Random Music Thread XXXIII: Laz Goes Tubing, Gets Run Over By Tugboat

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It's with an "a", not an "i".

For the record.

I'll repeat my 'I'll be darned' statement.

I'm Jessie. Bono will never shout out my name during a show unless he snippets Rick Springfield. I hope, for the love of God, he never snippets Rick Springfield.
Reggo said:
I'll repeat my 'I'll be darned' statement.

I'm Jessie. Bono will never shout out my name during a show unless he snippets Rick Springfield. I hope, for the love of God, he never snippets Rick Springfield.

My name doesn't even really rhyme with anything. Saved me from some schoolyard trauma, though far from all of it.
My name doesn't even really rhyme with anything. Saved me from some schoolyard trauma, though far from all of it.

I was never made fun of for my name, I was made fun of for being the freakishly smart kid who never spoke.
Streets did as well, I think. I chalked it up to the audience clapping off rhythm, but others are saying Edge munged that up.

It was Edge's fault. His delay was way off, so it was echoing the wrong bits. You can see him looking off stage, I assume to Dallas, before it gets sorted out. He sort of stops the riff for a second so he could recompose
Fuckin' Edge.

I never had a real nickname (my grandma and grandpa called me Lucy and Charlie Brown, as I loved reading Peanuts comics), so I kind of like having people call me Cori. I finally have a nickname in my 30s. :)
That's not anywhere near as gross as the other one, JT.

What? Thats one of those ridiculous, no one has ever done this sort of thing, definitions. the real definition of mung is jizz. A mung rag could be a tube sock, old pair of boxers, hanky, etc. Usually stored in a heap under the bed
I don't know, does it? One of my cousins called me that until I told her to cut it out.

I guess I never thought of a shortened version of my name to be an actual nickname.
It'd be weird if someone came up to me and called me Reggo. I'd know they were an interferencer right off the bat, but it'd still be strange.
Isn't it Reggo with a hard G, because it used to be short for Regular Bono Fan or something?

Yes. I still don't know what I was thinking with that screen name. I had Rocky Horror Picture Show on the brain and knew nothing about U2 when a friend pressured me to join. Thank God Sicy let me change it.
Isn't it Reggo with a hard G, because it used to be short for Regular Bono Fan or something?

I always assumed that the Gs were hard as well.

Going back a few pages regarding MoS, I think that it works perfectly as a closer. It encapsulates U2 quite well in so far as it is about searching for peace and sense of self in an imperfect way and an imperfect world. It also has enough of a crescendo at the end to leave the show on a dramatic note. I would think that only Love Is Blindness and 40 really rival it as a closer.
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