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So, I wrote a really nerdy blog entry for my class blog.... about relationships and all :nerd: Sometimes I feel I think too much! :lol:
So, I wrote a really nerdy blog entry for my class blog.... about relationships and all :nerd: Sometimes I feel I think too much! :lol:

What exactly about relationships? :hmm:

Yeah, it hangs around between 4 to -6 Celsius for most of the winter. Though this year has been colder than usual with far too many days of -13 or -16. :down: How cold does it get there?

:huh: Numbers and such mean literally nothing to me, I'm a poor numerical judge! It's just... a bit cold and rainy usually, but very cold at the minute because of the snow. Very technical description, I know :wink:
Let me paste you what I wrote:

So the last class period, after our presentation, I really enjoyed the discussion on relationships, compromise and rituals. One ritual I have noticed (if it can be called that) is the feeling like a victim, especially if it's your significant other who's ended the relationship. I've talked over this issue with friends who have gone through breakups, and we always have a major focus on the fact that you get one day of being a victim—and that's it. Then we take responsibility for our own input. To live in a victim place is pointing a finger at someone else, as if you have no control. Relationships are two people; everyone is accountable. A lot goes into a relationship coming together, and a lot goes into a relationship falling apart. Even if it's 98 percent the other person's fault, it's 2 percent yours, and that's what we can focus on. You can only clean up your side of the street. After all, you're not DEFINED by your relationships. I wish I could say all this to every girl I know who's suffered a bad breakup. Relationships are complicated, whether they're friendships or business relationships or parent relationships. I don't think anybody gets to a point where they feel like 'We've got it!' You're two people continually evolving, and there will be times when those changes clash. There are all these levels of growth—and when you stop growing together, that's when the problems happen. There's a lot you understand and a lot you don't and probably never will. So.... Also if you go into a relationship feeling that you can change someone for the better - it doesn't work that way. You can't control other people and how they act/feel/think. As I said before, you can only do your bit. You try to become a person who you hopefully want attracted to you! :)

Posted by Zeenat Sumra at 11:21 AM 4 comments
Amen to that! :hi5: I think that's really interesting, especially about not being defined by your relationship. I understand a lot of people feel that way... and I don't get it, and see it as only making the relationship extension of ones ego. You know, pouring all this time an effort into something that is ultimately a reflection of yourself. I don't get it!

Posted by Emma Vox at 20.38 PM 34,000 comments
BBS I've got a big, boiling bath with my name on it :wave:
Amen to that! :hi5: I think that's really interesting, especially about not being defined by your relationship. I understand a lot of people feel that way... and I don't get it, and see it as only making the relationship extension of ones ego. You know, pouring all this time an effort into something that is ultimately a reflection of yourself. I don't get it!

Posted by Emma Vox at 20.38 PM 34,000 comments

:lmao: at the 34,000 comments! Seriously though, it'd be so much FUN if you were taking this class with me, every class is like a therapy session! The experiences of bringing our own stuff into it is enlightening too... If you were in it we'd have LONG, nerdy discussions and dominate the class :D
After all, you're not DEFINED by your relationships. I wish I could say all this to every girl I know who's suffered a bad breakup. Relationships are complicated, whether they're friendships or business relationships or parent relationships.

Amen to that! :hi5: I think that's really interesting, especially about not being defined by your relationship. I understand a lot of people feel that way... and I don't get it, and see it as only making the relationship extension of ones ego. You know, pouring all this time an effort into something that is ultimately a reflection of yourself. I don't get it!

I agree about not being defined by your relationships. I don't understand how people can look at them, as Emma said, like an "extension of one's ego." Shouldn't all relationships be the birth of a something else? Relationships in my mind, are if anything a reflection of the bond or connection that two people have. :up:
Yes, a bond/connection. Isn't that how they form in the first place? You meet someone, become friends, build a foundation, discover new stuff about each other... And grow and learn.
Source: Chris Brown 'Knocked Around' Rihanna

New details have emerged about the midnight altercation between Chris Brown and Rihanna that led to Brown being booked on a felony criminal threat charge on Sunday.

"Chris knocked her around," a source close to the couple tells PEOPLE. "Black eye, blood, bruises. She had to be treated by a doctor."

The Barbados-bred beauty, 20 – who is currently in "a safe place," says a friend – is cooperating with detectives, according to the Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Police Chief William Bratton has said he expects the case will be handed over to the district attorney's office on Tuesday or Wednesday. At that time, the prosecutors could charge Brown, 19, with more crimes.

The case could be affected by how much Rihanna is willing to forgive her boyfriend. "Prosecutors back off somewhat when they see a couple trying to work out their own issues," says Steve Sitkoff, an L.A. defense attorney. But, says the friend, "I would be so sad if she went back to him."

In the meantime, both stars have canceled upcoming appearances: The NBA has issued a statement that Brown will no longer participate in their All-Star Game events in Phoenix this weekend, while Rihanna backed out of a Friday night concert in Malaysia.

I read somewhere her family has taken her home to Barbados to recover and regroup... and be further away from him.
Relationships don't have to be romantic. You have a relationship with everyone you're close to in life - a parent, a friend, a family member. :)
:lol: Good point. That was ...:crazy:

But there are others who've never had romantic relationshjips either.... It's just getting your opinion out there to add to a lively discussion :D
Yes, plenty. It all varies though - what people do is relate any experience they feel is worthy of sharing, and we analyze it to death as a group. Analyzing reactions, feelings reflected, etc. So far it's been the usual stuff - people recall fights they've had, and why, and why that was said and why this wasn't said... It's great fun :up:
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