The Overhang: U2 at the MSG Sphere - General Discussion Thread Part 2

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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There was a crazy admin who would post every day that if you don't like multiple posts, don't say anything just keep scrolling by. She then posted a meme making a joke of how you can ignore a Facebook post instead of leaving an essay in the comments about how you don't like it.

So I had ChatGPT write an essay on why we shouldn't just ignore Facebook posts we don't like. It was a joke reply to a joke meme. And I got banned from the group :huh:

Oh here is the essay ChatGPT wrote for me:

Title: Beyond Scrolling: The Fallacy of Ignoring Facebook Posts

In the age of social media, Facebook has become an integral part of our lives, providing a platform for sharing ideas, opinions, and information. While scrolling past posts that we disagree with might seem like a convenient way to avoid confrontation, this approach oversimplifies the impact of social media and fails to acknowledge the underlying consequences. In this essay, I will argue that merely scrolling past Facebook posts we disagree with is not an effective strategy for dealing with differing opinions, as it disregards the potential harm caused by misinformation, polarization, and the erosion of critical thinking.

1. The Perils of Misinformation:
Facebook is notorious for its role in the spread of misinformation. By passively scrolling past false or misleading posts, we contribute to the proliferation of misinformation, allowing it to go unchallenged. Research has shown that false information spreads faster and wider than accurate information on social media platforms. Failing to address false claims or debunk them perpetuates a dangerous cycle where misinformation gains credibility and influences public opinion. Ignoring such posts hinders our responsibility to combat misinformation and fosters an environment where truth becomes subjective and malleable.

2. The Echo Chamber Effect:
Scrolling past Facebook posts we disagree with reinforces the phenomenon known as the echo chamber effect. Echo chambers are virtual spaces where individuals are exposed primarily to like-minded opinions, shielding them from dissenting perspectives. When we avoid engaging with opposing viewpoints, we unintentionally isolate ourselves from diverse ideas, alternative perspectives, and potential learning opportunities. This lack of exposure fuels polarization, impedes dialogue, and inhibits personal growth. Constructive discussions and critical thinking arise from engaging with differing opinions, challenging our own beliefs, and expanding our understanding of complex issues.

3. The Deterioration of Critical Thinking:
Scrolling past conflicting Facebook posts may provide temporary relief from uncomfortable conversations, but it does little to foster critical thinking skills. Engaging with opposing viewpoints forces us to examine and reassess our own positions, strengthening our ability to evaluate evidence, analyze arguments, and consider multiple perspectives. By avoiding challenging posts, we risk becoming intellectually stagnant, reliant on confirmation bias, and susceptible to manipulation. Society benefits from individuals who can think critically, weigh competing ideas, and make informed decisions based on robust analysis.

4. The Social Responsibility:
In a digital society where social media platforms hold significant influence, we have a collective responsibility to promote meaningful and respectful discourse. By scrolling past posts we disagree with, we abdicate our role as responsible digital citizens. It is essential to encourage healthy conversations, offer alternative viewpoints, and challenge harmful narratives. By actively engaging with conflicting opinions, we foster a culture of intellectual curiosity, empathy, and understanding.

Merely scrolling past Facebook posts we disagree with is an inadequate approach to navigating the complex world of social media. By disregarding the potential harm caused by misinformation, contributing to echo chambers, neglecting critical thinking, and failing in our social responsibility, we perpetuate the problems plaguing online discourse. Instead, we should strive to actively engage with diverse perspectives, challenge falsehoods, and promote respectful dialogue. By embracing this approach, we can foster a more informed, inclusive, and intellectually vibrant online community.

Can we just stop to appreciate that ChatGPT did the whole introduction/thesis, point one, point two, …, point n, conclusion format of an argumentative piece that we are taught in K-12? [emoji23]
Can we just stop to appreciate that ChatGPT did the whole introduction/thesis, point one, point two, …, point n, conclusion format of an argumentative piece that we are taught in K-12? [emoji23]

Lol…never thought i would want to go back to the craziness that is facebook, but this has me second guessing myself… :reject:
Went to see Oppenheimer tonight in an IMAX dome, really a planetarium, and gave me probably a 10% idea of how the Sphere will probably be. Seeing this movie in IMAX was unbelievable with the size of the screen, sound, etc and gave me a hint at how truly colossal the Sphere is going to be in terms of sheer size, clarity and all those speakers. Can’t wait!!
I find technical stuff boring as shit so I'm gonna keep myself out of the loop on what this venue is actually gonna be like, hopefully it blows me away, I feel like it will.

I am probably going to look at the setlists though. I don't want to be disappointed come mid-October and a quarter of the show is Songs of Surrender style, or they stop playing Acrobat and Love is Blindness for Your Song Saved Me Life and Ordinary Love.
This just in: kids interfere with my ability to drink, smoke and dance on the flo… in my seat

It’s like we need the alterNate: “maybe you’d like a standing ticket instead”
lol bullshit.

Where is the big preview he allegedly posted?

I took it as a lame joke, admittedly.

He’s refusing to post a “biblical” spoiler, which I guess means we finally get Bono on a cross made of televisions 24 years after Marilyn Manson did it? Or maybe the cross is made from Larry’s drumsticks…
They ran out of money so the outside is great, but the inside is filled with the folding chairs you get at a picnic with a tent and the inside screens are just going to be 1000 Element 42 inch TVs from Amazon duct taped together... we have all been scammed.
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Spoiler alert - video from inside The Sphere with screens on. Not sure if this imagery will be used for U2's show, but not sure if it won't. Looks kinda strange.

Somehow this Vegas Twitter account has not received the same cease and decisit that Johnny Wang did lol

Vertigo confirmed for setlist as that image guaranteed to give it to the audience.
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