Pearl Jam Discussion Part 3

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Not that I expect anyone to care, lol. But I covered “Waiting for Stevie” during my show with my little side trio last night and people were really vibing with the song.
Not that I expect anyone to care, lol. But I covered “Waiting for Stevie” during my show with my little side trio last night and people were really vibing with the song.
Is the drummer OK?
He looks and sounds old in that clip.

I listened to the album and really enjoyed a few tracks - Waiting for Stevie is indeed sensational (reminded of Eddie by RHCP - another old band making a really fucking great song in reference to a huge figure), I really liked Wreckage too. Won't Tell is great, just a U2 song. I'd be happy to hear these tracks live. I don't think I'll ever listen to the album again.
I've listened to very little live Pearl Jam, so I have nothing to compare it to, but my first impression was that Eddie sounded great for being near 60. Maybe its just Howard Stern's studio. They always seem to have a really great sound mix on the clips.
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They weren't in Howard's studio, they were in their own rehearsal space at PJ HQ in Seattle. 6AM no less.
Oh shit. That was a sweet spot to rehearse. Ok, so after listening to Dark Matter at least 30 times, this album is now one of my favorites. There's not one song that I would skip and I have several favorites.

Here is my Top 5:

1- Stevie
2- Got to Give
3- Setting Sun
4- Won't Tell
5- Upper Hand

The other 6 are great too, but you gotta have a Top 5, right?

To put it simply: This album kicks motherfuckin' ass!
Oh shit. That was a sweet spot to rehearse. Ok, so after listening to Dark Matter at least 30 times, this album is now one of my favorites. There's not one song that I would skip and I have several favorites.

Here is my Top 5:

1- Stevie
2- Got to Give
3- Setting Sun
4- Won't Tell
5- Upper Hand

The other 6 are great too, but you gotta have a Top 5, right?

To put it simply: This album kicks motherfuckin' ass!
Big fan of the last 2 songs as well. Stevie might have become a classic Pearl Jam song. The guitar solo just kills.

I agree. I think this album is top tier in their career.
Screen is kinda not their thing and they could’ve sold tix behind the stage like usual.
There's a bit of "Just when I thought I was out, THEY PULL ME BACK IN!" feeling about Dark Matter that is lurking in the background when I listen to it. And I'm not thinking only about the entirety of the album, I am talking about how the individual songs develop. There is a couple of tracks in there that start underwhelming, but then they surprise me with a big emotional crescendo - talking about Got To Give and Setting Sun especially - that totally redeem the subpar intros.

Ultimately, I think this is probably as good as neo-Pearl Jam can get. The post-Into the Wild era, where Vedder went all-in with the Springsteen/Petty-tinged heartland rock, along with folky/country influences, was not the direction I was particularly interested to follow. And there is still plenty of cheesy Sirens dad rock shit in here - Wreckage and Something Special in particular - that remind me where this band is at. Some of Vedder's newer vocal inflections that tend to annoy me are still there, but all things considered, that voice is still powerful.

They do sound reenergized - Gossard in particular (who was satisfied on previous records with pulling out mediocre stuff like Let the Records Play and Buckle Up) - and there is a momentum to the record that was missing for the past three albums. They sound more like a band than a bunch of jaded colleagues who add some instrumentation to a song already fully written and shaped in demo stages by one band member. I do miss the occassional flash of fresh inspiration in songs like Pendulum and Dance of the Clairvoyants which did not make those last two albums a complete waste of time, but at least this new one is more consistent in songwriting.

Waiting for Stevie is a huge song to have after 33+ years of existence, they finally found a very good closer again in Setting Sun (they were so good with closers in their heyday), Scared of Fear is a high-energy opener, Dark Matter is a pretty nice headbanging tune, and Won't Tell - despite the corny lyrics - is a fun little U2/The Cure hybrid. Andrew Watt did bring out an energy and zeal in them that was missing for some time. Matt Cameron especially does some of his best PJ-related work. I wish McCready sounded more inspired than what he brought with some of these noodling solos, yet it is a good thing that some of the unforgettable live lead guitar energy has leaked onto the studio recording.

So yeah, for a Pearl Jam album in 2024, this is a solid listen. I have not given up on the record after a couple of days as I did for Lightning Bolt and Gigaton, which apart from a few tracks, are albums I don't plan to listen ever again. It does not feel lightweight and underwhelming as Backspacer either.

I don't think it comes close to any of the albums that came before Backspacer, but it is a pleasant listen and I will be happy to hear some of these songs at the upcoming shows in Barcelona. The production hurts it a bit - sonically it is quite loud and muddy, and the snare sound takes a bit getting used to - yet one can sense many of these songs will be strong live. Unlike the last three records, they might stick with these tracks longer as the tour progresses.
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It's the Captain Underpants World Tour.

This is the third European tour in a row that had cancellations or postponements. The 2nd London show in 2018 was postponed, while three shows in 2022 (Vienna, Prague and Amsterdam) were cancelled, and all at the last minute. I remember checking in at the hotel in Vienna and getting the news hours before the show.

Vedder should start getting better care of himself if he wants to continue with this. Less boozing and smoking for one.

Combined with the ticket price fiasco (some of the European shows - which in particular included London - are selling badly), the fans are slowly turning sour on this tour.

Hoping Berlin and Barcelona shows do take place, especially since I have tickets for the latter.
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