July 24, 25, 27- Croke Park Dublin Discussion Part II

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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I'm glad we're U2 fans. We could have been born in another time and never come across such a sound. U2's a band the whole world should listen to. A band that actually has the potential to change the world or at least change me.

Just hit me again while listening to "Unknown Caller", we're all actually going to be in Dublin watching U2 3 different nights. Kind of Amazing when you just think about it calmly. While this little world is spinning at 500 miles per hour, shooting around the sun at over 20,000 miles per hour, in a galaxy spinning at 250,000 miles per hour, and this galaxy is shooting through intersteller space to a place unknown, We'll be standing. While somewhere in space there's a star in it's death throes becoming a beautiful Nova, a black hole pulling matter into the unknown, a strong southeast wind on Mars, and another intelligent life watching their favourite band starring back and wondering if we're watching ours, We'll be standing, amongst 90,000 other humans like ourselves listening to the #1 band on Earth. And while there may be others in the world hurting somehow while we're there, we'll have grabbed light for a brief moment of our lives to carry with us .....perhaps..... to give to another.

This is BIG. When you think about it.

Wow. I LOVE this. :love: It's amazing when you put it like that. xx
Have to share my news! I just got back from a 5 day break and my Dublin2 tickets were on the door mat!!!! Yey!!! Soooo excited!! (I cant afford to do all 3 like some of you lucky things tho!!!) My 1st U2 concert, I cant wait but i'm also loving the build up! xx
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Is there a really good book store in Dublin somewhere with all the latest titles? I'm an addict reader and books in Europe always have cool covers.

I'd go with Hodges Figgis. Eason's only stocks best seller titles, Chapters is a little less comprehensive, but Hodges Figgis on Dawson Street is great.

To my Fellow Croke Cranks. Does this seem accurate?

From the original diagram there didn't appear to be that many tickets for sale on the Hill (the part behind the stage at the far end) and the claw seems to take up a bit too much of the pitch. But if it turns out to be anything like that then we're in for a treat.
I used to have them when I was a kid. You also had to find other things too
From the original diagram there didn't appear to be that many tickets for sale on the Hill (the part behind the stage at the far end) and the claw seems to take up a bit too much of the pitch. But if it turns out to be anything like that then we're in for a treat.

Did the Hill even go on sale at all?
Oh how I wish I could purchase these. :(

Having them and not being able to go is a far worse feeling, believe me! Seeing that picture is making me :sad:

and gvox, go to ebay!

I don't think he should go to ebay right away. It's nicer of him to offer it to us here first.

Yeah I guess I will go there eventually if they don't sell...but then I have to charge more because of ebay fees and whatnot.

2 gone, 4 left to sell..
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