PGP: Warming up by the fire with hot Irishmen

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:giggle: Oh I remember those quite vividly.

That sounds pretty bad! Can a physiotherapist do anything for you? In primary school I once fell off a wooden staircase on my tailbone, it was bruised for weeks. :crack: I hope this time it's not that bad!

Well, I've had back problems my whole life. So over my life I've seen a lot of doctors, chiros, acupuncture etc and I'm in pretty good shape back-wise these days. I was a gymnast when I was young, and then in high school was in that really bad car accident i know I've mentioned here before (in the hospital for 2 weeks) so that surely didn't help either. But considering I'm gonna be 50 this year I feel pretty great. :)
Thanks comet - i'll look for the list later!

GG & Comet
BIG :hug:sss to you both with tailbone injuries past & present! :(

I had one when I sat down hard on the movie seat armrest instead of the seat! :huh::lol: :reject: ouch!

While I dodn't need the doughnut seat-pillow I had to be careful, and it did hurt for months, but not as bad as either of you seem to expereince.

I couldn't figure out at the very first b/c it hurt on impact then kind of went away for awhile , and then returned much more achy! So :ohmy::hmm: what was going wrong? Then I remembered my anatomy classes....oh, yeah...the tailbone !!
Well, I've had back problems my whole life. So over my life I've seen a lot of doctors, chiros, acupuncture etc and I'm in pretty good shape back-wise these days. I was a gymnast when I was young, and then in high school was in that really bad car accident i know I've mentioned here before (in the hospital for 2 weeks) so that surely didn't help either. But considering I'm gonna be 50 this year I feel pretty great. :)

:tongue: Sheeeeeeeesh you're ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooold!

Glad to hear it's not so bad these days. :shifty: Otherwise I migth've had to send the wee Irish lad over for a backrub!
OMG - I just made the most hilarious word error EVER. :lol: :uhoh:

My boss came by my desk to ask me a question about a project I'm working on, and what I meant to say was "I'm betting..." Instead, "I'm bitching" came out of my mouth. :lmao: We were both crying with laughter. That was kinda awkwardly awesome. You can tell it's an hour away from quitting time before the weekend when... :lol:
:tongue: Sheeeeeeeesh you're ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooold!
Some day you'll be there too, GG! :wink:

and I while propbaly lacking in some ways, GG, at 57 am able to dance up a storm (keep up with) the same as my 20's & 30's girlfriends at our U2 Tribute Band (UF), and stood for about 9 plus hours combination-once we had to stand for good on the GA outside in2009, and then standing in GA. I was able run fine yo get to the front outer rail. The only thing that hurt after all this were my feet and that was because my sneakers did not fit properly.

So you better keep yourself healthy like I have so you'll be able to do the things I can still do at 57. :p

You'll probably be stronger unless, i get my act together to the gym!
:tongue: Sheeeeeeeesh you're ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooold!

Glad to hear it's not so bad these days. :shifty: Otherwise I migth've had to send the wee Irish lad over for a backrub!

I'll let you get away with that comment for that backrub.

I'm waiting....

OMG - I just made the most hilarious word error EVER. :lol : :uhoh :

My boss came by my desk to ask me a question about a project I'm working on, and what I meant to say was "I'm betting..." Instead, "I'm bitching" came out of my mouth. :lmao: We were both crying with laughter. That was kinda awkwardly awesome. You can tell it's an hour away from quitting time before the weekend when... :lol:

OMG!! :hi5: Coming out with weird things at work twins. :heart::wink::lmao:

A quick drive by, think I'm gonna go to bed early.

Just had to share this with you girls though as it cracked me up.

I was texting with "boy" at work today. A French word came up in convo and I must have ended up with French on my brain. Instead of saying "Goodbye" to a customer I said "Au Revoir".

:lmao::tears: Considering I work on a helpline this cracked me up. I was literally crying. :laugh:

/end story and Jem the moron. :wink:

Hope that gave someone a good laugh.

Will catch up over weekend. :heart::hug:
Hi Dazz. I am pretty good. I have been really busy with work and the kids. I am looking forward to the summer and getting to travel and have some fun! I hope all is well with you!!:hug:
For CeeCee :wave:


plus she made 2 extras for the heck of it.



Ooooooo... YAY!
^^ When does a PLEBAn NOT want to see pics of Bono and Adam, Ali?

True, true... *goes to photobucket*

Other than that, I'm open to pretty much anything that's really fast paced. Music is what keeps me going when I'm running, so I need to have something with a fast tempo that will motivate me to keep my ass moving when I'd much rather sit down and go back to sleep. : lol:

Thora, have you heard of Russian Circles? Their music is instrumental, sort of prog/metal/post-rock (I think, I'm clueless about genres), and 100% awesome.

The sound quality isn't the best on this, but I have their mp3s...

YouTube - Russian Circles - Death Rides A Horse

They do more mellow stuff too sometimes. I love them.

Edge has long since made me a partial Edge girl since day 1 I think. I'll never leave Bono I'm afraid, but I occasionally have a hot n heavy fling with his guitarist. :shifty:

Did you mean the full size pic here in this thread or on the original website? Because I shrunk the size in half for posting here, on the original size it is GINORMOUS size. Like nostril pore examining size. :crack::lol:

:giggle: I'm sure Bono needs the break now and then...

I meant just in the thread... I'm not sure I could handle ginormous Edgenostrilpores! *L*

And do you remmeber when ?Sad Girl was changing hers alot!LOL

about guitarists on stage.... In the end, yes, it's all about the music!
Just for me as a highly visual person, an artist, and one who loves fashion; even if I will generally as an adult i will only where what I thing looks good, and (mostly) appropriate on me- whenther it's still thought of as trendy or fashionable or not . : )
I do! That was a bit confusing too... I guess I just don't cope well with change. ;) :reject:

Ah right... I'm not into fashion at all myself, I'd probably just wear a t-shirt and jeans like I do anywhere else. *L*

Yeah, ali, you must of been extra tired! : hug:

Well, it was very warm yesterday and I didn't get to sleep until about 3am... and then I woke up at 5:30... :crack: ... and then I woke up again at 10:30. *L*

OMG - I just made the most hilarious word error EVER. : lol: : uhoh:

My boss came by my desk to ask me a question about a project I'm working on, and what I meant to say was "I'm betting..." Instead, "I'm bitching" came out of my mouth. : lmao: We were both crying with laughter. That was kinda awkwardly awesome. You can tell it's an hour away from quitting time before the weekend when... : lol:

:lol:!! That's hilarious... I love the Friday arvo sillies. I can't even remember the bizarre conversations we've had at work sometimes...!

Just had to share this with you girls though as it cracked me up.

I was texting with "boy" at work today. A French word came up in convo and I must have ended up with French on my brain. Instead of saying "Goodbye" to a customer I said "Au Revoir".

: lmao::tears: Considering I work on a helpline this cracked me up. I was literally crying. : laugh:

/end story and Jem the moron. : wink:

:lol: Also!

I got language confusion going through an airport in Switzerland (even though I don't really speak anything besides English - I learned a bit of German and I have only a few words of French/Indonesian/Dutch/Spanish)... the security guy asked me "English? Francais? Deutsch?", and I (who had been trying desperately to employ the little German I had, and failing miserably) replied "English, bitte"... :doh: The poor security guy was a tad confused. *L*
LMAO, Jem and Thora, at the word stuff! That's great!

I applaud all here who keep in shape and try and stay fit and healthy as they possibly can. Age doesn't mean squat, as long as you're taking care of yourself as best you can, that's the most important thing. I could do well to get a bit more exercise myself-sometimes I walk to work (it's about a 30, 35 minute walk from where I live), but that's about it so far. The walks are nice, though.

So I did watch Craig Ferguson last night when my kids were in the audience. If any of you don't know him you should check him out. He's by far my fave over everyone including Conan. He's a middle aged Scot (who's extremely proud of his new American citizenship and has a ginormous tattoo on his arm to prove it. :lol: ) he's got an adorable perverted sense of humor, never vulgar (maybe naughty is the word I want) but somehow reminds me of my own sense of humor. Anyway. He's just cute and and his show is all improv and we just love him. My kids managed to see the backs of their heads on the air on the last night ;)

Fantastic description (and yay for catching the backs of their heads on the show, LOL. That's something, at least!).

I've seen clips from when he swore in as an American citizen, when he documented the whole process on his show. He looked so emotional and so incredibly happy when he was officially declared a U.S. citizen, it was absolutely touching and very sweet :cute: :heart:. I think he embodies the spirit of this country incredibly well.

Naughty is the word I went with (the "Dickens" line last night-I had my hand over my mouth and was looking at the TV, shaking my head, like, "Oh, Craig..."). I like that kind of humor, where it's more subtle but it still gets its point across and sounds dirty in a good way instead of an offensive one.

You mentioned liking him above all other late night people-yeah, after all the insanity of the late night wars, it's been quite refreshing to watch a show that pretty much stayed out of the whole drama, that didn't bog itself down in snippy retorts and "battles" and whatever. Hell, Craig and Jimmy Fallon exchanged Christmas gifts a few weeks back! And they're up against each other! I've got no problem with Conan at all, but I just got so burned out on all the crap surrounding that whole mess, so it was nice to watch Craig and not have to hear about that endlessly.

And then there's the fact that he's quite sexy to boot. That doesn't hurt matters either :sexywink:.

yeah, definatley, if i saw that the club audfience was enjoying thermsleves that would really help ( guitar playing)

same with the kareoke
my friend has a better voice than mine.
I just know that I don't completely suck at singing.

and I'm slowly getting used to singing aloud again in my :heart: apt

LOL, good. Hey, your place, belt it out, I say.

Alisaura, that's a good point, too-focus too much on looking cool and it can backfire on you. Ultimately, yes, the music is the most important thing.

At my previous with a 2 roomate + me situaution the roomie who was there before and after me got very vicious and more about 2 years into my 10 year stay- the place, locarion, the stores, the beautiful big tree-lined streets, half a mile away or less from some of Brooklyn's most beautiful attractions, some yummy restaurants, a B&N 3/4 mile away (w bus route for mostof it when i didn't weant to walk), plus independnet bookstores, wonderful crafts shops in the next nabe over - is what kept me there plus not finding something suitabke on previous tries......

anyway she would get riled up if she heard me singing (like of she heard the radio or CD player going) down the hallway... i'd have my door shut and some muffled sound would come out...... she'd start screaming at me from down the hallway, or bang on my door.

I love to sing! I love music!
I love to be enveloped, withthe music all around me ( live concerts will do that!:hyper::drool::drool:)!

so this was energy draing situaion at times :(
so smetimes I can forget that I can sing now! I'm not singing loud past 10P at night....

Oh, wow. That sucks, sorry you had to deal with that. I mean, of course, when rooming with people you don't want to disturb them more than is necessary, but at the same time, you're entitled to do what you want as much as she is, it's partly your place, too. But you don't have to deal with that anymore, so yay! I do understand the past 10 pm thing, though, neighbors sleeping and all that. But eh. As long as you can still do that at all at some point during the day, it's worth it.

I love to dance!
when my younger 20 & 30's firneds - I sometimes join them to see a local U2 Tribute Band --- I can keep up with them when we're "swaying to the music, oooh ohh oh " :D

Fun! Sounds like a good time. You said non-ballroom, but that reminds me, sometimes I watch that "Dancing with the Stars" show and suddenly think that taking ballroom dancing lessons would be kinda fun.

(I wanna see a U2 tribute band :()

I don't understand the extreme religions that don't allow dancing. They don't know what they're missing out on. My friends and I are planning on going out tomorrow night and there will be dancing. Oh, yes.

I odn't even tempt Fate anymore with that either this or that question

LOL, good point. I'm quite happy to have both senses and want to keep it that way.

I love looking at Natire! I love looking at people's creative visual works in Art & Artisan Crafts, and Crafts in general!

Agreed here as well. So much talent involved, so much beauty in the crafts people make, the pictures, the images...absolutely lovely. I love to dabble in that stuff as well, I've been drawing for a long time.

Don't know if I'll talk again in here before I leave later tonight, but if not, then I shall see you all sometime Sunday when my friend brings me back home *Waves*! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

... Is that a belt around Bono's sarong? :giggle:

And :ohmy: ... Hope that stone wall in the sun wasn't too hot for Edge to sit on!

Ack, I need to get a move on... :wave:
Thora, have you heard of Russian Circles? Their music is instrumental, sort of prog/metal/post-rock (I think, I'm clueless about genres), and 100% awesome.

The sound quality isn't the best on this, but I have their mp3s...

YouTube - Russian Circles - Death Rides A Horse

They do more mellow stuff too sometimes. I love them.

That's kinda cool! :up: I think that particular song is a bit too long for my playlist liking, but I'll see if I can find something else of theirs that's a bit shorter. Thanks! :D

Dinner tonight is leftover taco salad. :drool: YUM. I sometimes think it's better on the second day...
Jem that was great. :giggle:

Ooooooo... YAY!

Yay backatya! :D

Fantastic description (and yay for catching the backs of their heads on the show, LOL. That's something, at least!).

I've seen clips from when he swore in as an American citizen, when he documented the whole process on his show. He looked so emotional and so incredibly happy when he was officially declared a U.S. citizen, it was absolutely touching and very sweet :cute: :heart:. I think he embodies the spirit of this country incredibly well.

Naughty is the word I went with (the "Dickens" line last night-I had my hand over my mouth and was looking at the TV, shaking my head, like, "Oh, Craig..."). I like that kind of humor, where it's more subtle but it still gets its point across and sounds dirty in a good way instead of an offensive one.

You mentioned liking him above all other late night people-yeah, after all the insanity of the late night wars, it's been quite refreshing to watch a show that pretty much stayed out of the whole drama, that didn't bog itself down in snippy retorts and "battles" and whatever. Hell, Craig and Jimmy Fallon exchanged Christmas gifts a few weeks back! And they're up against each other! I've got no problem with Conan at all, but I just got so burned out on all the crap surrounding that whole mess, so it was nice to watch Craig and not have to hear about that endlessly.

And then there's the fact that he's quite sexy to boot. That doesn't hurt matters either :sexywink:.


He is the awesomest. :giggle: I love the still photo he always shows of him with his pet ferrets. :lol:


and yes his accent. :love:

I think this thread needs more: BONO

And more Edge:

Oh yeah baby. :drool:
Very pretty CeeCee, nice to meetya Clayton Evans :cute:

My hubby names all his guitars too. :D

I don't know why some guitarist name their guitars.... Edge doesn't name his, which might be a good thing considering how he threw the one down and kicked across the stage in the Boston DVD while yelling at Larry. I wish I had a screen cap of that. I do that this:

I don't know why some guitarist name their guitars.... Edge doesn't name his, which might be a good thing considering how he threw the one down and kicked across the stage in the Boston DVD while yelling at Larry. I wish I had a screen cap of that. I do that this:


I love that pic! There are no words to describe just how much :lmao: It pretty much sums up the way each band member felt about the video :wink:

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