2022 subscriber gift: Achtung Baby 30 Live

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Its a Christmas miracle.

i can't believe they haven't uploaded the digital files yet.

even if this shit were to arrive in the mail today - i don't own a CD player, and haven't owned one probably for a decade now.
My order is still listed as “processing” like it’s some sort of cheese product you buy for Bono before he performs on your show.
I'm not sure why everyone is getting so excited about this. Yes, the quality will be soundboard optimum and well-mixed, but I'm sure there are a number of people here who could put together better selections. The long-awaited So Cruel is a neutered Bono & Edge duet (obviously the only option they had, but hardly a mind-blower), the 2018 version of Wild Horses pales in comparison to the few electric versions from the Vertigo Tour (see: Amsterdam with that searing guitar work), and One from 2017 can hardly be the best choice.

The only option here that actually looks interesting is taking EBTTRT from Popmart instead of its resurgence as the 360 tour Leg 6/7 opener. And I guess Zoo Station from the Vertigo Tour, though they probably didn't have much of a choice there because the ZooTV versions likely had too much extra stuff at the top since it opened those shows.
I'm not sure why everyone is getting so excited about this. Yes, the quality will be soundboard optimum and well-mixed, but I'm sure there are a number of people here who could put together better selections. The long-awaited So Cruel is a neutered Bono & Edge duet (obviously the only option they had, but hardly a mind-blower), the 2018 version of Wild Horses pales in comparison to the few electric versions from the Vertigo Tour (see: Amsterdam with that searing guitar work), and One from 2017 can hardly be the best choice.

The only option here that actually looks interesting is taking EBTTRT from Popmart instead of its resurgence as the 360 tour Leg 6/7 opener. And I guess Zoo Station from the Vertigo Tour, though they probably didn't have much of a choice there because the ZooTV versions likely had too much extra stuff at the top since it opened those shows.

Sound is nice, and good to have some different versions.

If I was choosing my favourite yours for each song:

Zoo Station - Zoo TV. It needs those crunchy drums.
EBTTRT - 360
One - PopMart
UTEOTW - i+E was great
Wild Horses - e+I with an honourable mention to Vertigo
So Cruel - obvs ZooTV
The Fly - ZooTV with an honourable mention to the change up for Elevation.
Mysterious Ways - PopMart, ZooTV honourable mention
Ultraviolet - JT30
I stay as a member of the fan club for access to your tickets before the general. That aspect has paid off more than it hasn't by a hefty margin. I don't count the recent Bono's Reading Rainbow gigs - as those shows are in very tiny theaters. But for arenas and stadiums? I haven't had an issue since the first leg of Vertigo.

I've also managed to nab some added bonuses - like an invite to the Tonight Show taping on the roof of 30 Rock.

Regarding the price? It's $50 for a year. That's $4.16 a month. Who honestly gives a turkey? I pay that for a coffee every day. That they (eventually) send a few songs and a collector's item your way is just a bonus.

If you don't want to pay for it? Ok. Great. If you do? Ok. Great. It's not expensive. Who cares either way?
The subscription is kept up for ticket access, anything else is gravy. (Hey, I have a CD player in my car so I'll get to listen to it if it ever arrives)

Plus, as Devaul said, it's only $40 a year if you renew before your sub expires (at least in the US. might be more for fictional nations like Australia)
It's definitely a nice collection of songs to have and not everybody is into bootlegs, so I'm sure some will appreciate it more than others.

I do wish they'd start to release official bootlegs though, just start with one show from each leg of each tour or something like that. And there's a few pro-shot shows which have never seen the light of day too I guess.
With the advent of things like Nugs, there’s no good reason to not have official live show releases out there for the hardcore to spend their money on in whatever format they like.

“They’re lazy” is a reason, yes, just not a *good* reason.
While I'm definitely interested in more live recordings, not less... U2 doesn't have the setlist rotation that would make releasing every show viable for a release on Nugs ...

But that's another issue altogether, isn't it?
Yeah, considering they're know for putting on such a great live show, I'm surprised that we haven't seen more "From the Vault" live recordings. Like earlier ZooTV, Rotterdamn Popmart, etc..
Special shows, legendary/formative performances and extended runs with setlist variation would be a relatively simple first pass to get a list going.

Or they could use their [cough] website to run polls for eras and shows and go from there. Source the info from the hardcore who will actually spend the money.
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