The Office Part 3: It's Got a Sort of Oaky Afterbirth

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Called the Andy/Angela thing a few weeks ago. Loved seeing Ryan get arrested and the Cousin Mose cameo.
LarryMullen's_POPAngel said:
Hello, kitchen sink. They're really throwing it at us tonight.

Creed's reaction to the HR girl asking what he does = priceless. :lmao:

hell yeah....that's a great way of describing that episode. They definitely gave us the kitchen sink.

I loved it, thought the first half or so was the funniest it's been all year....and then the last 15 or so was sooooooo frustrating.....except for the last 30 seconds (get 'em Dwight!!!)

I'm also really happy for Michael. He's found the girl of his dreams....but we'll have to see how that whole Jan situation plays out, though.

Overall a big :up: from me.
Did anyone see Rainn Wilson on Leno last night? He read aloud a 'letter from Dwight' regarding John McCain's mock offer of his VP spot(on the Daily Show). Below is the letter:

My fellow Americans and select Canadians,

My name is Dwight K. Schrute. Recently it was brought to my attention that a presidential candidate has selected me as his vice president, or as I prefer to call it, assistant president of the United States. I was not surprised by this information because I am the only suitable choice. As for Mr. Jonathan McCain, I will accept your offer old man, but before I do certain terms must be agreed upon.

One, I may pilot Air Force One whenever I want, and while I’m doing so, I’m only to be addressed as Ice Man.

Effective immediately, Jack Bauer is promoted to Secretary of Defense.

I demand full government financing of research programs into the beet as an alternative energy source. Beet juice is cheaper than gasoline and better tasting.

My bunker must contain a foosball table and be zombie-proof.

Secret Service members are to be armed with nun-chuks, throwing stars and flamethrowers.

I would like a flamethrower.

I would like an Iron Man outfit.

My current employer Michael Scott has asked to be ambassador to Hawaii or governor of Florida or King of Tahiti, whichever.

All of the above items are negotiable except for the flamethrower. Basically, if you give me a flamethrower, I’m on board.

In conclusion I will display complete loyalty to my president and America. And at 3 a.m. when the phone rings in the White House, I won’t even hear it. I’m a very sound sleeper.

Vote Schrute!

Dwight K. Schrute.


Just tremendous.
This was the best episode in AGES.

The stuff with Kevin was the best. I laughed a LOT. Show, why can't you be more like this? Why can't we get non-asshole Michael more often?
Enjoyed the episode! Leave 'em wanting more!


Poor Pam/Jim. How will she have "time off" to go to NY?

New character :hmm:

Great Schrute letter you posted namkcuR! :lol:
corianderstem said:
This was the best episode in AGES.

The stuff with Kevin was the best. I laughed a LOT. Show, why can't you be more like this? Why can't we get non-asshole Michael more often?

I agree with everything you said. I love the show...but lately Michael was just *too* much. The new HR girl was giving him somewhere else to go.

Best Quote of night:

Michael: Who's that really famous band from Scranton? U2?

Jim: Yes.

corianderstem said:
This was the best episode in AGES.

The stuff with Kevin was the best. I laughed a LOT. Show, why can't you be more like this? Why can't we get non-asshole Michael more often?

I blame the strike. When Michael's not as outlandish, he's at his best. I hope the writer's re-watch Season 2 before they start doing stuff for next season.

Does this mean Amy Ryan's gonna be a regular?

Carek1230 said:
First Sunday-it was pretty silly. The funniest parts were shown in the trailer.

Wrong thread.
Screwtape2 said:
I missed last night's episode because I went to see a play. Can someone tell me what happened?

Toby's replacement and Michael hit it off. Michael thinks it's love, while Jim tries to convince him to get to know her first, like he did with Pam. Jim then gets the idea to propose to Pam at Toby's going away party before she leaves to go to her art school in New York for 3 months.

Meanwhile, Dwight's hazing the new HR rep by telling her that Kevin's retarded, which she believes throughout the whole episode. Toby scrambles to hang out with Pam. Ryan gets arrested for fraud with the website.

Kevin leaves to go to the supermarket and calls Michael over urgently. Turns out that Jan's pregnant, but with a Sperm Bank Baby instead of Michael's seed.

Hilarity ensues.

It all ends with Michael committing to being with Jan during her pregnancy, when it's fairly obvious that the HR rep is perfect for him. As Jim's about to propose to Pam, Andy decides to propose the Angela, which she accepts, much to the chagrin of Dwight.

The last 30 seconds show Phyllis going back up to the office only to hear the moaning sex groans of Angela... AND DWIGHT!

Cut to black, see you next year.
No prob, but definitely watch this one. One of my favorites already.

Michael singing the Supertramp song absolutely killed me.
LemonMacPhisto said:
The last 30 seconds show Phyllis going back up to the office only to hear the moaning sex groans of Angela... AND DWIGHT!

WHUT. I totally missed that! Oh my.
Just saw it.

Awesome episode. Really had every character shining through.

I loved the random funny parts: Kevin being retarded, Creed not knowing his work, Andy's proposal (Darryl yelling "Damn it!" when he knocked over the keyboard killed me), Michael during the exit interview, etc.

Best episode of Season Four by far.

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