U2 Catalog: Results Here

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Blue Crack Addict
Sep 25, 2010
Washington, DC
Greetings, survey participants. Thank you all for participating in the U2 catalog survey. In total, we had 28 participants. The survey was designed to develop a numerical ranking of the entire U2 catalog, but also gather demographic data and search for various correlations. Forewarning: I imagine this thread won't be too kind to people not using a web browser to view it.

Some Statistics Background

A quick brush up on some definitions and assumptions made for this survey are in the spoiler below. Some of this might be obvious to some of you, but it's put here for anyone who may or may not have a background with using statistics.

To begin, surveys like this estimate the 'true population' by ways of taking smaller samples and estimating, much in the way of public opinion towards a political candidate or something along those lines. In our case, the population, if we are being technical, is U2 fans from Interference. That's right, this data is technically 100% valid for estimating that population and that population alone. However, statistics is where math and logic meet qualification. Therefore, it's a reasonable assumption to say that U2 fans from interference indeed represent U2 fans on internet web forums, and are likely a good approximation for the more diehard or active U2 fans in general. So, from here on out, when I refer to the population, imagine I'm referring to one of those - whichever you prefer.

Our primary intention was to rank the songs. That was achieved. Secondary intentions included data digging. In order to find relationships across large swaths of data such as U2's musical catalog, you typically need a large sample size, which we did not have. But fret not, this does not mean these relationships do not exist, but rather some are ambiguous given the smaller sample size. With that being said, we can focus on what we did find (and feel free to ask me to look at something in specific, as there are millions of ways to break the data down and I could only do a handful).

In regards to what sort of statistical testing took place - not to get too boring at this point - I stuck mainly to hypothesis testing, typically using two-sampled t-tests. In this case, non-overlapping demographics were viewed as two different samples. With hypothesis testing, you're basically comparing two groups and asking "are these groups the same?" The standard assumption is that they are. For example, if we want to see how men and women score U2 songs, we would first start by collecting the responses. Then, under the assumption that there is no difference between the two, you run some statistical tests. What makes us be able to tell the difference? Well, it's quite arbitrary in some light. We assign what's called a 'significance level.' The standard is 5%, which is what I've used everywhere unless noted otherwise. That pretty much means that if the test shows up below that 5%, then the original hypothesis that, for example, men and women rated U2 songs equally, would be false. Note that if the test doesn't show up below that 5%, it doesn't mean the original hypothesis was true, just that we can't prove anything!

A word on deviation. When you see that number tossed around, it refers to the sample standard deviation. It's a measure of how spread out all of the answers were, or in other words, a measure of how little or how much everyone in this survey agreed on a number. Note that this is not the same thing as a margin of error. I repeat: this is not the same as a margin of error. If you see the deviation overlapping into a rank below it, it doesn't necessarily mean these two values could switch places. They could, that's true, and deviation could play a role in it, but to be able to tell whether or not a value is truly above or below another requires hypothesis testing. Sometimes very close numbers can be discerned, and other times far numbers struggle to be. So if you have any questions, just ask.

All Songs Ranked

Drunk Chicken/America rounds out the survey as the worst U2 song. Check out the list to see how the top songs rounded out!

| Rank | Song Title                                              | Score     | Deviation    |
| 1    | Where the Streets Have No Name                          |    9.86   |    0.356     |
| 2    | Bad                                                     |    9.82   |    0.670     |
| 3    | With or Without You                                     |    9.64   |    0.621     |
| 4    | Until the End of the World                              |    9.46   |    0.793     |
| 5    | New Year's Day                                          |    9.25   |    0.928     |
| 6    | All I Want is You                                       |    9.25   |    1.005     |
| 7    | The Fly                                                 |    9.21   |    0.917     |
| 8    | Zooropa                                                 |    9.21   |    1.067     |
| 9    | Sunday Bloody Sunday                                    |    9.14   |    0.848     |
| 10   | Stay (Faraway, So Close!)                               |    9.14   |    1.079     |
| 11   | Pride (in the Name of Love)                             |    9.07   |    0.979     |
| 12   | A Sort of Homecoming                                    |    9.07   |    1.052     |
| 13   | The Unforgettable Fire                                  |    9.04   |    1.071     |
| 14   | One                                                     |    9.00   |    1.805     |
| 15   | Running to Stand Still                                  |    8.93   |    1.120     |
| 16   | Heartland                                               |    8.93   |    1.359     |
| 17   | I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For              |    8.89   |    1.315     |
| 18   | One Tree Hill                                           |    8.86   |    1.353     |
| 19   | Love is Blindness                                       |    8.79   |    1.101     |
| 20   | Gloria                                                  |    8.79   |    1.134     |
| 21   | Acrobat                                                 |    8.71   |    1.272     |
| 22   | Beautiful Day                                           |    8.68   |    1.090     |
| 23   | Lemon                                                   |    8.64   |    1.768     |
| 24   | I Will Follow                                           |    8.61   |    1.066     |
| 25   | Mysterious Ways                                         |    8.57   |    1.103     |
| 26   | Out of Control                                          |    8.57   |    1.168     |
| 27   | The Electric Co.                                        |    8.57   |    1.200     |
| 28   | Zoo Station                                             |    8.54   |    1.105     |
| 29   | Gone                                                    |    8.54   |    1.401     |
| 30   | Ultraviolet (Light My Way)                              |    8.54   |    1.795     |
| 31   | Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me                    |    8.46   |    1.598     |
| 32   | Moment of Surrender                                     |    8.43   |    1.372     |
| 33   | Kite                                                    |    8.39   |    1.286     |
| 34   | In God's Country                                        |    8.36   |    1.193     |
| 35   | Promenade                                               |    8.25   |    1.506     |
| 36   | Exit                                                    |    8.25   |    1.578     |
| 37   | Please                                                  |    8.25   |    1.936     |
| 38   | Even Better than the Real Thing                         |    8.11   |    1.031     |
| 39   | City of Blinding Lights                                 |    8.07   |    1.215     |
| 40   | Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses                       |    8.07   |    1.331     |
| 41   | Red Hill Mining Town                                    |    8.04   |    1.374     |
| 42   | The Troubles                                            |    8.04   |    1.953     |
| 43   | Lady with the Spinning Head                             |    8.00   |    1.440     |
| 44   | Bullet the Blue Sky                                     |    7.96   |    1.688     |
| 45   | Drowning Man                                            |    7.93   |    1.274     |
| 46   | Mothers of the Disappeared                              |    7.93   |    1.359     |
| 47   | An Cat Dubh                                             |    7.89   |    1.370     |
| 48   | Invisible                                               |    7.86   |    1.079     |
| 49   | Walk On                                                 |    7.86   |    1.380     |
| 50   | Your Blue Room                                          |    7.82   |    1.806     |
| 51   | The Ground Beneath Her Feet                             |    7.82   |    1.867     |
| 52   | Every Breaking Wave                                     |    7.79   |    1.287     |
| 53   | October                                                 |    7.79   |    1.371     |
| 54   | Mofo                                                    |    7.79   |    1.950     |
| 55   | Desire                                                  |    7.68   |    1.307     |
| 56   | Do You Feel Loved                                       |    7.68   |    1.389     |
| 57   | Love Comes Tumbling                                     |    7.68   |    1.541     |
| 58   | Fez - Being Born                                        |    7.64   |    1.162     |
| 59   | Discotheque                                             |    7.64   |    1.446     |
| 60   | Miss Sarajevo                                           |    7.61   |    1.257     |
| 61   | 11 O'Clock Tick Tock                                    |    7.61   |    1.595     |
| 62   | No Line on the Horizon                                  |    7.57   |    1.289     |
| 63   | Hawkmoon 269                                            |    7.57   |    1.574     |
| 64   | Angel of Harlem                                         |    7.57   |    1.643     |
| 65   | Iris (Hold Me Close)                                    |    7.50   |    1.262     |
| 66   | So Cruel                                                |    7.50   |    1.836     |
| 67   | Like a Song…                                            |    7.46   |    1.374     |
| 68   | Into the Heart                                          |    7.43   |    1.709     |
| 69   | Stateless                                               |    7.39   |    1.571     |
| 70   | Tomorrow                                                |    7.36   |    1.592     |
| 71   | Wake Up Dead Man                                        |    7.32   |    1.744     |
| 72   | The Crystal Ballroom                                    |    7.29   |    1.410     |
| 73   | A Day Without Me                                        |    7.29   |    1.560     |
| 74   | "40"                                                    |    7.29   |    1.782     |
| 75   | Last Night on Earth                                     |    7.25   |    1.404     |
| 76   | Vertigo                                                 |    7.25   |    1.691     |
| 77   | Luminous Times (Hold on to Love)                        |    7.21   |    1.641     |
| 78   | Magnificent                                             |    7.21   |    1.686     |
| 79   | Electrical Storm                                        |    7.18   |    1.467     |
| 80   | Dirty Day                                               |    7.14   |    1.671     |
| 81   | Cedarwood Road                                          |    7.14   |    1.715     |
| 82   | Two Hearts Beat as One                                  |    7.11   |    1.548     |
| 83   | Mercy                                                   |    7.11   |    1.663     |
| 84   | Wire                                                    |    7.07   |    1.804     |
| 85   | Slug                                                    |    7.04   |    1.835     |
| 86   | Sleep Like a Baby Tonight                               |    7.04   |    1.875     |
| 87   | Staring at the Sun                                      |    7.00   |    1.305     |
| 88   | Raised by Wolves                                        |    7.00   |    1.540     |
| 89   | Indian Summer Sky                                       |    7.00   |    1.540     |
| 90   | The First Time                                          |    6.96   |    1.503     |
| 91   | Twilight                                                |    6.93   |    1.331     |
| 92   | Surrender                                               |    6.93   |    1.331     |
| 93   | Spanish Eyes                                            |    6.93   |    1.464     |
| 94   | The Wanderer                                            |    6.93   |    1.783     |
| 95   | If You Wear that Velvet Dress                           |    6.93   |    1.980     |
| 96   | Rejoice                                                 |    6.89   |    1.812     |
| 97   | Breathe                                                 |    6.89   |    2.025     |
| 98   | Miracle Drug                                            |    6.86   |    1.353     |
| 99   | Shadows and Tall Trees                                  |    6.86   |    1.380     |
| 100  | Seconds                                                 |    6.82   |    1.307     |
| 101  | God Part II                                             |    6.82   |    1.827     |
| 102  | This is Where You Can Reach Me Now                      |    6.79   |    1.618     |
| 103  | North and South of the River                            |    6.79   |    1.663     |
| 104  | Sometimes You Can't Make it on Your Own                 |    6.75   |    1.647     |
| 105  | The Three Sunrises                                      |    6.75   |    1.956     |
| 106  | Sweetest Thing                                          |    6.75   |    2.066     |
| 107  | Tryin' to Throw Your Arms Around the World              |    6.71   |    1.487     |
| 108  | When I Look at the World                                |    6.71   |    1.718     |
| 109  | Stories for Boys                                        |    6.68   |    1.219     |
| 110  | Fast Cars                                               |    6.68   |    1.492     |
| 111  | California (There is No End to Love)                    |    6.68   |    1.765     |
| 112  | In a Little While                                       |    6.64   |    1.929     |
| 113  | She's a Mystery to Me                                   |    6.61   |    1.969     |
| 114  | Stuck in a Moment You Can't Get Out Of                  |    6.61   |    2.061     |
| 115  | Another Time, Another Place                             |    6.57   |    1.834     |
| 116  | Walk to the Water                                       |    6.50   |    1.991     |
| 117  | The Ocean                                               |    6.46   |    1.201     |
| 118  | Native Son                                              |    6.43   |    1.794     |
| 119  | Bass Trap                                               |    6.43   |    1.894     |
| 120  | MLK                                                     |    6.39   |    1.227     |
| 121  | Smile                                                   |    6.39   |    1.685     |
| 122  | Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)                       |    6.39   |    1.707     |
| 123  | If God Will Send His Angels                             |    6.39   |    1.792     |
| 124  | I Fall Down                                             |    6.36   |    1.393     |
| 125  | Song for Someone                                        |    6.36   |    1.830     |
| 126  | Unchained Melody                                        |    6.36   |    1.870     |
| 127  | Dancing Barefoot                                        |    6.36   |    1.948     |
| 128  | Original of the Species                                 |    6.36   |    2.059     |
| 129  | Ordinary Love                                           |    6.32   |    1.611     |
| 130  | A Celebration                                           |    6.29   |    1.436     |
| 131  | I Threw a Brick Through a Window                        |    6.29   |    1.436     |
| 132  | Summer Rain                                             |    6.29   |    1.560     |
| 133  | Levitate                                                |    6.25   |    1.917     |
| 134  | Unknown Caller                                          |    6.25   |    1.974     |
| 135  | Elvis Presley and America                               |    6.25   |    2.351     |
| 136  | Numb                                                    |    6.21   |    2.315     |
| 137  | With a Shout                                            |    6.18   |    1.517     |
| 138  | Window in the Skies                                     |    6.18   |    1.926     |
| 139  | A Man and a Woman                                       |    6.18   |    2.038     |
| 140  | Disappearing Act                                        |    6.14   |    1.779     |
| 141  | White as Snow                                           |    6.14   |    2.031     |
| 142  | One Step Closer                                         |    6.11   |    1.571     |
| 143  | Daddy's Gonna Pay for Your Crashed Car                  |    6.11   |    1.707     |
| 144  | Elevation                                               |    6.11   |    1.812     |
| 145  | Xanax and Wine                                          |    6.07   |    1.359     |
| 146  | Crumbs from Your Table                                  |    6.07   |    1.609     |
| 147  | Night and Day                                           |    6.07   |    2.210     |
| 148  | Trip Through Your Wires                                 |    6.04   |    1.575     |
| 149  | Winter                                                  |    6.04   |    1.732     |
| 150  | Always Forever Now                                      |    6.04   |    1.875     |
| 151  | Two Shots of Happy, One Shot of Sad                     |    6.04   |    2.202     |
| 152  | Fire                                                    |    6.00   |    1.743     |
| 153  | Salome                                                  |    5.96   |    1.795     |
| 154  | Lucifer's Hands                                         |    5.93   |    1.331     |
| 155  | The Miracle (of Joey Ramone)                            |    5.93   |    1.741     |
| 156  | Everlasting Love                                        |    5.93   |    1.904     |
| 157  | Silver and Gold                                         |    5.93   |    2.142     |
| 158  | Satellite of Love                                       |    5.89   |    1.397     |
| 159  | New York                                                |    5.89   |    1.548     |
| 160  | Slow Dancing                                            |    5.89   |    1.663     |
| 161  | Hallelujah Here She Comes                               |    5.89   |    1.663     |
| 162  | Van Diemen's Land                                       |    5.89   |    1.792     |
| 163  | Cedars of Lebanon                                       |    5.89   |    2.200     |
| 164  | When Love Comes to Town                                 |    5.82   |    1.335     |
| 165  | Holy Joe                                                |    5.79   |    1.371     |
| 166  | Blow Your House Down                                    |    5.79   |    1.853     |
| 167  | Beach Sequence                                          |    5.79   |    2.299     |
| 168  | Always                                                  |    5.75   |    1.691     |
| 169  | Oh Berlin                                               |    5.75   |    1.956     |
| 170  | Volcano                                                 |    5.71   |    1.512     |
| 171  | Trash, Trampoline, and the Party Girl                   |    5.71   |    1.536     |
| 172  | Where Did it all Go Wrong?                              |    5.71   |    1.560     |
| 173  | Scarlet                                                 |    5.61   |    1.397     |
| 174  | I'll Go Crazy if I Don't Go Crazy Tonight               |    5.61   |    1.873     |
| 175  | Heaven and Hell                                         |    5.57   |    1.971     |
| 176  | Down All the Days                                       |    5.57   |    2.063     |
| 177  | Boomerang II                                            |    5.57   |    2.150     |
| 178  | Is that All?                                            |    5.54   |    1.575     |
| 179  | Wave of Sorrow (Birdland)                               |    5.54   |    1.895     |
| 180  | I'm Not Your Baby                                       |    5.50   |    1.599     |
| 181  | Are You Gonna Wait Forever?                             |    5.50   |    1.599     |
| 182  | Some Days are Better than Others                        |    5.50   |    1.689     |
| 183  | Stranger in a Strange Land                              |    5.46   |    0.999     |
| 184  | Yoshino Blossom                                         |    5.46   |    1.688     |
| 185  | Alex Descends into Hell for a Bottle of Milk / Korova 1 |    5.46   |    1.795     |
| 186  | I Believe in Father Christmas                           |    5.46   |    1.835     |
| 187  | Flower Child                                            |    5.46   |    1.934     |
| 188  | Sixty Seconds in Kingdom Come                           |    5.43   |    1.894     |
| 189  | Neon Lights                                             |    5.39   |    1.595     |
| 190  | Wild Honey                                              |    5.36   |    1.909     |
| 191  | Boomerang I                                             |    5.36   |    2.004     |
| 192  | Love Rescue Me                                          |    5.36   |    2.198     |
| 193  | Endless Deep                                            |    5.32   |    1.362     |
| 194  | Race Against Time                                       |    5.32   |    1.765     |
| 195  | Deep in the Heart                                       |    5.29   |    1.843     |
| 196  | The Playboy Mansion                                     |    5.29   |    2.016     |
| 197  | Babyface                                                |    5.25   |    1.917     |
| 198  | A Room at the Heartbreak Hotel                          |    5.25   |    1.956     |
| 199  | North Star                                              |    5.25   |    1.993     |
| 200  | Yahweh                                                  |    5.25   |    2.222     |
| 201  | Slow Dancing (ft. Willie Nelson)                        |    5.21   |    1.931     |
| 202  | Another Day                                             |    5.18   |    1.362     |
| 203  | The Saints are Coming                                   |    5.14   |    2.068     |
| 204  | Treasure (Whatever Happened to Pete the Chop)           |    5.11   |    1.931     |
| 205  | Love You Like Mad                                       |    5.07   |    1.386     |
| 206  | Things to Make and Do                                   |    5.07   |    1.412     |
| 207  | Helter Skelter                                          |    5.07   |    1.804     |
| 208  | The Hands that Built America                            |    5.07   |    1.884     |
| 209  | The Refugee                                             |    5.07   |    1.942     |
| 210  | Street Mission                                          |    5.04   |    1.895     |
| 211  | Touch                                                   |    5.00   |    1.587     |
| 212  | Saturday Night                                          |    5.00   |    1.846     |
| 213  | Love and Peace or Else                                  |    5.00   |    2.177     |
| 214  | Theme from Let's Go Native                              |    4.96   |    1.915     |
| 215  | Pop Muzik                                               |    4.93   |    1.464     |
| 216  | Paint it Black                                          |    4.93   |    1.824     |
| 217  | Beautiful Ghost / Introductions to Songs of Experience  |    4.82   |    1.744     |
| 218  | All Because of You                                      |    4.82   |    2.019     |
| 219  | Instant Karma!                                          |    4.82   |    2.074     |
| 220  | Desert of Our Love                                      |    4.79   |    1.792     |
| 221  | Near the Island                                         |    4.79   |    1.950     |
| 222  | Get On Your Boots                                       |    4.79   |    2.007     |
| 223  | The Fool                                                |    4.79   |    2.043     |
| 224  | 4th of July                                             |    4.71   |    1.802     |
| 225  | Peace on Earth                                          |    4.71   |    1.883     |
| 226  | Rise Up                                                 |    4.71   |    1.922     |
| 227  | All Along the Watchtower                                |    4.68   |    1.588     |
| 228  | Speed of Life                                           |    4.64   |    1.789     |
| 229  | Boy/Girl                                                |    4.57   |    1.620     |
| 230  | One (ft. Mary J. Blige)                                 |    4.54   |    2.516     |
| 231  | Corpse (These Chains Are Too Long)                      |    4.50   |    1.972     |
| 232  | United Colours                                          |    4.50   |    2.046     |
| 233  | Angels Too Tied to the Ground                           |    4.43   |    1.814     |
| 234  | Miami                                                   |    4.43   |    2.116     |
| 235  | Red Light                                               |    4.39   |    2.043     |
| 236  | Theme from The Swan                                     |    4.32   |    1.847     |
| 237  | A Different Kind of Blue                                |    4.32   |    2.178     |
| 238  | Beat on the Brat                                        |    4.29   |    1.652     |
| 239  | Happiness is a Warm Gun                                 |    4.21   |    1.595     |
| 240  | Cartoon World                                           |    4.21   |    1.912     |
| 241  | Stranded (Haiti Mon Amour)                              |    4.14   |    1.820     |
| 242  | Plot 180                                                |    4.14   |    1.938     |
| 243  | Everybody Loves a Winner                                |    4.04   |    1.644     |
| 244  | Big Girls are Best                                      |    4.04   |    2.134     |
| 245  | Fortunate Son                                           |    4.00   |    1.700     |
| 246  | Don’t Take Your Guns to Town                            |    3.93   |    1.741     |
| 247  | Ito Okashi                                              |    3.79   |    1.969     |
| 248  | The Ballad of Ronnie Drew                               |    3.71   |    1.802     |
| 249  | Grace                                                   |    3.71   |    2.016     |
| 250  | J. Swallo                                               |    3.64   |    1.810     |
| 251  | Stand Up Comedy                                         |    3.50   |    1.876     |
| 252  | Viva Davidoff                                           |    2.82   |    1.611     |
| 253  | Elvis Ate America                                       |    2.54   |    1.815     |
| 254  | Drunk Chicken/America                                   |    2.50   |    1.732     |

All Non-Album Songs Ranked

In addition to ranking all of the songs, a filtered list has been created for all songs that did not appear on the album. Treat this as perhaps a somewhat blind admission from everyone of how they really feel about B-sides.

| Rank | Song Title                                              | Score     | Deviation    |
| 1    | Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me                    |    8.46   |    1.598     |
| 2    | Lady with the Spinning Head                             |    8.00   |    1.440     |
| 3    | Invisible                                               |    7.86   |    1.079     |
| 4    | The Ground Beneath Her Feet                             |    7.82   |    1.867     |
| 5    | Love Comes Tumbling                                     |    7.68   |    1.541     |
| 6    | 11 O'Clock Tick Tock                                    |    7.61   |    1.595     |
| 7    | Stateless                                               |    7.39   |    1.571     |
| 8    | The Crystal Ballroom                                    |    7.29   |    1.410     |
| 9    | Luminous Times (Hold on to Love)                        |    7.21   |    1.641     |
| 10   | Electrical Storm                                        |    7.18   |    1.467     |
| 11   | Mercy                                                   |    7.11   |    1.663     |
| 12   | Spanish Eyes                                            |    6.93   |    1.464     |
| 13   | North and South of the River                            |    6.79   |    1.663     |
| 14   | The Three Sunrises                                      |    6.75   |    1.956     |
| 15   | Sweetest Thing                                          |    6.75   |    2.066     |
| 16   | Fast Cars                                               |    6.68   |    1.492     |
| 17   | She's a Mystery to Me                                   |    6.61   |    1.969     |
| 18   | Walk to the Water                                       |    6.50   |    1.991     |
| 19   | Native Son                                              |    6.43   |    1.794     |
| 20   | Bass Trap                                               |    6.43   |    1.894     |
| 21   | Smile                                                   |    6.39   |    1.685     |
| 22   | Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)                       |    6.39   |    1.707     |
| 23   | Unchained Melody                                        |    6.36   |    1.870     |
| 24   | Dancing Barefoot                                        |    6.36   |    1.948     |
| 25   | Ordinary Love                                           |    6.32   |    1.611     |
| 26   | A Celebration                                           |    6.29   |    1.436     |
| 27   | Summer Rain                                             |    6.29   |    1.560     |
| 28   | Levitate                                                |    6.25   |    1.917     |
| 29   | Window in the Skies                                     |    6.18   |    1.926     |
| 30   | Disappearing Act                                        |    6.14   |    1.779     |
| 31   | Xanax and Wine                                          |    6.07   |    1.359     |
| 32   | Night and Day                                           |    6.07   |    2.210     |
| 33   | Winter                                                  |    6.04   |    1.732     |
| 34   | Two Shots of Happy, One Shot of Sad                     |    6.04   |    2.202     |
| 35   | Salome                                                  |    5.96   |    1.795     |
| 36   | Lucifer's Hands                                         |    5.93   |    1.331     |
| 37   | Everlasting Love                                        |    5.93   |    1.904     |
| 38   | Silver and Gold                                         |    5.93   |    2.142     |
| 39   | Satellite of Love                                       |    5.89   |    1.397     |
| 40   | Slow Dancing                                            |    5.89   |    1.663     |
| 41   | Hallelujah Here She Comes                               |    5.89   |    1.663     |
| 42   | Holy Joe                                                |    5.79   |    1.371     |
| 43   | Blow Your House Down                                    |    5.79   |    1.853     |
| 44   | Always                                                  |    5.75   |    1.691     |
| 45   | Oh Berlin                                               |    5.75   |    1.956     |
| 46   | Trash, Trampoline, and the Party Girl                   |    5.71   |    1.536     |
| 47   | Where Did it all Go Wrong?                              |    5.71   |    1.560     |
| 48   | Heaven and Hell                                         |    5.57   |    1.971     |
| 49   | Down All the Days                                       |    5.57   |    2.063     |
| 50   | Boomerang II                                            |    5.57   |    2.150     |
| 51   | Wave of Sorrow (Birdland)                               |    5.54   |    1.895     |
| 52   | I'm Not Your Baby                                       |    5.50   |    1.599     |
| 53   | Are You Gonna Wait Forever?                             |    5.50   |    1.599     |
| 54   | Yoshino Blossom                                         |    5.46   |    1.688     |
| 55   | Alex Descends into Hell for a Bottle of Milk / Korova 1 |    5.46   |    1.795     |
| 56   | I Believe in Father Christmas                           |    5.46   |    1.835     |
| 57   | Flower Child                                            |    5.46   |    1.934     |
| 58   | Sixty Seconds in Kingdom Come                           |    5.43   |    1.894     |
| 59   | Neon Lights                                             |    5.39   |    1.595     |
| 60   | Boomerang I                                             |    5.36   |    2.004     |
| 61   | Endless Deep                                            |    5.32   |    1.362     |
| 62   | Race Against Time                                       |    5.32   |    1.765     |
| 63   | Deep in the Heart                                       |    5.29   |    1.843     |
| 64   | A Room at the Heartbreak Hotel                          |    5.25   |    1.956     |
| 65   | North Star                                              |    5.25   |    1.993     |
| 66   | Slow Dancing (ft. Willie Nelson)                        |    5.21   |    1.931     |
| 67   | Another Day                                             |    5.18   |    1.362     |
| 68   | The Saints are Coming                                   |    5.14   |    2.068     |
| 69   | Treasure (Whatever Happened to Pete the Chop)           |    5.11   |    1.931     |
| 70   | Love You Like Mad                                       |    5.07   |    1.386     |
| 71   | Things to Make and Do                                   |    5.07   |    1.412     |
| 72   | The Hands that Built America                            |    5.07   |    1.884     |
| 73   | Street Mission                                          |    5.04   |    1.895     |
| 74   | Touch                                                   |    5.00   |    1.587     |
| 75   | Saturday Night                                          |    5.00   |    1.846     |
| 76   | Pop Muzik                                               |    4.93   |    1.464     |
| 77   | Paint it Black                                          |    4.93   |    1.824     |
| 78   | Beautiful Ghost / Introductions to Songs of Experience  |    4.82   |    1.744     |
| 79   | Instant Karma!                                          |    4.82   |    2.074     |
| 80   | Desert of Our Love                                      |    4.79   |    1.792     |
| 81   | Near the Island                                         |    4.79   |    1.950     |
| 82   | The Fool                                                |    4.79   |    2.043     |
| 83   | Rise Up                                                 |    4.71   |    1.922     |
| 84   | Speed of Life                                           |    4.64   |    1.789     |
| 85   | Boy/Girl                                                |    4.57   |    1.620     |
| 86   | One (ft. Mary J. Blige)                                 |    4.54   |    2.516     |
| 87   | Angels Too Tied to the Ground                           |    4.43   |    1.814     |
| 88   | Beat on the Brat                                        |    4.29   |    1.652     |
| 89   | Happiness is a Warm Gun                                 |    4.21   |    1.595     |
| 90   | Cartoon World                                           |    4.21   |    1.912     |
| 91   | Stranded (Haiti Mon Amour)                              |    4.14   |    1.820     |
| 92   | Everybody Loves a Winner                                |    4.04   |    1.644     |
| 93   | Big Girls are Best                                      |    4.04   |    2.134     |
| 94   | Fortunate Son                                           |    4.00   |    1.700     |
| 95   | Don’t Take Your Guns to Town                            |    3.93   |    1.741     |
| 96   | The Ballad of Ronnie Drew                               |    3.71   |    1.802     |
| 97   | J. Swallo                                               |    3.64   |    1.810     |
| 98   | Viva Davidoff                                           |    2.82   |    1.611     |
| 99   | Drunk Chicken/America                                   |    2.50   |    1.732     |
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All Albums Ranked

By taking the average score of every song on each album, I attempted to make a ranking of the albums and answer the age-old ranking question. There's actually some really, really fun results here.

Upon examining the initial results, I was curious about where the hard cutoffs could be drawn, so I started doing some tests. Here, you'll see a column entitled "Discernible from Two Prior?" This pretty much means I tested that row with the row two above it to see if they were for sure different (small side note, this is just over the equal clause. It becomes easier to prove that one is greater than the other). Much to my happiness, while everyone will forever fight over TJT and AB being #1 - one thing is for sure - they're at 1 and 2 by themselves and the numbers don't lie. Well, TUF might be up there, but nothing else! Also, we can put to bed the idea that ATYCLB is the "third masterpiece." The fans don't think so. Pop showed up very favorably, and OS-1 wins the cake as the worst U2 album, though technically, Bomb's distribution does overlap it. So, the population could very well find it to be worse.

| Rank | Album Title                     | Score     | Deviation    | Discernible from Two Prior?    |
| 1    | Achtung Baby                    |   8.435   |    1.4024    |              N/A               |
| 2    | The Joshua Tree                 |   8.432   |    1.3530    |              N/A               |
| 3    | The Unforgettable Fire          |   7.668   |    1.5576    |               NO               |
| 4    | Boy                             |   7.442   |    1.4541    |              YES               |
| 5    | War                             |   7.139   |    1.5666    |               NO               |
| 6    | Zooropa                         |   7.111   |    1.7783    |               NO               |
| 7    | Pop                             |   7.042   |    1.8071    |               NO               |
| 8    | Songs of Innocence              |   6.906   |    1.7405    |               NO               |
| 9    | Rattle and Hum                  |   6.786   |    1.6934    |               NO               |
| 10   | October                         |   6.568   |    1.5413    |               NO               |
| 11   | All That You Can't Leave Behind |   6.425   |    1.8056    |               NO               |
| 12   | No Line on the Horizon          |   6.357   |    1.8908    |               NO               |
| 13   | How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb |   6.247   |    1.8995    |               NO               |
| 14   | Original Soundtracks 1          |   5.181   |    1.9967    |              YES               |

A Look at Each Song

The following series of posts will contain charts depicting each song's histogram - a visual aid to show you all of the responses in one place. The first one is provided on the outside of the spoiler so you know what's in there.


1975-1990 Albums




1990-2000 Albums



2000+ Albums

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A Look at Each Song - Continued

2000+ Albums - Continued

Others/Non-Album Material



Others/Non-Album Material - Continued




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Demographics - Results

A total of six demographics were tested over - age, gender, nationality, post count, length of fandom, and number of shows seen. Of these, age, gender, post count, and length of fandom showed no indication of significance to how songs were scored. Nationality and number of shows seen produced significant results. As a small note, in instances such as age or post count, due to a small survey sample size, these results were broken up into ranges that allowed for an even amount of responses per range. The demographics section, with low responses, was hit the hardest. Luckily, some results still showed up!

Demographics Results - No Significance



Demographics Results - Significance
*The boxplot below shows a half-significant result. The range of 0-5 shows seen failed a hypothesis test due to the visible outlier point at the bottom, and was not significant from the group who had seen 11 or more shows, while the 6-10 group was. The 0-5 group was merged with the 6-10 group to produce significant results as shown in the figure immediately after.
Interestingly on this, it seems as though folks who have seen more shows are in a way jaded. Though that's just a theory open to discussion.


*When it came to nationalities, with our diverse web forum, we got plenty of results. There was a dichotomy - Europe and Asia tended to be higher on the scoring, while Oceania and North America tended to be more critical. Interesting tidbit to that - the folks in Oceania exhibited the most deviation, while the folks in North America exhibited the least. Yet we can't tell them apart!

Asia v Oceania Non-significant results
Asia v Europe Significant results
Asia v NorthAm Non-significant results
Oceania v Euro Significant results
Oceania v NoAm Non-significant results
Euro v NoAm Significant results


Extra – Honors and Disgraces

Here’s a list containing songs ranked in order of which received the most 10 point grades, followed by another list containing songs ranked in order of which received the most 1 point grades.

| Rank | Song Title                                    | Times Graded 10     |
| 1    | Bad                                           |          26         |
| 2    | Where the Streets Have No Name                |          24         |
| 3    | With or Without You                           |          20         |
| 4    | Until the End of the World                    |          17         |
| 5    | One                                           |          17         |
| 6    | New Year's Day                                |          15         |
| 7    | All I Want is You                             |          15         |
| 8    | Zooropa                                       |          14         |
| 9    | Stay (Faraway, So Close!)                     |          14         |
| 10   | The Fly                                       |          14         |
| 11   | The Unforgettable Fire                        |          13         |
| 12   | A Sort of Homecoming                          |          13         |
| 13   | Heartland                                     |          13         |
| 14   | Pride (in the Name of Love)                   |          12         |
| 15   | Sunday Bloody Sunday                          |          11         |
| 16   | Running to Stand Still                        |          11         |
| 17   | One Tree Hill                                 |          11         |
| 18   | Lemon                                         |          11         |
| 19   | I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For    |          11         |
| 20   | Gloria                                        |          11         |
| 21   | Love is Blindness                             |          9          |
| 22   | Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me          |          9          |
| 23   | Gone                                          |          8          |
| 24   | Beautiful Day                                 |          8          |
| 25   | Acrobat                                       |          8          |
| 26   | Ultraviolet (Light My Way)                    |          7          |
| 27   | Promenade                                     |          7          |
| 28   | Please                                        |          7          |
| 29   | Mysterious Ways                               |          7          |
| 30   | Moment of Surrender                           |          7          |
| 31   | I Will Follow                                 |          7          |
| 32   | Your Blue Room                                |          6          |
| 33   | The Troubles                                  |          6          |
| 34   | Out of Control                                |          6          |
| 35   | Kite                                          |          6          |
| 36   | Exit                                          |          6          |
| 37   | Mofo                                          |          5          |
| 38   | The Electric Co.                              |          5          |
| 39   | Zoo Station                                   |          4          |
| 40   | Red Hill Mining Town                          |          4          |
| 41   | Mothers of the Disappeared                    |          4          |
| 42   | Love Comes Tumbling                           |          4          |
| 43   | Lady with the Spinning Head                   |          4          |
| 44   | In God's Country                              |          4          |
| 45   | Every Breaking Wave                           |          4          |
| 46   | Drowning Man                                  |          4          |
| 47   | City of Blinding Lights                       |          4          |
| 48   | An Cat Dubh                                   |          4          |
| 49   | 11 O'Clock Tick Tock                          |          4          |
| 50   | Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses             |          3          |
| 51   | Two Hearts Beat as One                        |          3          |
| 52   | So Cruel                                      |          3          |
| 53   | Slug                                          |          3          |
| 54   | Rejoice                                       |          3          |
| 55   | October                                       |          3          |
| 56   | Last Night on Earth                           |          3          |
| 57   | Into the Heart                                |          3          |
| 58   | If You Wear that Velvet Dress                 |          3          |
| 59   | Angel of Harlem                               |          3          |
| 60   | Wire                                          |          2          |
| 61   | When I Look at the World                      |          2          |
| 62   | The Wanderer                                  |          2          |
| 63   | Walk On                                       |          2          |
| 64   | The Three Sunrises                            |          2          |
| 65   | Stateless                                     |          2          |
| 66   | Song for Someone                              |          2          |
| 67   | She's a Mystery to Me                         |          2          |
| 68   | Miss Sarajevo                                 |          2          |
| 69   | Magnificent                                   |          2          |
| 70   | Like a Song…                                  |          2          |
| 71   | Indian Summer Sky                             |          2          |
| 72   | Hawkmoon 269                                  |          2          |
| 73   | The Ground Beneath Her Feet                   |          2          |
| 74   | Even Better than the Real Thing               |          2          |
| 75   | Elvis Presley and America                     |          2          |
| 76   | Electrical Storm                              |          2          |
| 77   | Do You Feel Loved                             |          2          |
| 78   | Discotheque                                   |          2          |
| 79   | Dancing Barefoot                              |          2          |
| 80   | Bullet the Blue Sky                           |          2          |
| 81   | Beach Sequence                                |          2          |
| 82   | "40"                                          |          2          |
| 83   | Yahweh                                        |          1          |
| 84   | Window in the Skies                           |          1          |
| 85   | Walk to the Water                             |          1          |
| 86   | Wake Up Dead Man                              |          1          |
| 87   | Vertigo                                       |          1          |
| 88   | United Colours                                |          1          |
| 89   | Twilight                                      |          1          |
| 90   | Tryin' to Throw Your Arms Around the World    |          1          |
| 91   | Treasure (Whatever Happened to Pete the Chop) |          1          |
| 92   | Trash, Trampoline, and the Party Girl         |          1          |
| 93   | Tomorrow                                      |          1          |
| 94   | Sweetest Thing                                |          1          |
| 95   | Summer Rain                                   |          1          |
| 96   | Spanish Eyes                                  |          1          |
| 97   | Sometimes You Can't Make it on Your Own       |          1          |
| 98   | Smile                                         |          1          |
| 99   | Sleep Like a Baby Tonight                     |          1          |
| 100  | Shadows and Tall Trees                        |          1          |
| 101  | Raised by Wolves                              |          1          |
| 102  | The Playboy Mansion                           |          1          |
| 103  | Original of the Species                       |          1          |
| 104  | Numb                                          |          1          |
| 105  | North and South of the River                  |          1          |
| 106  | No Line on the Horizon                        |          1          |
| 107  | Night and Day                                 |          1          |
| 108  | Native Son                                    |          1          |
| 109  | Miracle Drug                                  |          1          |
| 110  | Mercy                                         |          1          |
| 111  | A Man and a Woman                             |          1          |
| 112  | Iris (Hold Me Close)                          |          1          |
| 113  | If God Will Send His Angels                   |          1          |
| 114  | Heaven and Hell                               |          1          |
| 115  | God Part II                                   |          1          |
| 116  | Flower Child                                  |          1          |
| 117  | Disappearing Act                              |          1          |
| 118  | Dirty Day                                     |          1          |
| 119  | Desire                                        |          1          |
| 120  | Deep in the Heart                             |          1          |
| 121  | A Day Without Me                              |          1          |
| 122  | Daddy's Gonna Pay for Your Crashed Car        |          1          |
| 123  | The Crystal Ballroom                          |          1          |
| 124  | Crumbs from Your Table                        |          1          |
| 125  | Breathe                                       |          1          |
| 126  | Boomerang II                                  |          1          |
| 127  | Blow Your House Down                          |          1          |
| 128  | Bass Trap                                     |          1          |
| 129  | Another Time, Another Place                   |          1          |
| 130  | Always Forever Now                            |          1          |
| 131  | 4th of July                                   |          1          |
| Rank | Song Title                                              | Times Graded 1     |
| 1    | Elvis Ate America                                       |         12         |
| 2    | Drunk Chicken/America                                   |         11         |
| 3    | Viva Davidoff                                           |         7          |
| 4    | Ito Okashi                                              |         6          |
| 5    | Stand Up Comedy                                         |         5          |
| 6    | Grace                                                   |         5          |
| 7    | A Different Kind of Blue                                |         5          |
| 8    | One (ft. Mary J. Blige)                                 |         4          |
| 9    | Miami                                                   |         4          |
| 10   | Big Girls are Best                                      |         4          |
| 11   | The Ballad of Ronnie Drew                               |         4          |
| 12   | Yahweh                                                  |         3          |
| 13   | Red Light                                               |         3          |
| 14   | Love and Peace or Else                                  |         3          |
| 15   | Love Rescue Me                                          |         3          |
| 16   | J. Swallo                                               |         3          |
| 17   | Fortunate Son                                           |         3          |
| 18   | Don’t Take Your Guns to Town                            |         3          |
| 19   | White as Snow                                           |         2          |
| 20   | United Colours                                          |         2          |
| 21   | Stranded (Haiti Mon Amour)                              |         2          |
| 22   | Silver and Gold                                         |         2          |
| 23   | The Saints are Coming                                   |         2          |
| 24   | A Room at the Heartbreak Hotel                          |         2          |
| 25   | Rise Up                                                 |         2          |
| 26   | The Refugee                                             |         2          |
| 27   | Helter Skelter                                          |         2          |
| 28   | Get On Your Boots                                       |         2          |
| 29   | The Fool                                                |         2          |
| 30   | Corpse (These Chains Are Too Long)                      |         2          |
| 31   | Cedars of Lebanon                                       |         2          |
| 32   | Cartoon World                                           |         2          |
| 33   | Boy/Girl                                                |         2          |
| 34   | Angels Too Tied to the Ground                           |         2          |
| 35   | All Because of You                                      |         2          |
| 36   | With a Shout                                            |         1          |
| 37   | Winter                                                  |         1          |
| 38   | Wave of Sorrow (Birdland)                               |         1          |
| 39   | Walk to the Water                                       |         1          |
| 40   | Wake Up Dead Man                                        |         1          |
| 41   | Vertigo                                                 |         1          |
| 42   | Van Diemen's Land                                       |         1          |
| 43   | Unknown Caller                                          |         1          |
| 44   | Unchained Melody                                        |         1          |
| 45   | Ultraviolet (Light My Way)                              |         1          |
| 46   | Two Shots of Happy, One Shot of Sad                     |         1          |
| 47   | The Troubles                                            |         1          |
| 48   | Trip Through Your Wires                                 |         1          |
| 49   | Touch                                                   |         1          |
| 50   | The Three Sunrises                                      |         1          |
| 51   | Theme from The Swan                                     |         1          |
| 52   | Theme from Let's Go Native                              |         1          |
| 53   | Stuck in a Moment You Can't Get Out Of                  |         1          |
| 54   | Street Mission                                          |         1          |
| 55   | Speed of Life                                           |         1          |
| 56   | Song for Someone                                        |         1          |
| 57   | So Cruel                                                |         1          |
| 58   | Slow Dancing (ft. Willie Nelson)                        |         1          |
| 59   | Plot 180                                                |         1          |
| 60   | Peace on Earth                                          |         1          |
| 61   | Paint it Black                                          |         1          |
| 62   | Original of the Species                                 |         1          |
| 63   | Oh Berlin                                               |         1          |
| 64   | Numb                                                    |         1          |
| 65   | North Star                                              |         1          |
| 66   | Near the Island                                         |         1          |
| 67   | The Miracle (of Joey Ramone)                            |         1          |
| 68   | Instant Karma!                                          |         1          |
| 69   | In a Little While                                       |         1          |
| 70   | I'm Not Your Baby                                       |         1          |
| 71   | I'll Go Crazy if I Don't Go Crazy Tonight               |         1          |
| 72   | I Believe in Father Christmas                           |         1          |
| 73   | Heaven and Hell                                         |         1          |
| 74   | Happiness is a Warm Gun                                 |         1          |
| 75   | The Hands that Built America                            |         1          |
| 76   | The Ground Beneath Her Feet                             |         1          |
| 77   | God Part II                                             |         1          |
| 78   | Everybody Loves a Winner                                |         1          |
| 79   | Everlasting Love                                        |         1          |
| 80   | Elvis Presley and America                               |         1          |
| 81   | Down All the Days                                       |         1          |
| 82   | Breathe                                                 |         1          |
| 83   | Blow Your House Down                                    |         1          |
| 84   | Beat on the Brat                                        |         1          |
| 85   | Beach Sequence                                          |         1          |
| 86   | Babyface                                                |         1          |
| 87   | All Along the Watchtower                                |         1          |
| 88   | Alex Descends into Hell for a Bottle of Milk / Korova 1 |         1          |
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Thanks for this amazing work.

I don't want to comment on anything until I've taken a more in-depth read, other than to mock Oceania for being just like us. Neener neener neeener.
Aww yeah, cynical Oceania represent. (It's probably my fault.)

This is amazing, man. Love this a lot. I'll have more thoughts in time. Preliminary thoughts: the song ranking is solid, love how high ASOH is, great placing for One Tree Hill, and the love for Streets, Bad, and WOWY is unbelievably solid. The album ranking is pretty good too, I never expected Boy to come fourth or October to beat every post-Pop album except SOI. You'd never get a result like that in Survivor.

Though on the histograms, I don't seem to be seeing 1s, like where's my 1 for Ultra Violet?
Though on the histograms, I don't seem to be seeing 1s, like where's my 1 for Ultra Violet?

Just a mild binning error when creating the histograms. No 1s are showing anywhere, but it's just a visualization thing.

Those histograms were the death of me. As you see, some of them automatically have decimal points on the axis (the large "other" images with extra charts). They absolutely did not want to cooperate with me. Why it's not showing any 1s? Not sure, but not surprised at all. I went and cross-referenced the values used in the histograms with the values used in the rankings and the values present in the original data sheet... they're all exactly the same. Suppose the bin for 1 was eaten by the axis ?? but yeah, don't fret, your 1s are still very impactful [emoji23]
Streets' standard deviation is cult-like.

Thanks for doing this, LN7! I was going to do a ballot, but there were far too many tracks I felt I needed to revisit.
Thanks for putting the work in LN7! Very much appreciated. I’ll be spending more time with this, but I immediately wanted to know how this all translated to album rankings. Shock & awe at the power of Boy! I love it! Yes yes yes!
Album rankings were calculated by taking the average of each average song score directly on album, and the magnitude of their deviations.
Album rankings were calculated by taking the average of each average song score directly on album, and the magnitude of their deviations.

Love the data! So interesting to see the albums ranked this way. I did my own album ranking based on average song score and it came out different from how I would have ranked them intuitively.

Can you explain a little more about how the magnitude of deviation figured into it?
Love the data! So interesting to see the albums ranked this way. I did my own album ranking based on average song score and it came out different from how I would have ranked them intuitively.

Can you explain a little more about how the magnitude of deviation figured into it?

Well so of course this album ranking more accurately describes "the order in which fans think content is better on." Since the question wasn't asked directly, it's inferred. This is nice in that it took biases away, but nothing is stopping someone from saying "well I like all the songs on AB but TUF flows nicer" or whatever. So yeah, this album ranking is more literally a collection of individual content values.

The magnitude of deviation here is just a way of pooling statistics. A standard deviation of standard deviations. Basically, we want to know how each album deviated, as a function of an average of averages. You can then use that same parameter to see how it compares to other albums, and test whether two of them are discernibly different (or at least whether one is guaranteed to be greater than the other data set). So, with that ranking, you see a triggered "YES" at Boy. The distributions of Boy and Achtung Baby, to a high significance, were found to have been different numbers. Achtung Baby and TJT's distributions were tested and to the same significance, definitely larger or equal to than TUF's distribution, but it couldn't be said for certain that they weren't maybe equal, at least with numbers.
Whoa... I appreciate all the time and effort you put into this!

Initial album ranking reactions:
-happy to not see SoI in the lower tier ;p
-the October songs receive significantly more love from this community than they do from me lol
Been hanging to see the results and will take the time to have a proper study over the next few days - thanks so much.
who's the deaf person who gave boots a 10? not even going to touch the absurd ratings in the non-album section (big girls are best is a 10? on the same level as the very best songs of their whole career? drunk chicken/america? really??).

on the flip side of that coin, who are the dipshits who rated lemon, one, mofo and please at 2?

beach sequence got more 10s than miss sarajevo?

and i'm seriously the only person who gave 4th of july anything above a 7?

would love to see the distribution of 1s if we can get that info.
who's the deaf person who gave boots a 10? not even going to touch the absurd ratings in the non-album section (big girls are best is a 10? on the same level as the very best songs of their whole career? drunk chicken/america? really??).

on the flip side of that coin, who are the dipshits who rated lemon, one, mofo and please at 2?

beach sequence got more 10s than miss sarajevo?

and i'm seriously the only person who gave 4th of july anything above a 7?

would love to see the distribution of 1s if we can get that info.

Ok so I looked into this, because yes, Drunk Chicken was suspicious.

As it turns out, it was not two of you, but three of you who thought reordering your surveys was a good idea. In a matrix of 254x28, it's incredibly hard for me to spot these things. But I just went through each and every submission (again). As you guys can tell, a few things have slipped my books. Sorry about that.

Just spent the past hour or two brushing this up. I feel like this is a version release announcement... luckily 28 submissions is enough such that there was no catastrophe, but there's absolutely no way I was going to wave my hands and say "well its something like what you see." I fixed it. I'm re-updating all the rankings. There was some movement around the middle of the pack (bound to happen when you swap out 2s for 10s), but largely everything remained the same. I'm not going to repeat demographic analysis, as a 1/28th change in deviation is highly unlikely to impact results, as the lack of results were largely determined by the small sample size.

Anyways, I wrote a really sloppy but really effective code, so recreating all of these graphs was not nearly as difficult as it was the first time over. Good news though! I took the time to fix the binning error, so you'll see the 1s as well. And, on top of that, I added a new little function to show you all which songs got 10s and 1s most.

Standby for potential moderator action so I can update the first post.
While we await moderator action, here are the two new lists:

Extra – Honors and Disgraces

Here’s a list containing songs ranked in order of which received the most 10 point grades,:
| Rank | Song Title                                    | Times Graded 10     |
| 1    | Bad                                           |          26         |
| 2    | Where the Streets Have No Name                |          24         |
| 3    | With or Without You                           |          20         |
| 4    | Until the End of the World                    |          17         |
| 5    | One                                           |          17         |
| 6    | New Year's Day                                |          15         |
| 7    | All I Want is You                             |          15         |
| 8    | Zooropa                                       |          14         |
| 9    | Stay (Faraway, So Close!)                     |          14         |
| 10   | The Fly                                       |          14         |
| 11   | The Unforgettable Fire                        |          13         |
| 12   | A Sort of Homecoming                          |          13         |
| 13   | Heartland                                     |          13         |
| 14   | Pride (in the Name of Love)                   |          12         |
| 15   | Sunday Bloody Sunday                          |          11         |
| 16   | Running to Stand Still                        |          11         |
| 17   | One Tree Hill                                 |          11         |
| 18   | Lemon                                         |          11         |
| 19   | I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For    |          11         |
| 20   | Gloria                                        |          11         |
| 21   | Love is Blindness                             |          9          |
| 22   | Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me          |          9          |
| 23   | Gone                                          |          8          |
| 24   | Beautiful Day                                 |          8          |
| 25   | Acrobat                                       |          8          |
| 26   | Ultraviolet (Light My Way)                    |          7          |
| 27   | Promenade                                     |          7          |
| 28   | Please                                        |          7          |
| 29   | Mysterious Ways                               |          7          |
| 30   | Moment of Surrender                           |          7          |
| 31   | I Will Follow                                 |          7          |
| 32   | Your Blue Room                                |          6          |
| 33   | The Troubles                                  |          6          |
| 34   | Out of Control                                |          6          |
| 35   | Kite                                          |          6          |
| 36   | Exit                                          |          6          |
| 37   | Mofo                                          |          5          |
| 38   | The Electric Co.                              |          5          |
| 39   | Zoo Station                                   |          4          |
| 40   | Red Hill Mining Town                          |          4          |
| 41   | Mothers of the Disappeared                    |          4          |
| 42   | Love Comes Tumbling                           |          4          |
| 43   | Lady with the Spinning Head                   |          4          |
| 44   | In God's Country                              |          4          |
| 45   | Every Breaking Wave                           |          4          |
| 46   | Drowning Man                                  |          4          |
| 47   | City of Blinding Lights                       |          4          |
| 48   | An Cat Dubh                                   |          4          |
| 49   | 11 O'Clock Tick Tock                          |          4          |
| 50   | Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses             |          3          |
| 51   | Two Hearts Beat as One                        |          3          |
| 52   | So Cruel                                      |          3          |
| 53   | Slug                                          |          3          |
| 54   | Rejoice                                       |          3          |
| 55   | October                                       |          3          |
| 56   | Last Night on Earth                           |          3          |
| 57   | Into the Heart                                |          3          |
| 58   | If You Wear that Velvet Dress                 |          3          |
| 59   | Angel of Harlem                               |          3          |
| 60   | Wire                                          |          2          |
| 61   | When I Look at the World                      |          2          |
| 62   | The Wanderer                                  |          2          |
| 63   | Walk On                                       |          2          |
| 64   | The Three Sunrises                            |          2          |
| 65   | Stateless                                     |          2          |
| 66   | Song for Someone                              |          2          |
| 67   | She's a Mystery to Me                         |          2          |
| 68   | Miss Sarajevo                                 |          2          |
| 69   | Magnificent                                   |          2          |
| 70   | Like a Song…                                  |          2          |
| 71   | Indian Summer Sky                             |          2          |
| 72   | Hawkmoon 269                                  |          2          |
| 73   | The Ground Beneath Her Feet                   |          2          |
| 74   | Even Better than the Real Thing               |          2          |
| 75   | Elvis Presley and America                     |          2          |
| 76   | Electrical Storm                              |          2          |
| 77   | Do You Feel Loved                             |          2          |
| 78   | Discotheque                                   |          2          |
| 79   | Dancing Barefoot                              |          2          |
| 80   | Bullet the Blue Sky                           |          2          |
| 81   | Beach Sequence                                |          2          |
| 82   | "40"                                          |          2          |
| 83   | Yahweh                                        |          1          |
| 84   | Window in the Skies                           |          1          |
| 85   | Walk to the Water                             |          1          |
| 86   | Wake Up Dead Man                              |          1          |
| 87   | Vertigo                                       |          1          |
| 88   | United Colours                                |          1          |
| 89   | Twilight                                      |          1          |
| 90   | Tryin' to Throw Your Arms Around the World    |          1          |
| 91   | Treasure (Whatever Happened to Pete the Chop) |          1          |
| 92   | Trash, Trampoline, and the Party Girl         |          1          |
| 93   | Tomorrow                                      |          1          |
| 94   | Sweetest Thing                                |          1          |
| 95   | Summer Rain                                   |          1          |
| 96   | Spanish Eyes                                  |          1          |
| 97   | Sometimes You Can't Make it on Your Own       |          1          |
| 98   | Smile                                         |          1          |
| 99   | Sleep Like a Baby Tonight                     |          1          |
| 100  | Shadows and Tall Trees                        |          1          |
| 101  | Raised by Wolves                              |          1          |
| 102  | The Playboy Mansion                           |          1          |
| 103  | Original of the Species                       |          1          |
| 104  | Numb                                          |          1          |
| 105  | North and South of the River                  |          1          |
| 106  | No Line on the Horizon                        |          1          |
| 107  | Night and Day                                 |          1          |
| 108  | Native Son                                    |          1          |
| 109  | Miracle Drug                                  |          1          |
| 110  | Mercy                                         |          1          |
| 111  | A Man and a Woman                             |          1          |
| 112  | Iris (Hold Me Close)                          |          1          |
| 113  | If God Will Send His Angels                   |          1          |
| 114  | Heaven and Hell                               |          1          |
| 115  | God Part II                                   |          1          |
| 116  | Flower Child                                  |          1          |
| 117  | Disappearing Act                              |          1          |
| 118  | Dirty Day                                     |          1          |
| 119  | Desire                                        |          1          |
| 120  | Deep in the Heart                             |          1          |
| 121  | A Day Without Me                              |          1          |
| 122  | Daddy's Gonna Pay for Your Crashed Car        |          1          |
| 123  | The Crystal Ballroom                          |          1          |
| 124  | Crumbs from Your Table                        |          1          |
| 125  | Breathe                                       |          1          |
| 126  | Boomerang II                                  |          1          |
| 127  | Blow Your House Down                          |          1          |
| 128  | Bass Trap                                     |          1          |
| 129  | Another Time, Another Place                   |          1          |
| 130  | Always Forever Now                            |          1          |
| 131  | 4th of July                                   |          1          |

And another list containing songs ranked in order of which received the most 1 point grades.
| Rank | Song Title                                              | Times Graded 1     |
| 1    | Elvis Ate America                                       |         12         |
| 2    | Drunk Chicken/America                                   |         11         |
| 3    | Viva Davidoff                                           |         7          |
| 4    | Ito Okashi                                              |         6          |
| 5    | Stand Up Comedy                                         |         5          |
| 6    | Grace                                                   |         5          |
| 7    | A Different Kind of Blue                                |         5          |
| 8    | One (ft. Mary J. Blige)                                 |         4          |
| 9    | Miami                                                   |         4          |
| 10   | Big Girls are Best                                      |         4          |
| 11   | The Ballad of Ronnie Drew                               |         4          |
| 12   | Yahweh                                                  |         3          |
| 13   | Red Light                                               |         3          |
| 14   | Love and Peace or Else                                  |         3          |
| 15   | Love Rescue Me                                          |         3          |
| 16   | J. Swallo                                               |         3          |
| 17   | Fortunate Son                                           |         3          |
| 18   | Don’t Take Your Guns to Town                            |         3          |
| 19   | White as Snow                                           |         2          |
| 20   | United Colours                                          |         2          |
| 21   | Stranded (Haiti Mon Amour)                              |         2          |
| 22   | Silver and Gold                                         |         2          |
| 23   | The Saints are Coming                                   |         2          |
| 24   | A Room at the Heartbreak Hotel                          |         2          |
| 25   | Rise Up                                                 |         2          |
| 26   | The Refugee                                             |         2          |
| 27   | Helter Skelter                                          |         2          |
| 28   | Get On Your Boots                                       |         2          |
| 29   | The Fool                                                |         2          |
| 30   | Corpse (These Chains Are Too Long)                      |         2          |
| 31   | Cedars of Lebanon                                       |         2          |
| 32   | Cartoon World                                           |         2          |
| 33   | Boy/Girl                                                |         2          |
| 34   | Angels Too Tied to the Ground                           |         2          |
| 35   | All Because of You                                      |         2          |
| 36   | With a Shout                                            |         1          |
| 37   | Winter                                                  |         1          |
| 38   | Wave of Sorrow (Birdland)                               |         1          |
| 39   | Walk to the Water                                       |         1          |
| 40   | Wake Up Dead Man                                        |         1          |
| 41   | Vertigo                                                 |         1          |
| 42   | Van Diemen's Land                                       |         1          |
| 43   | Unknown Caller                                          |         1          |
| 44   | Unchained Melody                                        |         1          |
| 45   | Ultraviolet (Light My Way)                              |         1          |
| 46   | Two Shots of Happy, One Shot of Sad                     |         1          |
| 47   | The Troubles                                            |         1          |
| 48   | Trip Through Your Wires                                 |         1          |
| 49   | Touch                                                   |         1          |
| 50   | The Three Sunrises                                      |         1          |
| 51   | Theme from The Swan                                     |         1          |
| 52   | Theme from Let's Go Native                              |         1          |
| 53   | Stuck in a Moment You Can't Get Out Of                  |         1          |
| 54   | Street Mission                                          |         1          |
| 55   | Speed of Life                                           |         1          |
| 56   | Song for Someone                                        |         1          |
| 57   | So Cruel                                                |         1          |
| 58   | Slow Dancing (ft. Willie Nelson)                        |         1          |
| 59   | Plot 180                                                |         1          |
| 60   | Peace on Earth                                          |         1          |
| 61   | Paint it Black                                          |         1          |
| 62   | Original of the Species                                 |         1          |
| 63   | Oh Berlin                                               |         1          |
| 64   | Numb                                                    |         1          |
| 65   | North Star                                              |         1          |
| 66   | Near the Island                                         |         1          |
| 67   | The Miracle (of Joey Ramone)                            |         1          |
| 68   | Instant Karma!                                          |         1          |
| 69   | In a Little While                                       |         1          |
| 70   | I'm Not Your Baby                                       |         1          |
| 71   | I'll Go Crazy if I Don't Go Crazy Tonight               |         1          |
| 72   | I Believe in Father Christmas                           |         1          |
| 73   | Heaven and Hell                                         |         1          |
| 74   | Happiness is a Warm Gun                                 |         1          |
| 75   | The Hands that Built America                            |         1          |
| 76   | The Ground Beneath Her Feet                             |         1          |
| 77   | God Part II                                             |         1          |
| 78   | Everybody Loves a Winner                                |         1          |
| 79   | Everlasting Love                                        |         1          |
| 80   | Elvis Presley and America                               |         1          |
| 81   | Down All the Days                                       |         1          |
| 82   | Breathe                                                 |         1          |
| 83   | Blow Your House Down                                    |         1          |
| 84   | Beat on the Brat                                        |         1          |
| 85   | Beach Sequence                                          |         1          |
| 86   | Babyface                                                |         1          |
| 87   | All Along the Watchtower                                |         1          |
| 88   | Alex Descends into Hell for a Bottle of Milk / Korova 1 |         1          |
Only a fucking idiot would rate Elvis Ate America so low. It's a funny throwaway song, it's ridiculous how hated it is.

Also how the FUCK did A Different Kind of Blue get FIVE ones?! You people fucking suck.
Also, Boots getting a 10 wasn't an error.

I'm terribly sorry.


the numbers are fixed and axver is still a dipshit. all is right with the world ;)


I'm going to fight some of you for your awful 1s. And it's interesting that a number of songs garnered 10s from a majority of submissions, but not a single song got 1s from a majority.
And shut up Cobbler, Elvis Ate America is literally the worst song associated with U2.

Yes, even worse than Stranded (Haiti Mon Amour).
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