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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Oct 24, 2004
Birmingham, UK
Anyone around here like them?
'Show Your Bones' is released later this month, and from what i've heard from the leak, it's sounding pretty good - perhaps better than Fever To Tell :up:

So, fans of Miss O and co unite!
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I only like them because they´re independent ( - I think?) and still have managed to sell alot.

or no... sorry I always confuse names. I meant to say Clap Your Hands Say Yeah.
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I've not heard the leak of the new album, but I love 'Fever to Tell', so... I guess I'll like this new stuff
they're great live too
I'm pretty sure there's a torrent available. Which is nice since I'm behind a university firewall :mad:

I haven't managed to hear the new record yet but I'm really excited to as I really love Fever To Tell.

not really feeling the new album yet. it's a step forward in terms of being more melodic and technical. but it lacks the trashy charm of the earlier stuff.
Finally got my hands on a copy and I'm listening to it for the first time right now.

For some reason, this was my first time hearing Gold Lion and I loved it :drool:
i've listened to the leak a couple of times.

so far, i'm enjoying gold lion, fancy, honeybear, and dudley.

for me personally, i don't think they'll ever top bang from their first ep. that song is damn fantastic!!

Gold Lion's getting a some rotation here on my local rock station... I'm a alone in this, or does anyone else think the lead singer (I'm not familiar with the band) sounds like Souixsie Souix? Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, mind you.

(Please forgive what I'm sure is a complete butchering of that spelling - it's too late & I'm too tired to Google it. :reject: )

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