It's Official #1509

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Rock n' Roll Doggie FOB
Oct 27, 2001
back and to the left
We are gearing up for a HUGE snowstorm here. We are slated to get 4" by about 5pm and then by tomorrow morning (when it will STILL be snowing) we should have 8".

:sad: dammit, cos that marks the first snow...the kind that stays for the year.

:scream: and i REALLY don't want to drive in it.

:wave: don't worry minnesotans, i'll be sure we send some to you!
sicy, now the highways will be closed and i won't be able to go 50 mi to a target

seriously kids, check this badass out:


and it's still developing :|
:wave: clearly you've not been in a blizzard. it's dark and grey ~ like a day of rain ~ but it snows, and it's cold and it stays fuhevah and makes it a biotch to drive, esp cos they'll close the highways so i literally will not be able to go anywhere, being that the front street my dorm complext is on is a highway. :mad:
*kicks Carrie

*looks outside and still green grass and 35 degree weather (yeah, that'll be our high for the day) and weeps.

*finds hat and hot cocoa

*offers apology for kicking Carrie.
Lilly said:
:wave: clearly you've not been in a blizzard. it's dark and grey ~ like a day of rain ~ but it snows, and it's cold and it stays fuhevah and makes it a biotch to drive, esp cos they'll close the highways so i literally will not be able to go anywhere, being that the front street my dorm complext is on is a highway. :mad:

:tongue: you are right. i have never been in Midwest blizzard and do not intend to ever experience one. the only Blizzard I want is one from DQ with M&M's. ;)
yeah but now how long will it take for the friggin cookies to get there

I am so glad it doesnt snow here.
"through rain, sleet, and snow" it'll get here in the same amount of time.

:( i didn't mean to kick ya...just so sad cos...i'm gonna be stuck in my dorm room and you've got beautiful sunshine all around.


sicy~ they'll fly the cookies into sioux falls then drive them down after the highways re-open on thursday. no worries. :D
there are two 1509's

Yeah I'm supposed to get that storm later this week....

Gotta :heart: the snow belt

*edit to add* 4 inches is nothing.....I get it a foot at a time here.... and you all can get your minds outta the gutter on that one
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my cheeks be's frozen through. yarr, that blows

Anita, you are satan. :evil:

Carrie doll, you're an angel for showing me sunshine :p
HelloAngel said:
*sends some sunshine to Lilly.


Hey, I've been to that beach.Seriously. I'm sure its on Grand Cayman.Gold Coast.
Ha, and it is. I opened the pic in a new window. It's Grand Cayman, 7 mile beach. Lemon M likes it too.
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I :heart: snow- we live on a biig mountain and when there is bundles of snow here and we get stuck in the driveway all my friends can get to school cus the snow has melted where they are- i got 3 days off last winter thanks to snow and it was great fun :hyper:

Its gonna be -2 here tonight and it rains.....and rains.......and rains.....and rains....and its cold but thank to my trusty new MITTS :hyper: i wont be cold! Yeah so it rains a LOT and we have really bad winds....and our electric goes off a lot in our street.....and its cold but now we have a turf fire burning every night and i love it :yes: :hyper:

I love the smell of winter

I love winter



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Snow can be romantic. NOthing like spending a magical evening shoveling the driveway. :sexywink:

*cuddles up with invisible Boyfriend by my invisible fireplace.*

Damn. :scream:

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