Random Music Talk LXVII: All the First-World Problems You Can Handle

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I hope you are successful. That Walkmen / Beach House double bill has been the concert highlight of the last few years for me.
I guess I can try to find a ticket to Beach House for the same amount I was paid for mine last night. Craigslist isn't panning out right now though. I've got a few hours to figure shit out.

Find a way to go. Beach House is fantastic live.
Emperor Tomato Ketchup

It's the only one I own, but it's damn good.

When I search their albums on Amazon, that one comes up first with Dots and Loops next, so they seem to be the two most popular. They're one of those bands where I've seen their albums in music stores since I was in college, but never listened to them. I actually thought they were a Brit-pop band until today...
When I search their albums on Amazon, that one comes up first with Dots and Loops next, so they seem to be the two most popular. They're one of those bands where I've seen their albums in music stores since I was in college, but never listened to them. I actually thought they were a Brit-pop band until today...

Weird. I've been introduced to a lot of '90s indie acts by you, so I'm surprised you hadn't heard anything by them yet. Seems right up your alley.

Yes to Emperor Tomato Ketchup and yes to Dots and Loops. Those are my two favorites.
I like Santa.

Picked up Passion Pit and The Xx today. Also found used copies of the Allen Stone record, and whatever the 2011 release was called from Explosions In the Sky. That was a leap-of-faith purchase. I only have one of their other records.
I have a tradition where I listen to Transatlanticism the moment the weather clearly starts cooling off.

Which is strange since I don't really like Transatlanticism that much.

Here goes the 4th annual listen...
I'm revisiting Velvet Underground a bit, and I was wondering if any of you would recommend a post-Berlin Lou Reed album. Outside of Metal Machine Music, which I've listened parts of. Interesting record.
Here's a fun story. Remember how Beach House and Fiona Apple were playing on the same night, and I was going to work the latter instead of going to the former? Well, I sold my Beach House ticket last night and now the Fiona show is postponed. Lucky me!

I am really really sorry to hear that, man. Because yeah...

Find a way to go. Beach House is fantastic live.
...They really are. I hope you find a ticket.

Dr Luke is producing on the new Kesha album.

Of all the weird shit going on with this album, you choose to focus on that?
I think I passed my Wayne Coyne mentions quota months ago.

This shit finally has an album cover and release date. I'm not going to lie about how excited I am, what's the point? Tuesday, September 25th is going to be a day that goes down in history in my own personal life:

  • New Ke$ha Single
  • Avengers 3D Blu-Ray
  • World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
  • American Horror Story Season 1
  • New Mumford and Sons
  • And....I'm seeing Prince
I can safely say I will not be going anywhere near the Kesha album. I'm sure I will hear the singles played many times anyway.

Also guys, LMFAO have called it a day :(
What? That's like...the most insane thing I've ever heard...they're on top of the friggin' world. Why?
The old creative differences.

"I feel like we’ve been doing this for so long, five or six years" is an actual quote.

LMFAO split; dance world in mourning

I must admit I am not ashamed to say I love Party Rock Anthem and even have a soft spot for Sexy and I Know It. I don't have the songs on my iPod and never seek them out on youtube or whatever, but I get down when they're played at a party or something.
I'm revisiting Velvet Underground a bit, and I was wondering if any of you would recommend a post-Berlin Lou Reed album. Outside of Metal Machine Music, which I've listened parts of. Interesting record.

Best one is probably The Blue Mask. Lou and Robert Quine turning in some phenomenal guitar work. Consensus is pretty strong on that one. The follow-up Legendary Hearts has the same band line-up, though not quite as good.

A lot of the other albums are mixed bags, but I find Street Hassle very rewarding.

And one of my favorites of his, period, is the later-career Set The Twilight Reeling. Another great guitar album.
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