In Your Room, Loserthread

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I heard something funny in a promo for a story on the local news.

"Is your house too scary for trick or treaters? Find out tonight at 10." :lol:

:lol: American news stories REALLY amuse me, whenever I'm in America I'm usually glued to the news :up:
My local headlines -

Appeal over M6 death crash
Power company in administration controversy
Youth murdered for 'staring'

:| It's all doom and gloom in England at the moment.
Oh no, the BBC prefers us all to be unhappy and depressed :lol:
And I said this thread had to be ready to close by today :madwife:
It'd better be ready by tomorrow, that's all I'm saying :madwife:
I reallllly want to start the next one... but if I can't then nevermind!
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