Horsens II setlist party

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Stating an opinion is fine. But saying I HAVE to accept it gets on my nerves. I understand people don't like static setlists and will complain about it on here, but there's a perfectly fine thread for it. No reason to come in a setlist party as a newbie to start complaining.

Perfectly fine my ass, that thread's been over run from page one by people who can't accept other people's opinions. So shame on someone for bringing it up in a setlist thread where the topic is completely relevant.
It's very reassuring to find that there aren't static setlist parties. I'd forgotten how funny this can be!
in china the number 888 is seen as very lucky, or so someone told me once. my next post will be my 888th, any wishes?
I had such a cool dream last night. Been having a really, really rough time lately. I dreamt I was at a U2 show and my Dad had somehow talked U2 into singing to me personally. The song was called Olivia I love you.. not my name.. but it was still cool.

Maybe that's the addition for tonight
Perfectly fine my ass, that thread's been over run from page one by people who can't accept other people's opinions. So shame on someone for bringing it up in a setlist thread where the topic is completely relevant.

Please, let's move on. This is a setlist party, not a discussion on the setlist.
Galeongirl must have hated to type that song on the list. . I''m proud of you!

Perfectly fine my ass, that thread's been over run from page one by people who can't accept other people's opinions. So shame on someone for bringing it up in a setlist thread where the topic is completely relevant.

Then something needs to be done about that. But it's no use if the people complaining aren't using the thread.

The setlist party isn't supposed to be for complaining. It's supposed to be celebrating another new concert and a live update of the setlist. Sure it's fine to say you don't like a song or the static setlist, but only coming in here to bitch? That's not what this thread is for.
u2gigs So, I guess we all expected any setlist change to be in the first 10 songs. It's not. I'm going to post a spoiler, but not here. Will link.
half a minute ago via U2gigs (Ax)

My guess:
Ultraviolet opens the encore instead of HMTMKMKM.
Then something needs to be done about that. But it's no use if the people complaining aren't using the thread.

The setlist party isn't supposed to be for complaining. It's supposed to be celebrating another new concert and a live update of the setlist. Sure it's fine to say you don't like a song or the static setlist, but only coming in here to bitch? That's not what this thread is for.

Please. Let's move on. I really don't want to have to say this again. Just enjoy the show.
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