Cleveland II - Pics & Stories

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Jan 9, 2001
Toronto, Canada
Ok...I'll get things started off here....VIVA U2-GTA!!!!!!!!!

Truth or Dare - In Bed with Elevation Canada :love: :heart:


More to come....what a U2 FAN-TASTIC weekend!!!!!!!
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Hey Kim,

I love that pic....Well sadly I forgot my camera back at the hotel Saturday but I just had to post a comment...

and that would be this.

Brady, to see that huge shit-ass grin when you belted out that last song..a keeper..and I wish I had my camera to snap the look on your face..and Im thankful that I was able to experience that night along with everyone else.

Exit - you girls are really really gonna make a name for yourselves..I quite enjoyed listening to you play..and to see you share the same enthusiasm for another fellow band is really heartwarming to me anyway...

Had a blast...
I have been staring at a blank screen for the last half hour trying to come up with words to describe this past weekend, but I am suffering from writer's block.

Let's start at the beginning:

Friday night, Exit at the Hard Rock Cafe was awesome. I was sort of nervous about an all girl tribute band, but they managed to sway me. They were all very good musicians, and I was surprised to hear that they had only been playing for a few years. Nicki (girl bono) is a very charismatic performer and alot of fun to watch on stage. Never mind that she has the coolest hair (yes, even cooler then spiderzhan's.) I had a great time at the bar, getting to meet new people, and hanging out with all my pals. It was especially nice to get to party with Kevin, John, and Brady, who are usually quite busy when we are at a show. Exit threw a few of their orginal's into the set and they were awesome. We even picked up a copy of the demo cd.

Saturday, the Rock n' Roll Hall of fame was really cool. It was neat looking at all of the old artifacts. Rejection letter's, Bono's first guitar, and the note from the Edge to Larry were the highlights to me. Level 5, which is all the stage clothes, was totally awesome. It's weird to see something up close that you have seen on tv a million times. I had no idea that the mirrorball man's hat is striped, or that the Edge's popmart outfit had little pyramid's on it. I spent about 20 minutes trying to touch the fly suit, but the security guard must have known what I was up to, she didn't take her eye's off me for a minute.

Exit played two sets at the Rock n' Roll hall of fame on Saturday afternoon. The sound was much better than the night before and they rocked. During both the Friday, and the Saturday show they played a lot of songs that Elevation is yet to play. It was really cool hearing some of those songs live. Party Girl and Acrobat were the highlights for me, but I also liked watching Zhan freak out when they started playing Stories for Boys.

Outside the Hall of Fame a random U2 fan told me that I look like Ali. She didn't know who I was, so I thought that was pretty cool.

Saturday night we pre drank at the hotel and got a little silly, then at 9pm we left for the Hard Rock Cafe. Unfortunatly, the band was setting up so we had to wait outside. It was 100% worth it......

Elevation ROCKED THE HOUSE!!! The crowd of almost 400 people all climbed up on table's and chairs when we heard the Mission Impossible theme. They totally freaked when the band walked out to Pop Muzak. I felt so proud listening to the screams and the clapping. Their first set was without a doubt the best they have ever done. I have never seen a more energetic crowd, or the band have more fun on stage.

The second set was a little more mellow, but the highlight of my weekend. They did their Rattle n' Hum set and played a few songs that we only get to hear once in a blue moon. I got to dance on stage during 11 O'Clock, Tick Tock, and a few minutes later got the most unbelivable surprise. All I have to say to Elevation is Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!

The after party was a lot of fun, even though we got in trouble (damn rent-a-cops), and I have never laughed so much as on the car ride home).

Thanks to everyone for a great weekend. Thanks to the gta for being so much fun to party with, thanks to stacey and co. for making the trek, thanks to exit for changing my mind about an all girl tribute, thanks to the hall of fame for such a great display, thanks to elevation for proving us right, and thanks to u2 for making this whole weekend possible.

The Lady with the Spinninghead!
What an astounding weekend!!!

I don't really have any mind bogglingly good pics unfortunately, but I will post a few I took of Exit when I get home. I can't wait to see everyone's pics, hurry up people! ;)

It was truly one of the most wonderful weekends I have had in quite some time. It was the "all U2 all the time" weekend...a recipe for utter giddiness. What more could one ask for than to be surrounded by your best friends (who UNDERSTAND!), new people you've never met but are friends by default because they love U2, and being saturated in U2 images and music morning noon and night?

Seeing the rock hall after all this time was just wonderful of course (that letter from Edge to Larry! awwwwww!), and I touched the bedazzles!!! :eek: (just the studs....couldn't help myself...those things are just too close to resist for an edgeaholic!)

Of course the ultimate highlights for me were Exit and Elevation.
First, Exit. I had never seen any other tribute bands and I was
really excited to see Exit after everything I had heard about them. Was I ever impressed!!!!! These women are gorgeous and charismatic and extremely talented. U2 sounds beautiful on the female voice too.

I thought they played with tremendous enthusiasm, passion and obvious love and respect for the music. "Please" was a real standout, and Stories for Boys too! It's really too bad they aren't going to be playing U2 anymore! I would have loved to see them do it again some time....but I bought the demo, and I'm sure they will go far. :)

As for Elevation....well, I don't really have words to describe how
proud I am of them. It just seems that they get better every time they play! And they looked like they were having the time of their lives, which is really so infectious.

I think I had the best vantage point actually, because I was watching from the side/behind the band angle and could see the audience. Watching the audience is one of my favourite things to do in a real U2 show, and this was no different. To see the expressions of sheer joy and surprise on their faces was just the most amazing feeling. It was so great that everyone else could finally see why we in the GTA love them so much and make such a fuss about them. And that guy singing with Brady and giving him the couldn't ask for more of a spontaneous U2 moment, could you?

And you could have knocked me over with a feather when they did Spinning Head. THANK YOU for playing that guys!!! What a treat! What a high to end with! Why U2 hasn't played it is beyond me.

I wouldn't have missed this past weekend for anything and feel truly blessed to have been a small part of that magnificent show.

Oh, how it SUCKS to be back at work!! :(
Cleveland II with Bajagirl

Cleveland II with Bajagirl

First in line at the ZOOconfesional

I had a great time, met lost and lots of people. A super special thank you for the @U2 staff, for being really nice :wave: . I got confused about the meeting time and missed my group and these guys and gals took me under their wing, so now they have a groupie LOL.

Took their suggestion about cruising the RRHF first and then dedicating the rest of the day to U2, right on with the suggestion.
Seeing all of the earlier stuff was amazing, been a fan for almost 20 years, but to actually see the first fan newsletter written by ADAM, and see how he is talking about Bono's upcoming wedding to Ali, WOW.

Caught Exit on Friday and Saturday at the Hall, you go girls, your enthusiasm is admirable and you are jsut soooo cute. Wanted to take you home with me.

The best part of the weekend (besides all the new friends) was 1) getting a last minute ticket to the four5one presentation and getting to hear Steve Averill,. We all know why U2 is called U2 but to actually hear the story from the guy that gave them the U2 name was awesome. Utterly mindblowing.


2) Somehow managed to be the first person for the ZOOconfesional, and thankfully had the presence of mind to write down what i wanteed to say, b/c when i stepped inside my mind turned to mush. I did actually thank Adam for being my first Sex Ed lesson. :censored:

Oh yeah by the way, Steve Averril said that the band is in the recording studio this week in Dubling, and that he has heard about 9 songs of the new record and that they are v. guitar oriented, and that Edge is that one that is tearing up the sound, just really pushing it. That it sounds v. good, v. raw.

Oh boy, cant wait. So if you read my post, that was the easter egg.

"I dont want to be focking pink" :larry:

Referring to his color in the POP album sleeve, from the talk by four5one.
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I got to the RRHOF about noon or so. I'd taken the cab so I wouldn't aggravate a chronically screwed up ankle. It was no time to waste energy on a blasted sidewalk. There was U2 memorabilia galore inside that special building! The outside system was blasting U2, appropriately. I sat down and listened to a couple of songs while I looked at the crowd milling around. It was amazing. I'm from a very conservative town in the South and U2 fans are an endangered species here, so I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. There were hundreds of U2 t-shirts, name tags, etc, etc. I went in and checked out the museum.......briefly. I couldn't wait to see the U2 exhibit. I saw the theatre with the U2 videos in it.......uh-oh. Even though I have the videos I couldn't resist that huge screen with our guys on it. There were those rejection letters from the record companies.....someone out there has egg all over their face. There was Bono's guitar from 1976... I couldn't believe I was actually looking at that thing. Was this real? You bet. I don't have a clear memory of everything in the exhibit. I am an autistic and my mind makes a mess out of everything. I remember feeling like I was defying gravity when I climbed the last staircase, then I saw those letters......rehearsals, weddings...........I had to raid the books. I'm a book fiend. I got a book called "U2: A Conspiracy of Hope". It was seventeen years, almost to the day, after my first U2 show in Atlanta, on the Conspiracy of Hope tour for Amnesty International in 1986. They are indeed a Great Inspired Conspiracy of Hope. This amazing band, and all of these amazing people I met, made for one unforgettable weekend. I'll never forget it. Thanks U2, and thanks fellow fans.
What to say, what to say.

First off it was simply an amazing time!

In Feb., I was quite shy and I think I was a little overwhelmed being with so many fans that I had never met, not in a GA line.
For some reason this weekend seemed so much more relaxed ( maybe cause it wasn't feckin freezing?).

Exit kicked butt, even more so at the HOF Sat. the accoustics are so much better. They were so nice and personable. They even entranced my hubby, LOL.

It was so great meeting ya'll. I couldn't have asked for a nicer group to meet, party, and talk to.

A few ovservations:
1. "the pants" kick ass - red & green
2. BAW - your not a 50 yr old man, but a very sweet lady:wink:
3. Edgette - duh why didn't I guess
4. Mrs. Edge - I see where you got your name & you were fabulous.
5. I got to see the KEN's hehe
6. CMM & Silverfox - cojones baby!
7. Many other observations.

Tell Brady-man he does mullet Bono I'll bring a crowd to Toronto (seriously).

My digital was killed in DC in Feb so I'll post pics tomorrow when I can pick up pics.
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What a weekend! 48 hours of U2 music, U2 memorabilia and best of all, U2 fans! I had the most incredible time and judging by the faces of most of the other people I saw over the weekend, I wasn?t the only one.

I arrived in Cleveland Thursday afternoon expecting the sun but instead got pouring rain?no problem other than getting to my hotel soaking wet. My cell phone wasn?t getting a signal so I was pretty much on my own for the night and decided to stay in and get a good nights sleep so I could get up early and see the sights.

Friday morning, I had breakfast in the hotel coffee shop and my U2 weekend got off to a good start when Stuck in a Moment was playing inside the restaurant! From there, I took a shuttle over the RRHOF where I stood outside and just took it all in. The first thing I noticed was the HUGE sign on the front of the Rock Hall??In the Name of Love?Two Decades of U2? I made my way inside and right away noticed the Trabbies hanging from the ceiling, along with the ZOO TV neon sign?I felt a little silly but as I was going up the escalator with the Trabbies right over my head, I got a little choked up LOL!

I headed straight for the U2 exhibit and felt like a giddy little girl when I saw Larry?s first drum kit sitting next to Bono?s first guitar. Whoever set up this exhibit has to be a bit of a sadist because all of these wonderful bits of U2 history are sitting just inches away with only a small barrier around them but there are signs everywhere saying ?don?t touch.? That is like putting a piece of candy in front of a little kid and saying ?don?t eat that.? They also have party pooper security people making sure you don?t put your hands on anything in case the signs weren?t enough! The rest of the exhibit was great?Larry is certainly to be commended for holding on to all of this U2 history. My personal favorite though had to be the clothes on display. Two things struck me in this part of the exhibit?the first one was just how small their clothes actually are, especially Larry?s. The second thing I noticed was the kick ass shoes they wear! Edge?s cowboy boots with the lemons are beyond cool!

I checked out the rest of the exhibit, walked around the waterfront area a bit and decided to go back to the hotel, just in time to get a call from Mrs. Edge announcing that the GTA arrivals had begun, woohooo!!!! I was really excited to meet everyone, most of all Spinny!!! After a bit of socializing and an unfortunate pizza incident, we all made our way to the Hard Rock. I met Stories for Boys and a few of the Midwest girls earlier in the day and at the Hard Rock met Moonie, Marina, Oktobergirl and Scarletwine (thanks again for the CD) :hug: Exit put on a great show, despite sound problems that were beyond their control?I?m really sorry now that I never got to see them in LA.

Saturday started with breakfast with the GTA and then back to the RRHOF, where I took in everything I missed the first time around. It was a pretty amazing day, with U2 music everywhere, tables of memorabilia set up and more people walking around in U2 t-shirts than at an actual U2 concert LOL! I thought I was seeing things when I walked by an exhibit table and saw "the U2 Kens" sitting there :lmao:

Once again, Exit was great. I loved watching people?s faces as they came down the escalators and realized that 4 GIRLS were tearing it up down there! After spending 5 hours walking the entire HOF, it was back to the hotel for a nap before dinner.

Following dinner at the Hard Rock, we took our places at a prime location in front of the stage and waited. While sitting in our booth, I noticed a very cute girl wearing Adam pants walk by and I just knew it had to be Elizabeth!!!! I made my way to her table and met JamJar too, also wearing the Adam pants! Later in the evening, I waved to Kristie and her cute fro-boy but the size of the crowd prevented me from getting close enough to actually talk to them LOL!

Finally, the highlight of my weekend?ELEVATION CANADA!!!!! I can?t even put into words how much ass they kicked on stage that night! The crowd was just insane, jumping up and down, singing every word, just like an actual U2 show. That was my 4th time seeing Elevation and by far the best show I?ve ever seen them put on. The highlight of Mysterious Ways was of course Mrs. Edge, who, despite the limited space, danced beautifully! And the surprise addition of Lady With the Spinning Head was just INCREDIBLE! Brady, Kevin, John and Mick?you should all be proud of yourselves!

But, before I knew it, it was back to reality and I was off to the airport first thing Sunday morning :( It was so great meeting and hanging out with everyone from Canada?you GTA people are NUTS! Hopefully I?ll see you all in August :wink: It was also so nice to meet a bunch more Interlander?s, especially the PLEBA girls :hug: We MUST do this again :yes:
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I had an amazing time! My friend i brought is becoming a U2 addict now too. I was so glad to see Exit on their last U2 tribute days. And Elevation was SOOO amazing! I loved them! I was feeling pretty dizzy and almost faint so i had to leave after the 90's part of the set. wish i could have stayed! I find myself loving U2 even more. I knew all about their beautiful lyrics, amazing music, their friendships, but to see how much their music brings people together..:sad: it was so wonderful!! I have been to concerts, and the fan convention in Feb, but this one seemed so much more fun! :heart: U2! :heart:

-I touched Adams coat from the elevation video and got yelled at by the security guard! :( she made me feel so bad for it! i think it was worth it though. :lol:

the only people from the board i talked to there was Bonoinakilt and lorihewson. Wish i had talked to more people from here! but U2 will tour in less than a year! :hyper:

PS-i will have pics from the RARHOF and Elevation and exit's shows tomorrow! I will post a link to them then! :tongue:
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Diamond I thought you were coming!

I even went up to a really tall guy that sortof looked like your :drunk: pics from Sin City. But his wife looked at me and just shook her head cause she knew what I was talking about.

LOL WWU2 was planned and you screwed up by not showing up. LOL see you at the PLEBA conv. in July :sexywink:

Bono's American Wife said:
While sitting in our booth, I noticed a very cute girl wearing Adam pants walk by and I just knew it had to be Elizabeth!!!!

(i always thought i was...)
Kristie said:
what, you're saying elizabeth could be the only cute girl wearing adam pants?

Of course not silly...but she didn't have a cute boy with a blond fro with her so I knew it wasn't you. :sexywink: :flirt:

All girls who wear Adam pants are cute :wink:
Bono's American Wife said:

Of course not silly...but she didn't have a cute boy with a blond fro with her so I knew it wasn't you. :sexywink: :flirt:

...good point :D
I like how elizabeth referred to him as "that guy over there with the Adam fro"
:wave: had a blast all...yeah...what everyone said about elevation..great show, guys...nice talking to a couple of you (john and mick) after the show for a spell too...

oh, i touched 3 things :shame: and didn't get caught...heh...i definately also got my fingers on the evil adam coat, edge's bedazzlement, and the sprocks! i made up for not having the guts to touch anything last time...

anyways, yeah...:wave:
Stories for Boys said:

oh, i touched 3 things :shame: and didn't get caught...heh...i definately also got my fingers on the evil adam coat, edge's bedazzlement, and the sprocks! i made up for not having the guts to touch anything last time...

lucky you! I had touched alot of other outfits when they were downstairs before the Exibit came about. I touched macphisto, the muscleman outfit from pop mart, and edge's blue lemon man outfit from zoo tv. that was like a year ago :yes: they are so mean to put them so close and not let you rtouch them! (Far away, So Close!) :lol:
let's not forget....we were almost thrown out of the hotel man toronto ppl know how to party
Stories for Boys said:

oh, i touched 3 things :shame: and didn't get caught...heh...i definately also got my fingers on the evil adam coat, edge's bedazzlement, and the sprocks! i made up for not having the guts to touch anything last time...

i am inspired by you...i may have to journey up there again and find some guts and touch a few things myself...(does that sound indecent?)...anyway i forgot to compliment you on your amazing u2 dolls! Great job!!
Arun V said:
let's not forget....we were almost thrown out of the hotel man toronto ppl know how to party


I don't think the Holiday Inn Select knew what hit them!

damn crazy Canadians :wink:
Well? Where are all the pictures?? :confused:

I am dying to see them!!

I didn't really have my act together with the camera, but here are the salvageable pics:





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