Radiohead Discussion Thread

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I'd like to have these discussions. But of course no one can sustain them.

Radiohead better tour here soon. I would have given away my Coldplay ticket to see them.

What do we think will become of Super Collider? New album? But it'll be irrelevant by then. Reduced to a one-off live song? 'Twas good.
I think I listened to Super Collider once and it didn't make much of an impact on me...

If they play new material on this summer tour I will probably listen to it once or twice but I will not make the mistake and get all obsessed with it and then fall into the trap of pre album versions of songs that don't sound the same when they are released... I see that happen way too much around here with Radiohead and some other band I can't remember right now :down:
Yeah, the unreleased live tracks don't interest me either. I've had no interest in them since the Kid A / Amnesiac era, I'd rather just wait and hear the final version.
I hadn't heard any of the In Lameblows tracks before its release and I think it served me better in the long run.
Super Collider was pretty cool, the only time I listened to it though was when I saw them play it live. I don't want to ruin the songs for myself before the album is released
I hadn't heard any of the In Lameblows tracks before its release and I think it served me better in the long run.

Probably. I heard maybe 80% of the album in its early live incarnation, and all the tracks lead me to think, "Hmm, yeah, this stuff is interesting, it could make for a killer album after some cooking in the studio."

...and then the album came out and the songs either sounded exactly the same or even worse. :down: Maybe if I had no expectations the sudden release of the album might have surprised me like an interesting musical gift. I mean the album would still sound like shit, but at least it wouldn't have been a crushing disappointment.
Videotape is literally the only song there that really made me think, "Wow, they could've done better there." I mean, if I'm nitpicky on a certain day, I'd prefer Jigsaw had more electric guitar instead of acoustic like it does live. But it's still a fantastic and remarkably consistent album.
Maybe I'm one of the few who feels that the studio version of Videotape trumps the live renditions. The studio version is a superb closer; the drum rolls and sparse arrangement evoke the resignation of the lyrics extremely well. The crescendo in the live versions - at least those that I have heard - seemed a bit too over-wrought to serve as the closer of a mood-driven album like In Rainbows. It did not need an epic, "Love Reign O'er Me"-style finale, but rather an understated coda, which Videotape adeptly provides.
I love the album version as well, CD. Some days I wish they would have gone with 4 Minute Warning as a closer as well though, as I absolutely love it as well.

I love a good closing track. And a good opening track. They can make or break albums for me. Radiohead generally makes great choices on those 2 spots.
My favorite version of Videotape is Yorke playing it by himself from that Basement show.
I love Videotape.

Got shot down nicely there :lol: I hadn't heard any of the pre-release live renditions, I'm not that into Radiohead, so I thought the album was fantastic.

Pink Floyd toured Eclipse (A Piece for Assorted Lunatics) and then turned it into one of the biggest albums of all time, so it can be done.
Down Is the New Up is my favorite IR b-side. I still hold that it should have replaced Jigsaw on the album (then been moved to the 4 spot, dropping Arpeggi to 9).
I love the album version of Videotape a lot, it's one of the best songs on In Rainbows, amazing song.

Radiohead always have great closers to their albums
That was great, thanks for sharing. Perhaps you can help me.

I would love to be able to play this song on piano, same with countless other popular music songs, Bowie, Beatles, U2, the list goes on.

Do you or anyone know where I can get some piano 'tabs' on the internet???? Piano's the only instrument I ever played
I can tell you that he's playing the same riff with his right hand over and over and three chords with his left: A, C#m, and E. That continues till the end, when he starts playing E F#m C#m.
I personally would label The Tourist as a 'great' song. Solid, but rates in the bottom third of the album for me.

The Tourist is probably their second weakest one but Street Spirit, Motion Picture Soundtrack, Life in a Glasshouse and Videotape are all amazing songs, A Wolf at the door is pretty great too
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