New Album Discussion/Speculation Continued...

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While my hopes are fading for a 2013 release (was a strong believer of it up until a couple days ago) I can totally see them releasing the album in 2014 but in the fall. Didn't someone from the U2 camp, PM? Mention they didn't want to release an album
In winter/spring? And given the relitive lack of success an their albums released in spring and given that they are so concerned about sales and being relevant, I really think fall 2014 is it! 1 more year which sucks but I'll keep myself entertained with other music so no biggie. Just my opinion.

Personally I don't think they will wait that long, and if they did it would be completely foolhardy on their behalf. If they want relevance the album needs to come out sooner, before people forget who they are.
Besides, the album is seemingly done and they aren't just going to sit on it and twiddle their thumbs for 12 months.
Pop and NLOTH had average sales, but both of those albums lacked hit singles or good reviews from the general public, it wasn't necessarily the release date that was the problem, more the perceived quality of the album.
The longer they delay, the bigger the expectations. The bigger the expectations, the longer they delay (trying to meet those gargantuan expectations). It's like a vicious cycle. One thing's for certain - if they hold off until fall 2014 or (god forbid) spring 2015, the album will have to be Sgt Pepper/ Dark Side Of The Moon level groundbreaking or be deemed a failure. In other words, they're digging their own grave with each passing month.
I woke up this morning and I found the new Paul McCartney's song online! How I hope this will happen for U2....utopia! :sad:
Here's how I think things will pan out...

September - A band member (probably Bono) will make a passing, very vague comment in an unrelated interview about how they are currently "lost in the music" or something to that effect but will say nothing else, thereby acting as a proxy announcement that there will be no album this year.

November - Not much more has been heard and everyone starts saying "It won't come out in March, it will be next fall". Frustration and tempers hit an all-time high.

December - Rumours of an announcement appear and then... the album is finally announced! Hoorah! The title doesn't go down well with a lot of people.

January - The single appears. Reaction is polarising, a mixture of "Holy shit, that was amazing!" and "We waited 5 years for THAT?"

February - Music magazines run stories on the making of the album, praising the shit out of it. Music video for first single comes out, is mainly "performance in a studio" orientated. Bono has new colour of shades.

Late Feb/Early March - Album comes out. Reactions, same as single!

Yeah I'm bored, but gotta pass the time somehow!
NIN have just dropped a new album, streaming online on the Guardian this morning - does anyone know if there was much hype/news/build-up to it beforehand?
Yes. There was an announcement 4 months ago. It wasn't as sudden as The Slip was.
NIN have just dropped a new album, streaming online on the Guardian this morning - does anyone know if there was much hype/news/build-up to it beforehand?

Alt Nation on Sirius has been talking about it for a couple of months now, playing the single since July I believe.
While I now believe we won't see a new album until next year, I don't really understand why Bono would insist his interview with Gay Byrne was aired before fall. That was only 2 months ago. Did they really decide it was better to delay the album during that time, while they all seemed pretty confident it'd come out in Oct/Nov? I mean, why else would he ask them to go through all the trouble of changing a TV show's schedule?

I'm talking about this interview, by the way: Watch Bono's Interview with RTE's Gay Byrne

On a related note, an album-related nugget about this interview: According to the Independent, this interview aired now -- long before the rest of the Meaning Of Life interviews -- at Bono's insistence:

The U2 frontman was "adamant" that his recorded interview go out months ahead of when the full series broadcasts in the autumn, as it would overlap with publicity for his band's new album.

I don't know, maybe I still haven't fully snapped out of denial.
They could have planned that initially but then pushed it back for reasons we don't know about. You're right; I don't think Bono would have made the fuss if he didn't actually intend to put the record out in the fall. However, denial also feels good at this point.
We have September to go through yet. The band could show up at some studio or appear with Danger Mouse which would be a clue they are still working on it.

If there's no information coming out by then I don't see the album coming out this year unless there's a plan to surprise drop the album.
The gap between HTDAAB and NLOTH was 5 years from 2004 to 2009. This was certainly longer than the gap between ATYCLB and HTDAAB which was 4 years from 2000 to 2004.

My guess is that we will wait a gap of 6 years for the new album, which will likely be released in 2015 and the tour will most likely follow through until 2017 or 2018.
The gap between HTDAAB and NLOTH was 5 years from 2004 to 2009. This was certainly longer than the gap between ATYCLB and HTDAAB which was 4 years from 2000 to 2004.

My guess is that we will wait a gap of 6 years for the new album, which will likely be released in 2015 and the tour will most likely follow through until 2017 or 2018.

Wow. So you don't think it's even coming out next year?
The gap between HTDAAB and NLOTH was 5 years from 2004 to 2009. This was certainly longer than the gap between ATYCLB and HTDAAB which was 4 years from 2000 to 2004.

My guess is that we will wait a gap of 6 years for the new album, which will likely be released in 2015 and the tour will most likely follow through until 2017 or 2018.

It was 4 from ATYCLB to Bomb, and 4.5 from Bomb to NLOTH. Even if this album takes even longer still, I don't see the jump to 6 years...
Shit, if you go to Wikipedia, they lay it out quite simply. Recording of the album was completed in July of 2013. The album is scheduled to be released in Fall of 2013.
What caused your nausea? Twitter? Lillywhite? Dublin? The Docks? :huh:

Don't worry he's over doing the rte show the hit they film it at the 02 formally the point depot it's just across the Liffey from hq he's probably out having a stroll
Read Lillywhite's answers to the questions he was asked on Twitter. He says he has nothing to do with a U2 album. Besides that, I don't think U2 are in Dublin. Bono is in Africa right now. Don't know where the others are.
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