The Temple Bar ~ OMG! Do you think the n00 albumn will have good songs??7 UYMFA!!

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Amy :flirt:

Where's our manwhores? I have an unusually slow morning today and I require entertainment.
Well at least everyone seems to like them so far.

I love to see people excited and happy about new songs rather than bitch/whine/complain :blahblah:
Well at least everyone seems to like them so far.

I love to see people excited and happy about new songs rather than bitch/whine/complain :blahblah:

This is so normal...everybody goes apeshit crazy...saying how great and innovative the songs are...and then a few detractors come in to say that everything since Pop (POP!!!) sux...and then Shaun Vox will come and just shit all over them...saying they sound nothing like 'Appetite for Destruction''s pretty much a vicious cycle that we can't seem to get off of...:depressed:
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