You've heard GET ON YOUR BOOTS? - Post all thoughts, reviews, discussion HERE Part 4

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Sizzlin' Sicilian
Staff member
Jan 15, 2001
Bay Area, CA

Previous threads:

Please use this thread to post your thoughts about the new single!

LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE: exclusive - "Get On Your Boots"


Buy it on iTunes!


A couple of technical things!

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Part III sucked... let's see how IV turns out.

Btw, just to start it well
GOYB IS IMO their best lead single ever.
i asked in the other thread but it got closed right after...whats the deal with there being a white cover and a black cover for GOYB on iTunes?
So I was driving to dinner tonite and Boots came on the radio. I was pretty excited. After the song ended the DJ asked what everyone thought of it, and to text in "Keep it" or "Trash it" (like wtf trash it shouldnt even be an option.. its our only big alternative radio station in the bay area they should be playing it forever :p ) anyway like 10 minutes later he comes back on and said that it was a landslide to "Keep it" but it seemed to him like the few that said "Trash it" REALLLLY wanted to trash it. Interesting I thought.
I like it. It's not nearly as immediate as their last first singles from this decade, but more of a grower. I really like the production on it which has me really looking forward to the album.

I don't see any threads for press reviews, here's a fairly in depth one(for a single)

This guy sounds like he should post on interference

U2's Rather Brilliant If Grammatically Questionable Single, Get On Your Boots

Oh! Suffered has the U2 fan! You know what really sucked this past decade (apart from the obvious)? The last two U2 albums. Can we all just admit that now? If I wanted to hear watered down versions of the Joshua Tree (which I do not), then I assume that is what Coldplay is for. In short, if you liked those two albums, you will likely hate Get On Your Boots. Which is great! There's still plenty of Keane tickets for you.

Anyway! Does it sound like Pump It Up? Yes it does in the rapid-fire verses, quite a bit. Elvis Costello loves U2! So no need to worry about that. What's more worrying is that if you wanted to, you could make out the Escape Club's Wild Wild West in there too. Eesh.

Am I painting a picture, or what?

What it really sounds like is U2 slipping through a casual loop in time and meeting back up with the band who recorded Achtung Baby. Zooropa and Pop. Hey, those guys were really good! So knows from where the demos for this came, but U2's penchant for taking 27 years to make a record leads me to believe that this could easily have been left over from the Pop sessions. Edge really kills it on this track with a deeply processed, catchy riff which sounds a little like Discotheque (U2's last great single), and layers of similarly processed drums and super-fuzz bass give the song some real balls, which U2 have so severely lacked lately.

The chorus takes a weird, atonal turn, ("You don't know how beautiful you are") which is where you can hear the Moroccan influence producer Daniel Lanois was talking about. There's flamenco-ish acoustic guitars underneath, and Edge takes minimalism to new scarcities with a bent, chiming, six-note solo.

So, what is Bono talking about? In the proud tradition of nonsensical Bono lyrics, that is not often clear. There's rockets at the fun fair, Satan loves a bomb scare, candyfloss ice cream and ghosts that aren't real. Someone's stuff is blowing up, Bono's into growing up, and Hey! Sexy boots! Get on your boots! Yeah!

See, makes total sense.


What will be made most of (other than his wonderful take on a Wilhelm Scream about two minutes in) is Bono's line "I don't want to talk about the wars between the nations." NEITHER DO WE, BONO! YOU ARE A ROCKSTAR, REMEMBER. GOOD JOB. "Not right now." Oh right. In a minute then. It really wouldn't be Bono without epic, politicised gestures. Neither would it be Bono without some unfettered praise of women (who "are the future with the big revelations"), and sweetly clumsy mixed metaphors ("I got a submarine, you got the gasoline.")

It all ends on a long, half-time drum breakdown, with Bono chanting that he wants us all to "meet him in the sound! Yeah, hey HEY!" Which you should do, it's really rather good in there. Really! U2's pendulum has swung back to wacky experimentalism. Rejoice! I'm only mildly disappointed they didn't call it Sexy Boots. Song titles were never their strong suit.

Verdict: WIN. Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Even if the album tracklist does read like a McSweeneys list, I have faith that U2 will once again ride on the Unsuck Express. Also, Bono has cut his hair really short, which always means business.
I like it. It's not nearly as immediate as their last first singles from this decade, but more of a grower. I really like the production on it which has me really looking forward to the album.

I don't see any threads for press reviews, here's a fairly in depth one(for a single)

This guy sounds like he should post on interference

U2's Rather Brilliant If Grammatically Questionable Single, Get On Your Boots

Oh! Suffered has the U2 fan! You know what really sucked this past decade (apart from the obvious)? The last two U2 albums. Can we all just admit that now? If I wanted to hear watered down versions of the Joshua Tree (which I do not), then I assume that is what Coldplay is for. In short, if you liked those two albums, you will likely hate Get On Your Boots. Which is great! There's still plenty of Keane tickets for you.

Anyway! Does it sound like Pump It Up? Yes it does in the rapid-fire verses, quite a bit. Elvis Costello loves U2! So no need to worry about that. What's more worrying is that if you wanted to, you could make out the Escape Club's Wild Wild West in there too. Eesh.

Am I painting a picture, or what?

What it really sounds like is U2 slipping through a casual loop in time and meeting back up with the band who recorded Achtung Baby. Zooropa and Pop. Hey, those guys were really good! So knows from where the demos for this came, but U2's penchant for taking 27 years to make a record leads me to believe that this could easily have been left over from the Pop sessions. Edge really kills it on this track with a deeply processed, catchy riff which sounds a little like Discotheque (U2's last great single), and layers of similarly processed drums and super-fuzz bass give the song some real balls, which U2 have so severely lacked lately.

The chorus takes a weird, atonal turn, ("You don't know how beautiful you are") which is where you can hear the Moroccan influence producer Daniel Lanois was talking about. There's flamenco-ish acoustic guitars underneath, and Edge takes minimalism to new scarcities with a bent, chiming, six-note solo.

So, what is Bono talking about? In the proud tradition of nonsensical Bono lyrics, that is not often clear. There's rockets at the fun fair, Satan loves a bomb scare, candyfloss ice cream and ghosts that aren't real. Someone's stuff is blowing up, Bono's into growing up, and Hey! Sexy boots! Get on your boots! Yeah!

See, makes total sense.


What will be made most of (other than his wonderful take on a Wilhelm Scream about two minutes in) is Bono's line "I don't want to talk about the wars between the nations." NEITHER DO WE, BONO! YOU ARE A ROCKSTAR, REMEMBER. GOOD JOB. "Not right now." Oh right. In a minute then. It really wouldn't be Bono without epic, politicised gestures. Neither would it be Bono without some unfettered praise of women (who "are the future with the big revelations"), and sweetly clumsy mixed metaphors ("I got a submarine, you got the gasoline.")

It all ends on a long, half-time drum breakdown, with Bono chanting that he wants us all to "meet him in the sound! Yeah, hey HEY!" Which you should do, it's really rather good in there. Really! U2's pendulum has swung back to wacky experimentalism. Rejoice! I'm only mildly disappointed they didn't call it Sexy Boots. Song titles were never their strong suit.

Verdict: WIN. Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Even if the album tracklist does read like a McSweeneys list, I have faith that U2 will once again ride on the Unsuck Express. Also, Bono has cut his hair really short, which always means business.

interesting, really makes you wonder if Bono's sending a message in this song that the rock star, F-Bomb at Grammy's, cig smoking Bono is back.
I like that review!

10 listens in - loving it more and more. Definitely a song that will polarise opinion (as previous threads has indicated). I guess it very much depends on which U2 camp you are in - fans of 80's and last 2 albums U2 or (bigger) fans of 90's. Either way, its different and unexpected. That's what most U2 fans want - even if it is not instantly accessible.
interesting, really makes you wonder if Bono's sending a message in this song that the rock star, F-Bomb at Grammy's, cig smoking Bono is back.

I wish he'd drop the cigarette. Other than that... welcome back, sir?
I like that review!

10 listens in - loving it more and more. Definitely a song that will polarise opinion (as previous threads has indicated). I guess it very much depends on which U2 camp you are in - fans of 80's and last 2 albums U2 or (bigger) fans of 90's. Either way, its different and unexpected. That's what most U2 fans want - even if it is not instantly accessible.

Why no one talks about my camp????? :sad:

Fan of the 80's (except W, O and B) and 90's and 00's.
After countless listens, I've come to the conclusion that I like the song, but I feel like it has some glaring issues. One is the mixing. I'm not a fan of how things come in real loud and in front, then suddenly go quiet and fade into the background when a new part begins. Everything sounds really uneven and cut and paste to me. They should have brought Flood in to work some magic. Second, I'm not a fan of the drum sounds. They sound really tinny to me, which I've always complained about with Eno/Lanois productions. I know there's the Led Zep bit in the middle that's phatty, but on the verses, Larry totally gets drowned out. Last, I much prefer the rhythm from the beach clip version. It had more rollick to it. I feel like the single is kind of stiff/flat. Again, they should of put Flood on the case.

Regardless, I think this track is going to kick ass live.
Passengers had some great music on it, i would love to see another volume of that someday.
I like it. It's not nearly as immediate as their last first singles from this decade, but more of a grower. I really like the production on it which has me really looking forward to the album.

I don't see any threads for press reviews, here's a fairly in depth one(for a single)

This guy sounds like he should post on interference

U2's Rather Brilliant If Grammatically Questionable Single, Get On Your Boots

Oh! Suffered has the U2 fan! You know what really sucked this past decade (apart from the obvious)? The last two U2 albums. Can we all just admit that now? If I wanted to hear watered down versions of the Joshua Tree (which I do not), then I assume that is what Coldplay is for. In short, if you liked those two albums, you will likely hate Get On Your Boots. Which is great! There's still plenty of Keane tickets for you.

Anyway! Does it sound like Pump It Up? Yes it does in the rapid-fire verses, quite a bit. Elvis Costello loves U2! So no need to worry about that. What's more worrying is that if you wanted to, you could make out the Escape Club's Wild Wild West in there too. Eesh.

Am I painting a picture, or what?

What it really sounds like is U2 slipping through a casual loop in time and meeting back up with the band who recorded Achtung Baby. Zooropa and Pop. Hey, those guys were really good! So knows from where the demos for this came, but U2's penchant for taking 27 years to make a record leads me to believe that this could easily have been left over from the Pop sessions. Edge really kills it on this track with a deeply processed, catchy riff which sounds a little like Discotheque (U2's last great single), and layers of similarly processed drums and super-fuzz bass give the song some real balls, which U2 have so severely lacked lately.

The chorus takes a weird, atonal turn, ("You don't know how beautiful you are") which is where you can hear the Moroccan influence producer Daniel Lanois was talking about. There's flamenco-ish acoustic guitars underneath, and Edge takes minimalism to new scarcities with a bent, chiming, six-note solo.

So, what is Bono talking about? In the proud tradition of nonsensical Bono lyrics, that is not often clear. There's rockets at the fun fair, Satan loves a bomb scare, candyfloss ice cream and ghosts that aren't real. Someone's stuff is blowing up, Bono's into growing up, and Hey! Sexy boots! Get on your boots! Yeah!

See, makes total sense.


What will be made most of (other than his wonderful take on a Wilhelm Scream about two minutes in) is Bono's line "I don't want to talk about the wars between the nations." NEITHER DO WE, BONO! YOU ARE A ROCKSTAR, REMEMBER. GOOD JOB. "Not right now." Oh right. In a minute then. It really wouldn't be Bono without epic, politicised gestures. Neither would it be Bono without some unfettered praise of women (who "are the future with the big revelations"), and sweetly clumsy mixed metaphors ("I got a submarine, you got the gasoline.")

It all ends on a long, half-time drum breakdown, with Bono chanting that he wants us all to "meet him in the sound! Yeah, hey HEY!" Which you should do, it's really rather good in there. Really! U2's pendulum has swung back to wacky experimentalism. Rejoice! I'm only mildly disappointed they didn't call it Sexy Boots. Song titles were never their strong suit.

Verdict: WIN. Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Even if the album tracklist does read like a McSweeneys list, I have faith that U2 will once again ride on the Unsuck Express. Also, Bono has cut his hair really short, which always means business.

The person who wrote that article deserves an appreciation thread. :up:
I guess I am in the minority I find beauty in all the U2 records in different ways thats why theyve kept me as a fan for so long :)
THE SONG SUCKS! I have been a huge U2 fan since the Boy album and liked everything up until Atomic Bomb. This single is the worst ever! I mean they out did themselves. I thought Atomic bomb was bland boring and crap but this single is even
worse than anything on Atomic Bomb. I can't theU2 sheep are giving this good reviews. If this was from any other band the song would not even get air play and you would say that band sucks. Well, U2 now officially sucks! A lot of people hated the last album adn that is obvious from the sales and the reviews on amazon. Well this album looks to be the final nail in the coffin for U2. What a piece of garbage this song is. hell, even Coldplay are making better U2 songs than u2, and I hate Coldplay.
I am so sad to see a once great band become a joke. They will win grammies and get good reviews but true U2 fans know they are now a joke compared to what they once were. can you believe Atomic Bomb one grammys and War, Boy, Unforgettable Fire.. didn't? They only one grammy because they are famous not because they are good.

Bono and guys why don't you just retire because now you are an embarassment to yourselves
THE SONG SUCKS! I have been a huge U2 fan since the Boy album and liked everything up until Atomic Bomb. This single is the worst ever! I mean they out did themselves. I thought Atomic bomb was bland boring and crap but this single is even
worse than anything on Atomic Bomb. I can't theU2 sheep are giving this good reviews. If this was from any other band the song would not even get air play and you would say that band sucks. Well, U2 now officially sucks! A lot of people hated the last album adn that is obvious from the sales and the reviews on amazon. Well this album looks to be the final nail in the coffin for U2. What a piece of garbage this song is. hell, even Coldplay are making better U2 songs than u2, and I hate Coldplay.
I am so sad to see a once great band become a joke. They will win grammies and get good reviews but true U2 fans know they are now a joke compared to what they once were. can you believe Atomic Bomb one grammys and War, Boy, Unforgettable Fire.. didn't? They only one grammy because they are famous not because they are good.

Bono and guys why don't you just retire because now you are an embarassment to yourselves

It's one fucking song dude.
I'm a die-hard U2 fan since I was 13 or so (1983-84). I can name songs of theirs I simply do not like, but overall....I love their output. I'm a huge fan, what else would anyone expect? I make no apologies for it, and don't really care what anyone thinks of my level of fanaticism for the band.

I don't try to talk people into liking them, and so I appreciate it when people do not try to talk me into liking them less.

I like the song a lot, I am excited to hear it Live, and I am truly giddy about hearing the whole album in a few weeks.
THE SONG SUCKS! I have been a huge U2 fan since the Boy album and liked everything up until Atomic Bomb. This single is the worst ever! I mean they out did themselves. I thought Atomic bomb was bland boring and crap but this single is even
worse than anything on Atomic Bomb. I can't theU2 sheep are giving this good reviews. If this was from any other band the song would not even get air play and you would say that band sucks. Well, U2 now officially sucks! A lot of people hated the last album adn that is obvious from the sales and the reviews on amazon. Well this album looks to be the final nail in the coffin for U2. What a piece of garbage this song is. hell, even Coldplay are making better U2 songs than u2, and I hate Coldplay.
I am so sad to see a once great band become a joke. They will win grammies and get good reviews but true U2 fans know they are now a joke compared to what they once were. can you believe Atomic Bomb one grammys and War, Boy, Unforgettable Fire.. didn't? They only one grammy because they are famous not because they are good.

Bono and guys why don't you just retire because now you are an embarassment to yourselves

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