The Official 2008 Beijing Olympics Thread

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Well, if I had to go with one in the Winter Olympics, that's tougher.

Maybe Katarina Witt.

or Yamaguchi.

The aluminum foil covered cucumber in Brian Boitano's pants. .
I wish that the announcers would get struck by lightning. They are so US-biased and awful that I can't stand it. MUTE here we come!
Honestly, phuck Phelps.

I wanna watch my gymnastics dammit.

One of these little chinese girls needs to fall or somethin.
I wish that the announcers would get struck by lightning. They are so US-biased and awful that I can't stand it. MUTE here we come!

That drives me crazy too, but I always wanted to know - in other countries, aren't they focused on their own athletes as well? I wish they wouldn't do it, but it's unreasonable to expect they don't at all. But yeah, they could tone it down. Not that they would.

I mainly wish they wouldn't keep such a close watch on medal counts. I don't fucking care how many medals the US has won - it's not about that, you stupid, smug, USA!USA!USA!USA! boneheads.

And too many puff pieces. I don't care about yet another athlete's amazing story of overcoming adversity. I'd rather actually, you know, WATCH THE OLYMPICS.
That drives me crazy too, but I always wanted to know - in other countries, aren't they focused on their own athletes as well?

It's kind of like Irvine said - there are very few countries that can win as many medals as China or the US so no, it's not that bad simply because they don't have world class athletes in every sport.
That drives me crazy too, but I always wanted to know - in other countries, aren't they focused on their own athletes as well?

I mainly wish they wouldn't keep such a close watch on medal counts. I don't fucking care how many medals the US has won - it's not about that, you stupid, smug, USA!USA!USA!USA! boneheads.

I just want to know what's coming up next, or in the next hour or the next few hours or what's on the other NBC affiliated channels.

They do a terrible job of pimping this thing.
where's my GODDAM gymnastics??> huh?

gimme a little bit of a break, here.

am I gonna have to take my private jet out to Beijing so I can watch my girls without interruption?
Where are you seeing gymnastics? They're still throwing little girls off a tall board into a pool over here.

I want the gymnastics, too. I am both fascinated and horrified by it.
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