PLEBA girls party-this is my tribe!!

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CeeCee said:
Hey SG, got any shirtless B's in there? Ya know the ones that show his belly with that cute little navel of his?

No, not finding any of those :shrug: In fact, these are the last two Bono pics... next up: Edge! :)



Bri I was wondering where VP was tonight, too :sad:
Okay guys, much as I hate to, Mom's decided she's taking me clothes shopping tomorrow, and I'll have to do the laundry I brought home first or I won't have clothes to go shopping in :lol: So I have to go to bed - g'night all :hug:
Drea said:
Okay guys, much as I hate to, Mom's decided she's taking me clothes shopping tomorrow, and I'll have to do the laundry I brought home first or I won't have clothes to go shopping in :lol: So I have to go to bed - g'night all :hug:

:hug: Goodnight Drea, Sweet Dreams :wink: and have fun tomorrow
Sad_Girl said:

I did! I said "Last Edgie Pic!" :lol: who did you think I was gonna post next; Larry's the last one :wink:

And I'm on to group pics, now

I didn't see anything about last Edgie pic! Make it bigger next time! I let pics load expecting Edge and get Larry! *throws another pillow*

Really, I love you, SG, but still...
And this is the last two pictures!!!! :lol:



I may find more tomorrow, for all I know, though :wink:

I'm exhausted :yawn: And have an early morn :madspit:

So off to bed with me! :wave:

Goodnight Cindy :hug: I believe you may be the last Pleban standing tonight. Don't forget to lock up when you leave :wink:
OH suck! I actually go out for once on a Friday night and I miss all of you. :(

Good news is I actually made some real friends of my very own. Go me!!! Had real adult goofy conversation and they bought me coffee. :dance: :giggle:
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