PGP-Party like its 1999! ;)

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Night Jem :hug:
Night Wild :hug:

I shouldn't be sitting here saying night to people an hour behind me :lol:
I got my beloved laptop back yesterday, and haven't had a chance to play around with it properly yet, so I'm gonna head off and do that before I go to bed

Night everyone :hug:
ahhh ok!
gosh have you ever watched a movie
but kept changing the channel because
you were afraid of what was going to
happen then turned back to see if it did??
Sad_Girl said:
not great having a bad night

just generally miserable

don't feel good



:adam: Here luv, let me hold you and make you feel better...
HI girls :wave: :heart:

SG :hug: :heart: :kiss: Sorry your not feeling to well. {{{clone love}}

I thought my modem had died but it was just my power pack that everything is hooked into. But now damn MSN hates me and won't let me back on. :madwife:
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