You think this guy regrets this letter?

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Jul 26, 2000
right underneath the north pole
guess he did a lot of :banghead: since then...

:banghead: :banghead: :reject: I think that he definetly regrets it and it prolly kickin himself in the arse bc of it!:banghead:<~~~No arse kickin smilie so that is the best i could do!:lol:
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OMG, I'll bet he kicks himself every day. :banghead: :banghead: Geez, I can't imagine screwing up like that........and then having it out there in public!!
As unfortunate as it is, the record company must have had their reasons for turning the band down. I was watching this before they were stars show once and they were showing Madonna's audition tape for the show "Fame." The producers did not choose her because they didn't think she was very good but then a few years later she becomes the hugest star in the world. One of the producers was interviewed and said he did not regret his decision because after watching the tape again he saw that she was not very good then and the reason she became a success later on was because she got better. Who knows, this letter could have been a good kick in the butt for the band to try harder and get really great.

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