In Your Room, Loserthread

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I`m good,just so damn sleepy I`m totally not a morning person and I`m on the verge of getting another cold...

How are you? :wave:
Thats sucks, damn weather :madwife: I'm not a morning person either - but then it's 4pm here :wink:
yeah it`s 11 here *ugh*
I think I get sick more just being around the house and family more than I do if I was in a classroom full of sick kids :shrug: I don`t get it,but that`s life for ya...
what are you up to?
I went to bed at 4 the other night because I was up studying so late, and had to wake up early. Last night I went to bed at 3 and woke up at 8 15 this morning.

:yawn: x 348934784674653754376t3 again!

How are you all?
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