Portland Setlist Watch, Stream, and Party - Part II

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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:drool: @being on a U2 forum when I have no school or nothing to do.

hay guyZ, i got g00d social life, m i rite?!?!11?!
cleazer said:
America is not a continent!

There's two separate Western Hemisphere continents. It's either North America or South America.

I was using "American" in the sense of referring to shows in "the Americas", which is the combined term for North and South America - and Mexico City and Monterrey are both in North America, so I needed to use a combined term when referring to them together with the shows down in South America.
circa1992 said:

I'm SO glad I'm not alone! All of my friends basically listen to like the Top 40 and stuff like that and I can't stand it...I refuse to listen to it (like I barely listen to the radio because of it). I started liking U2 when I was 8, so I never really listened to the "popular" music.

If you ever get the urge to poke your eardrums with sharp sticks when My Humps is on the radio, you will probably be one of the coolest people I've ever met
VintagePunk said:

:( A nerve must have been damaged. It could repair/regenerate itself over time, though.

Soooo..you use your tongue when socializing a lot? :wink:

Oh yes...I'm a big socializer. I believe that to be a good person with much wisdom means putting yourself out there. :wink:

It's lessened since I got them removed and the pamphlet I got said it could be temporary or permanent....I hope it's temporary. :madspit:
cleazer said:
America is not a continent!

There's two separate Western Hemisphere continents. It's either North America or South America.

catlhere said:

I would hate to bring up that Vertigo was on the countdown if even only for a few days. Does that make U2 shit? I dunno, everyone has a right to their own opinion. So i'll just forget about it.

U2 are one of the few exceptions to the norm. Artists like Hillary Duff, Ashlee Simpson, Eminem, American Idol Contestant #532414, etcetera - in my opinion - are not. Manufactured shit.
pattip2000 said:

ok, that doesn’t seem normal to me. I’m no doctor but maybe you should ask one.

BTW,nope, thats not normal. The oral surgeon most likely incised the lingual nerve during the extraction (im a periodontist).
MTEdge said:
Who's setting up Part III? This really shouldn't count as a setlist party!! More like a "We all need group therapy now that U2 is leaving the USA" party. :|

so true, Who’s up for weekly meetings?
U2Carolina said:

BTW,nope, thats not normal. The oral surgeon most likely incised the lingual nerve during the extraction (im a periodontist).

So what do I do? From what I had read and stuff it could be temporary or permanent? Is there a fix?
circa1992 said:

I'm SO glad I'm not alone! All of my friends basically listen to like the Top 40 and stuff like that and I can't stand it...I refuse to listen to it (like I barely listen to the radio because of it). I started liking U2 when I was 8, so I never really listened to the "popular" music.

Maddy likes the Beatles too

And hello to:

Looks like we got an international group tonite :up:
Am I the only one who is tired of I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For and Beautiful Day? Beautiful Day has been the same thing for a good while now... :eyebrow:
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