Random Music Thread XXXIII: Laz Goes Tubing, Gets Run Over By Tugboat

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I love the idea of closing with Out of Control.

Definitely agree with laz re: MOS should have been the first single and the centrepiece. I don't particularly like it as a closer.

Of the four U2 gigs I've seen the Melbourne crowd drowning Bono out during Streets in 06 is the best moment, with Kite coming in a remarkably close second.
I didn't like the song choice, but that doesn't affect my perception of their performance of said songs.
I hope the setlist won't be locked for the final jaunt, I want some variation for my 3 shows.
Oh, I don't think this is an indication of the rest of the shows. Too short, for one.

But if they'd like to keep Bad and OOC around, I will be pleased as punch.
I'd be pissed if a full out 360 show was that brief! :madwife:!

Also, 40's been rehearsed, now use it!!!
^ You still go see them in concert, so, yeah, some part of you must still love them or at least like them.

I liked that song you posted, but, I cannot imagine that's a surprise. That shiz was in my wheelhouse.
Or he could be like the twat sitting next to me at Giants Stadium wearing a big MUSE shirt and sitting and texting and pretending like there wasn't another band playing during U2. Man I wanted to hurt that kid, and say wake the fuck up to LIVE MUSIC! Muse is cool and all, but if you're going to be that much of a hater, wait for their headlining tour and save that ticket for a fan of the actual headliner.

Not saying shouter is like that though, :wink:.
I like when he shouts my name out at the top of his lungs every time they play Squirtigo.
Y-your name is "Yeah?" Or is it "Hello?" No wait, it's "kneel," right?

Please excuse the preceeding failed attempt at humor.
No spoken words said:
You just ripped the setlist apart, why is that ok? And the majority of the people "in these parts" love the band.

What do you mean "these parts?"
lazarus said:
I like when he shouts my name out at the top of his lungs every time they play Squirtigo.

Lance's mom never knows what name to shout out during Squirtigo.
Edit: why bother?

I didn't like the song choice, but that doesn't affect my perception of their performance of said songs.

Dude, you used the word perfect.

I don't know what that means where you come from, but everyone else I know takes it to mean perfect.

Boner's voice giving out alone prevents it from achieving that, even if he still gets an A for Effort.

Also, wasn't there some kind of flub at the beginning of Where The Cocks Have No Game? Like Hedge's guitar started over or didn't match the backing track at first?
Or is it "Hello?"


The beginning of EBTTRT sounded a bit off, didn't it? Streets did as well, I think. I chalked it up to the audience clapping off rhythm, but others are saying Edge munged that up.

There was another song where the intro sounded wonky .... can't recall if it was EBTTRT or something else.
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