MLB 2020- Coronavirus Version

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ONE love, blood, life
Jun 16, 2000
Blue State of Mind
Well, the 2020 MLB officially begins tonight. Thanks to the pandemic, we've got 60 games in empty stadiums. Not the same, but I'll take it. Can the Nats repeat? The Astros sure got lucky. No fans in the stands to boo. Perhaps they'll pipe in some boos anyway.
Happy opening day. Weirdly, I’m looking forward to this strange season (which I didn’t expect to).

Go Yanks.
give me the hotdog, baby!

there's no way any part of this season is going to be seen as legit in the long run but it's going to be fun to watch for as long as it lasts. tbh i don't think they're going to finish the season and crown a "champion". i suspect that all the travelling is going to screw them over eventually.
You mean you are not looking forward to watching the Baltimore Blue Jays?
Hope the White Sox do well in that division. I guess the Twinkies went for it, but I can't believe the Cleveland baseball team salary dumped Kluber.

Juan Soto testing positive on opening day is... not great.
This Soto positive test shows how vulnerable this season is. He got his result today for a test he took on Tuesday, and presumably interacted with his team since. And presumably the results of tests taken today will not be known until the weekend, so the team is still interacting with each other - and now with another team. It's not dissimilar to the Chapman situation, which did not lead to additional positives, but he hadn't spent much time with the team at that point. But with another team involved.
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You mean you are not looking forward to watching the Baltimore Blue Jays?

i'm very glad they aren't playing here. regardless of how tight the bubble at the stadium is they still need to travel through the airport (where my SO works) and get downtown. toronto has a pretty good handle on our virus situation now and having american teams travel back and forth is just asking for a setback. it sucks for the team but it's not worth the risk.

the jays are going to be a basement team again anyways this year going up against both east divisions so it's apt that they'll share a home with their fellow bottom-dwellers.

let's go phillies.
Yeah, I think playing in Baltimore makes sense for all involved (including other teams in the two divisions), but I can't help it will be easy on the players to basically be on the road for the whole season in an era when they can't go out to restaurants and stuff.

I don't think they are a basement team though. Not a bad bet to finish third in that division with Boston's pitching issues, and in a short season the separation is so small among teams.

The NL East should be interesting.
This Soto positive test shows how vulnerable this season is. He got his result today for a test he took on Tuesday, and presumably interacted with his team since. And presumably the results of tests taken today will not be known until the weekend, so the team is still interacting with each other - and now with another team. It's not dissimilar to the Chapman situation, which did not lead to additional positives, but he hadn't spent much time with the team at that point. But with another team involved.

Season won't make it to August.
Gerrit Cole will strike everyone out to promote social distancing on the bases.
Agreeing on a new postseason format three hours before first pitch: not good.
The #1 seed has to play a normal 3 game series to make the 5 game division series? LOL

Can't wait for a 28-32 #8 seed to knock off the #1 seed. Even awful teams take series from great teams throughout the season, let alone mediocre ones.
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i don't really care so much about this season but i am mildly concerned that (if they get that far this year) MLB is going to see the dollar signs from the extra playoff games and keep the 16 team postseason when we're back to 162 games.
i don't really care so much about this season but i am mildly concerned that (if they get that far this year) MLB is going to see the dollar signs from the extra playoff games and keep the 16 team postseason when we're back to 162 games.

Of course. That's the whole deal. It also allows owners to not spend and argue they are a playoff contender. Good news around for this bunch.
I've never seen so many 3-1 flyouts in my life.

Over a quarter of our games this season are against the Marlins and Orioles so it'll be alright.
Whoever reaches October without their entire team on the IL or in quarantine will be king.
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This is going to happen all season long as teams try to game the system to get their stars back on the field.
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So if he tested negative then why didn't he play? Just exercising caution?

looks like the first test earlier in the day was positive and then two tests later on were negative. so yeah out of caution they kept him out. could be a false positive or it could be false negatives but you can't be totally sure. i guess now if he has two negative tests 24 hours apart though he's allowed to come off the virus protocols, so if he tests negative again today maybe he can play tomorrow?

i can't find anything that's 100% clear on that rule, or if now that he's been placed on the COVID IL he has to stay on it for all 14 days.
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