a matter of being due-to-popular-demand or just a later reveal)?

i think there's a fairly decent chance.

the F1 race is in mid november - so assuming all of these dates are done and wrapped before then, it would not shock me in the least to see another run of shows added for, say, january/february.

new album in march - outdoor shows to follow.
A 2024 tour will nicely line up with the 10 year Apple debacle anniversary, allowing them to apologize at each and every stop.
"eahhmm..yeah, it's like you're going to confession--only the priest is Father Ryan Tedder, and instead of 10 Hail Marys for your penance, he's saying 'I want 10 of the greatest songs you haven't written yet', that's Songs of Apology"
“I had forgiven others but never really forgiven myself. These songs are my way of being able to stand in front of the mirror and say I’m sorry, except the mirror is our audience. I just hope they’re in a forgiving mood! Also, we’ve got this album Songs of Ascent…”
U2songs linking SOS to the Vegas shows…


Not sure how to take that.
It looks to me like they've ditched plans for an album of new material this year if they are stretching this Songs Of Surrender thing out that far
Fine with it if it’s just the initial set of songs as a lead in to their AB show, similar to the JT30 “early hits” package that opened that tour.

No point in opening the state of the art arena with downtuned songs and relaxed arrangements. They have to realize this.
Fine with it if it’s just the initial set of songs as a lead in to their AB show, similar to the JT30 “early hits” package that opened that tour.

No point in opening the state of the art arena with downtuned songs and relaxed arrangements. They have to realize this.

They will play their GH album 10 songs from it then play AB in full then close with 40. Sounds great to me.
the full post is a little more revealing

SOS Baby! What’s that!? Las Vegas?!

It sounds very much like the band will be heading to Las Vegas this Fall. We’ve been told the announcement of the shows will happen in February with ticket sales starting almost immediately. (Take the date with a grain of salt, we know these things can be delayed.) But start putting some money aside now if you are thinking of going, as the full announcement isn’t far off. The shows will likely start in late September and run throughout October. The shows will each be similar in size to an arena show, with The Sphere holding between 17,000 and 20,000 people depending on the configuration used. One rumour shared with us is that the band have been filming some promotional material this week, which includes material to advertise this Vegas residency as well as additional material to promote the new album.

Willie Williams has been said to be working in the Sphere venue as it is being set up with a unique opportunity to build U2’s stage as the building is going up around it. The extended prep time in the venue will allow for time to play with all the toys the building brings with it including LED panels on the interior and exterior of the building.

We are told the show is a tie in to the Songs of Surrender album, and will have a special focus on Achtung Baby.

We know the question everyone has is “where is Larry?” – Vegas puts Larry very close to his medical care team in the US that he has been working with on his injuries. And Adam Clayton in a recent interview had said that the band hadn’t had to make the decision to work without Larry Mullen yet. So until otherwise announced, we’ll continue to assume he’ll be part of the Vegas shows, and wish him a rapid and thorough recovery if and when surgery does occur.

In a recent podcast, Sean Hayes shared with Bono that The Edge had shown him plans for the venue at The Sphere. Bono replies, “You are a news network now, because that’s breaking news! Blame it on Edge! But it’s great. I’m interested in Las Vegas for all kinds of reasons, even going back to ‘The Fly’!”

Bono’s been sharing about the Vegas stuff before, and back in November all but confirmed it was happening while speaking with Brendan O’Connor. Sounds like the plans are finalized and the announcement is only weeks away.
I wonder if they mean the promotion of the Vegas shows and SoS will be tied together, rather than the shows themselves?

Joint promotion must be a given seeing as the shows will be announced in the weeks before SoS is released and all the promo that comes with that.

I also wonder if tying promotion of vegas to SoS is just a way to make it feel less like they're 'glorifying the past because the future dried up'. No hit single in 18 years, and the second legacy tour with no new album in 4 years. I know that's flimsy reasoning given an apparent focus on AB, and SoS literally being old songs. But at least this way they have some new release to throw around to show they're not entirely reliant on the past? (Even if the songs on SoS are old, at least they're reimagined in a new way.) Kind of like JT30s connection to SoE (e.g. closing shows with Little Things and later, the Best Thing).
I hope it's just a cross promotion and the shows don't feature stripped down songs.
As said above, it would be a disservice to the building to not go full ZooTV style in these shows. Loud, vibrant and visually stunning is what these shows should be.
Well - we haven't heard all of Songs of Surrender. It's been said that not everything is straight acoustic. So we'll need to hear the full thing before making a blanket statement of how dumb it would be.

Based on what they’ve said and what we’ve heard we have a pretty good idea of what the album is going to sound like.
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