Post Count Appreciation Thread

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
sarcasm really HAS died here.

bono_212 said:
Some people just can't leave well enough alone and have to complain

Sure there are chat threads, and if they weren't allowed they'd be locked but they are allowed, but some people are so bothered by their existance that they must continuously complain about them
:huh: That's not what this is about. Search my posts and go see the one thread I ever post in.
I love post counts , the total amount of posts on this forum is shocking , imagine 3mill + messages.
bono_212 said:
Some people just can't leave well enough alone and have to complain

Sure there are chat threads, and if they weren't allowed they'd be locked but they are allowed, but some people are so bothered by their existance that they must continuously complain about them

The funny thing is...most of the people in here have been involved in numerous "chat" threads.


It is sad that that has to be defined. William_anderson has to be "defined" - the folks that have been around for a while have to friggin clue the newbies in on EVERYTHING.

People used to come on here and patiently try and figure things out (lurk for a while) until they got it - THEN join in.

Now, we have a bunch of goobers that just come in and start posting. They have NO sense of humor and think that people are picking on them. THAT sucks. That is what is killing what used to be a nice U2 message board.
Sicy said:

Is it a bad thing that Sicy has used that icon with me a few times before:ohmy: ....

- the folks that have been around for a while have to friggin clue the newbies in on EVERYTHING.

Not all the time :reject:

Now, we have a bunch of goobers that just come in and start posting. They have NO sense of humor and think that people are picking on them. THAT sucks. That is what is killing what used to be a nice U2 message board.

I have a sense of humor! :madwife:
I was lurking around a while before I started posting here...

And, honestly said, I didn't have a clue about some things around this site, but I started picking up things pretty quickly.

Am I a bad person now, for not 'getting' everything right from the very beginning? :reject:
I lurked around for like 3 months before i registered and it took me a while to understand the games and stuff.
LarryMullen's_POPAngel said:

Not if you've only been here for less than a year.

People with that high of a post count after only a year or two honestly scare me.

people with that high of a post count after only a year or two whom i've never once seen a post of frighten the shit out of me.
Headache in a Suitcase said:

people with that high of a post count after only a year or two whom i've never once seen a post of frighten the shit out of me.

:lol: It's funny how people stay in their own little sections of the board. A thread of mine got moved to PLEBA, and when I went there to read the responses, I didn't recognize any of the names in any of the other threads!

I mean, I didn't read any of the other threads :shifty:
Beer! Football! Lumberjacks!!
zoney! said:

The funny thing is...most of the people in here have been involved in numerous "chat" threads.


It is sad that that has to be defined. William_anderson has to be "defined" - the folks that have been around for a while have to friggin clue the newbies in on EVERYTHING.

People used to come on here and patiently try and figure things out (lurk for a while) until they got it - THEN join in.

Now, we have a bunch of goobers that just come in and start posting. They have NO sense of humor and think that people are picking on them. THAT sucks. That is what is killing what used to be a nice U2 message board.


William_Anderson :angry:
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