Random Music Thread XXXIII: Laz Goes Tubing, Gets Run Over By Tugboat

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I agree. I also agree MOS wasn't the right closer for that show, but I love it as a closer on the tour. I love that song more each time I hear it live. That song means something to Bono. It comes through every time.

It means something to him, and it means something to me and you, but it is too downbeat to play to a giant stadium crowd at the end of a show, especially when you've already concluded that your audience didn't "get" their new material. It may have worked with Love Is Cockless, but, you know, EVERYONE owned that fucking album during that tour and knew it.

As I keep saying, had they released this thing right out of the gate, it could have been the new With Or Without Cock, or at least the closest they're likely to get at this point. But they wanted to aim for the kids, who don't give a fuck about them anymore, even with the semi-recent success of Squirtigo. It was a dumb move, it blew up in their faces, and they should have made the song the CENTERPIECE of the show, perhaps segueing from or into a related classic.

If they bust out Bad and Out of Control at Montreal numero deux or Moncton, I'll be a very happy camper.

Last time I heard Bad live Daniel Lanois came on stage to play it with them, which was very cool.

I don't think anything will top the final Squirtigo show I saw in Los Angeles (show #2 at the Staples Center), when they closed with Bad(minton) and Boner had the crowd singing Patti Smith's "People Have the Power" at the end. It was probably the most transcendent moment I've ever had seeing the band live.

Oh look, here it is:

lazarus said:
I don't think the song is that great either, but it's kind of idiotic that they wrote it, played it during the European leg, and then just abandoned it, failing to even trot it out for the festival it was meant for.

Hey, Larry's chair got wet. Did he really need a patronized mob too?
And just because I feel like it:

I was dreaming in my dreaming of an aspect bright and fair

And my sleeping it was broken
but my dream it lingered near

In the form of shining valleys
where the pure air recognized

And my senses newly opened
I awakened to cry -
That the people have the power to redeem the works of fools

Upon the meek the graces shower
it's decreed
the people rule.

The people have the power
the people have the power

The people have the power
the people have the power.

Vengeful aspects became suspect and bending low as if to hear

And the armies ceased advancing because the people had their ear.
And the shepherds and the soldiers lay beneath the stars

Exchanging visions and laying arms to waste in the dust

In the form of shining valleys where the pure air recognized

And my senses newly opened
I awakened to the cry -

The people have the power
the people have the power

The people have the power
the people have the power.

The power to dream
to rule
to wrestle the world from fools

It's decreed
the people rule
it's decreed
the people rule.
Listen: I believe everything we dream can come to pass through our

We can tun the world around
we can turn the earths revolution.
We have the power
the people have the power

The people have the power
the people have the power.
The power to dream
to rule
to wrestle us from fools

It's decreed
the people rule.
We have the power
we have the power

The people have the power
we have the power.

Those are like the perfect lyrics for someone like Boner to share with an audience, even if it was only part of it. It's the link that connects the spirit of Patti to that of Shuttlecock.

Unification and transcendence.
I was there, Laz.

I probably was too.

My favorite U2 concert moment was when Kings of Leon stopped playing. I have so many to choose from, you know.

Nah, I saw them play Gloria. No complaints.
Dear U2:

You say you pull out Out of Control on very special occasions. Third night in a city, Glastonbury .... I get it. Please, please Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease consider your final 360 show in Moncton to be a very special occasion.

Love, Cori

Co-signed by me.

One of the Vertigo shows I saw had the Bad w/ People Have the Power as well as the closer. I think it was either NYC or Vegas. Both were great shows.

Also, at NYC, he said "Alicia, this is for you" during I Still Haven't Found.

.... okay, he was talking about Alicia Keys, but what the fuck ever, he totally dedicated a song to me. :heart:
The performance was flawless and the audience participation shocked me, but the setlist, yeah I'll bitch. Where the hell were City of Blinding Lights and Zooropa? COBL is one of their transcendent live moments, and if you're going to pull songs the audience doesn't know like MOS, why would you not risk Zooropa which you've just perfected? Also, they kind of cemented the 'their last album sucked' attitude with the general (didn't listen to it) populace by playing just Boots and MOS (which we all know from 360 doesn't fly with the uninitiated, brilliant as it is). Closing with OOC is straight up weird, but probably a last-second choice to bring the energy to one last crescendo.

I really wanted Staring at the Sun to be the acoustic track, but I'm not sad for 2 reasons: Stay is my 2nd favorite U2 track, and that was one of the most gorgeous renditions of it they've done. Oh and the crowd singing along with it? I was stunned, it was a single but it didn't have a huge impact, and the times I've seen it live the audience just stands there dumb.

And other than Bad, and OOC where were the 'surprises'? I know it wasn't rehearsed, but for this crowd they should have prepped a ripping Bullet the Blue Sky.

Final bitch nitpick: After all the talk I was really disappointed that 40 wasn't played, especially since all through this tour I've thought that MOS-->40 was the right way to close it.
I was surprised not to hear 40.

Was not at all surprised nothing from Pop made an appearance.

Oh, and for us Bono-lovin' ladies still around:

Well hellooooooo, Mr. Bono. :flirt:

Yeah I wasn't really expecting it to be SATS, still wanted it though. Thank God it was Stay and not Stuck. Wow, notice that all the acoustic versions they do are 'S' songs?
I'm wondering if jetlag and not wanting to be in bad form for Sunday had something to do with the length of the set, since the festival runner was quoted as saying he'd let them play as long as they wanted.
It wasn't their most perfect performance, and apparently Bono was a little reserved because the stage was so slick with rain he had to step carefully, but honestly, seeing such a great reaction from the crowd went a long way to making it feel really good to me.
Hey, at least I didn't mention it before Anaheim II, and wasn't standing next to you with a shit-eating grin while they played it.

I would have laughed a lot, and then hugged you repeatedly in between bouts of jumping around like a crazy person.

It was that kind of night.
Can we not talk about Anaheim when I'm around? It makes me want to cry.

Come on, only 2 weeks to Montreal!!!
Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot it wasn't cool to be a fan around these parts. Bono's vocals were stronger than most 360 performances, the band was feeding off the crowd and really held their own in a high pressure situation. Yeah, they sounded excellent. Best show ever? No, but great for what it was.

You just ripped the setlist apart, why is that ok? And the majority of the people "in these parts" love the band.
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