You've heard GET ON YOUR BOOTS? - Post all thoughts, reviews, discussion HERE

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Sizzlin' Sicilian
Staff member
Jan 15, 2001
Bay Area, CA
As we know, radio stations across the world are getting ready to play the new single we've all been waiting so long to hear (the WHOLE song.. not just snippets).

In an effort to try to stay organized, once you've heard GOYB on the radio (or as you're waiting to hear it on the radio) please post all of your thoughts about the single in this thread.

[As of right now, there is a 23 second clip of this song on]

Here are the supposed stations that will be streaming.

RTE 2fm:

XFM London


Slager Radio, Hungary(rumored to air GOYB at 7AM GMT)

as well as


Premiere: 'Get On Your Boots'
Get On Your Boots, the first single from No Line on the Horizon, will make its debut tomorrow morning - on radio and on U2.Com. Here's the details.

Irish radio presenter Dave Fanning, a champion of the band's music since before they ever signed a record deal, will be the first DJ in the world to play the new single - at 8.10am on The Colm & Jim-Jim Show on Ireland's RTÉ 2fm.

A few minutes later the single will be streaming live on U2.Com... and on radio stations worldwide.

Check in with us at 8.15am GMT on Monday.

If anyone knows of other stations streaming, please post them here!


A couple of technical things!

Please do not post DOWNLOAD links to the song, i.e. s e n d s p a c e, m e g a u p l o a d, etc.

There is a reason why we have those sites censored.. its a copyright violation to post links to ANY commercial material and we could get in big trouble. Universal has threatened to shut us down in the past.

Also, please do not use this thread (or post new threads) to request the song!

We have an ongoing request thread where you can post your email address to request the [FULL] song when its out. You only need to post your email address ONCE.

Ideally, whoever gets a copy of the song, should send it to myself, dan_smee, and digitize (they have been tending to the email list) so that the email can go out.


Now lets get excited! :hyper:
Already there, and as a warm up i'm watching the inaugration,
Tomorrow is going to be a fine day indeed.
Thank you for doing the list its musch appreciated, I of course will be buying many versions of the song as always.
I've heard Boots. It's the worst song they've ever made. The lyrics suck. U2 should have disbanded 30 years ago, before they sold out in the creation of 11 O'Clock Tick Tock.

The album sucks, too. Just like every album since U2:3.
I've heard Boots. It's the worst song they've ever made. The lyrics suck. U2 should have disbanded 30 years ago, before they sold out in the creation of 11 O'Clock Tick Tock.

The album sucks, too. Just like every album since U2:3.


...Now let's hear the new single.
Seriously, though, I'm almost sad the wait to Boots is almost over. The anticipation has been too much fun. Although I guess we have much more to come.
time will tell...
next album called '4:44' is already in the pipe...all songs exactely have the same length:wave:
Seriously, though, I'm almost sad the wait to Boots is almost over. The anticipation has been too much fun. Although I guess we have much more to come.

Indeed, the anticipation is so much fun... But we have 10 more songs to look forward to after this one! And then the tour, the setlist parties, the bootlegs, the actual shows :drool:

This is just the best time to be a U2 fan :up:
Enjoying Edges guitar "crunches" in the background from "night is falling everwhere" up to "funfair" lyrics. Heavily distorted with a tonne of reverb! :love:
So radio stations will be playing it simultaneously after Fanning? A lot of them?

From past experience, does anyone have any suggestions for XM channels that will play it a bit tomorrow?
Anyone else in the states planning on just staying up late and listening to it when streams it? On the East Coast it'll be 3AM, but I'm gonna do it.
Anyone else in the states planning on just staying up late and listening to it when streams it? On the East Coast it'll be 3AM, but I'm gonna do it.

yeah im on the east coast too...definitely doing it!
Ok, I've listened to the 22-seconds clip 50-60 times now ... and my verdict is: Wow, I really dig it ... :drool:. Can't wait till tomorrow. But the worst part is: I won't be home before 5-6 pm... Ah, damn work... But WHAT an evening :hyper::applaud:
(P.S. I am muuuch more excited than when I listened to BD/Vertigo for the first time...I hope this is GRAND ... :up:
Difficult to make up my mind right now, but it's trully a step forward in terms of sound... maybe i just expected something more atmosferic...
alright, I've heard something about a 22sec - 30sec clip?? I guess it wouldn't be too impatient of me to want to get on that, huh?

If anybody could do me the favor, please:
Holy :censored:, there's a clip? Are we talking album-quality here? I swear, I go a few hours without Blue Crack and a crapload of stuff happens...
I'm intrigued. Could some kind poster please send me the new clip? Thank you kindly!

EDIT: Only three pages for what is basically a request thread? What has Interference come to?
Guys, Sicy has set this thread up for "thoughts, reviews, discussion", so could we maybe do the email requests on a separate thread? Cheers :up:
Indeed, the anticipation is so much fun... But we have 10 more songs to look forward to after this one! And then the tour, the setlist parties, the bootlegs, the actual shows :drool:

This is just the best time to be a U2 fan :up:

Well said. I am so looking forward to the new album and the tour :drool:
Have sent to the last three. Notice that it's a flash video (from I haven't got the mp3.

Update: Sorry about the e-mail - sending. It's just that the current e-mail-requesting-thread is for the whole song and the other one discussing the snippets is closed....
So radio stations will be playing it simultaneously after Fanning? A lot of them?

From past experience, does anyone have any suggestions for XM channels that will play it a bit tomorrow?

BBC1, Alt Nation, The Pulse, probably Hits 1 or whatever XMs equivalent is.. (I have Sirius)
to me seems to be the missing intro on beach clip #3, and then rock n' roll.
I just attempted to look this 30-sec clip up on YouTube, but apparently Universal have taken it down. If anyone downloaded it, would they be kind enough to send to That is, if it's different from the two 12-sec clips, which I've been listening to repeatedly and am still loving! :)
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