Pleba Girls Party--Daddy's Gonna Pay and Pay and Pay...

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Rock n' Roll Doggie FOB
Feb 9, 2005
Ok, I started us out--first time in months and months I started a thread!
we need a tribute to Pop, too:
ooh great pic sg! jules, sad to think the tour is coming to an end...

i found airfare to boston for $198, which isn't it is looking possible.


these few weeks are the longest i've gone without a show on this leg. i will need detox after december 19th.
anyone else miss the kinky days of ZooTv? *sigh*
yes, the site is a little constipated. not sure why...
What WILL we do with ourselves when the tour ends?! I've got to figure out what I'll have to look forward to after my last show.

I hope we'll get to live vicariously through the happy Interlanders who will see them in Australia and South America, if the rumors do become true.
hi weldy! :wave:

my kitten fell/jumped into the bathtub AGAIN tonight. I didn't see it happen, but the other times she basically gets a little too curious and slips in. She was FURIOUS! I had to fish her out and dry her off. she's a crazy one.

Hey, how does Adam stay so tan, btw?
U2Girl1978 said:
There are rumors that they are going to be announcing more dates next week. This is for australia and japan. don't know about the rest of the world. :hmm:
that announcement was supposed to happen three weeks ago...i've heard that they won't tour beyond australia/nz/japan--so no european or north american tour to follow. guess we'll see.
U2Girl1978 said:
There are rumors that they are going to be announcing more dates next week. This is for australia and japan. don't know about the rest of the world. :hmm:

I hope it's true :yes: I'm so happy for all the people in Australia, etc. but I can't help but wish they would come back here! :reject: :sigh:

now that my original 4 shows I was supposed to go to are down to 2 that I'll end up seeing this tour, I haven't been too happy lately :(
Sad_Girl said:
Adam's nudist tendancies must have something to do with how he stays so tan, Ruff :wink:

Night Jules :wave: Hi Weldy :wave:
night Jules :wave:

nudist tendencies :giggle:
still, they have not had that many breaks from the tour in which he could be baking in the sun for hours. I'm envisioning 2 scenarios:
1) personal assistant slathering self-bronzer on the Silver Fox
2) Silver Fox sitting on the roof of miscellaneous hotels with one of those metal light reflector-thingys under his chin...


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