Wide Awake in Europe Discussion only NO REQUESTS Thread

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Hm, that's strange. Perhaps send them an email asking?

So I called and they told me as long as the money had gone through, I was ok. They said there were 8,000 orders (for various Record Store Day stuff I assume) they were processing so it was taking them a while to get through all of them.

But I am still anxious until I get that shipped email.
Apparently the guy who reported to atu2.com that he already found two copies Article & pics HERE is a douchebag and is now selling one of his copies on eBay: U2 Wide Awake In Europe ...

What an ass. He could have left a copy for another fan to find, but chose to take advantage of fellow fans instead. Douchebag.

Nothing like the internet to have ppl post info without knowing the facts.
I'm in a lot of U2 collector groups, and have had requests sent to me to find them a copy. I ordered myself a copy from my local independant record store here two and a half weeks ago after seeing the Record Day website.. the owner rung me up last Wednesday to tell me he has 10 copies in earlier than expected. I bought them all based on the amount of requests I had from my fellow collectors. Already shipped are 2 to Ireland, 3 to the UK, 3 to USA at $13 each. When Matt posted my pics @u2.com, I received a plethora of emails asking me to sell one of my two copies. But understand, being a collector and spending my hard earned cash for over 28 years, I learned to see what the market value is on u2 collectables and with my spare copy wanted to test the market. I started my auction at 99cents with no reserve so bidders will have a fair and reasonable chance to bid instead of the Buuy It Now at $102. What fans that bid on it, are the ones that create the value and market. Not my fault!
I bought this record with my own money, so I own it! I can decide what to do with what I damn well please. I didn't "take advantage of fellow u2 fans". On the contrary, I looked out and hooked up 8 other fans and made them extremely happy. Can you say the same? NO!
As a matter of fact, this Friday there will be 5 more copies waiting for me at the store. I will choose someone from this thread that needs one and will hook them up by contacting them thru pm..
But rest assured, you will not be one of the chosen fore I'm a douchbag, an ass, and a jerk. Sorry you're "out of the running" to be the first kid on your interference block to own it. And now you're frustrated, bitter and sour and choose to take the baby cryin' attitude out on me. Maybe if you grew up and realised the effort you have to take sometimes for something you want, you'll get it. I hope other fans here that read this without bias can understand. If not, I realy don't care, cry all you want..I'll sleep well tonite as I have been.
I'm feeling very SOUR about the way this whole limited edition sale has gone. I've pre-ordered from 3 sources. Two have canceled on me and the third has me back-ordered... I wonder how many of us will simply not get a copy? Not cool. Maybe U2 should have started with fan club members?
I've read plenty of stuff in this thread that comes across as anger; that comment wasn't necessarily directed at you, it just happened to follow your post.
Maybe U2 should have started with fan club members?

The best way to guarantee a clusterf**k is to have Live Nation handle the distribution. No thanks.

The whole point of this is to drive traffic to independent record shops, and it appears to be working. I'm sure U2.com subscribers will be able to stream/download all three tracks in due time.
So much anger over this. Sheesh.

So. How 'bout them Packers?
I'm not angry one bit. It's Utoo that is angry. I'm just staing facts at his misinformed opinion of me.
From the sounds of things on all the online screwups, expect the anger level to rise. This is what happens with any limited edition release.
Limited supply becomes unlimited demand. that's just the way it is and has been.
expect the anger level to rise.

I'm jaded enough to agree with you there. ;)

I understand people will be disappointed not to be able to get one, but ... it's a limited release. That goes along with the territory. It's too bad about the confusion and misinformation that's out there from the sites, pre-orders and actual record shops, but I'm already feeling like some people are acting like this is some sort of personal snub from U2. (i.e., "I can't get it, so this was a stupid idea." Or "Who wants vinyl? Who cares about these songs? This is stupid.")

Maybe I'm so used to seeing entitlement from U2 fans that I'm reading things that aren't there.

And this isn't directed at anyone in particular, just a general sense I'm getting, and not only from this site.
Maybe U2 should have started with fan club members?
I posted the same exact thing in that forum. That would be a nice perk and acknowledgement of continualy paying to be on a official website that you have to go to others to find breaking news. I feel embarrassed to say I'm a member sometimes.
U2.com couldn't even put their official stramp on this record till this past weekend. Meanwhile for the last three weeks since this was announced, people are ordering and paying for preorders. Common sense at that point should tell u2.coms to put their announce it on the site.
...the owner rung me up last Wednesday to tell me he has 10 copies in earlier than expected. I bought them all based on the amount of requests I had from my fellow collectors.

I won't question your intentions, but the shop owner has no business selling 10 copies to one buyer ahead of street date. You might just as easily sell them for $100 a pop on eBay.
So I called and they told me as long as the money had gone through, I was ok. They said there were 8,000 orders (for various Record Store Day stuff I assume) they were processing so it was taking them a while to get through all of them.

But I am still anxious until I get that shipped email.

I also am waiting on a shipped email rom Vintage Vinyl. (i did recieve a pending email last week). Glad to hear what they told you though.
I'm not really sure that any of that info changes my opinion, but whatever. The waters would have been tested by someone else in only a few days' time, no need to make a hundred bucks in the process. Only issue---as more copies flood the market in three days, yours isn't worth as much as it is when it's the only hard copy out there. Thus, real incentive to "test the water" now yourself and probably make more money in the process than you would in a week.

I'm not upset about not being the first to own...I don't think that anyone really cares about that. I also don't feel entitled to own this at all. I do, perhaps, feel "entitled" to as fair a chance as anyone else who might camp out in hopes of getting lucky enough to find one in person, fully knowing that it's an ultra-rare release, and I'd hope that a fellow fan wouldn't screw me or anyone else out of hat chance. I guess I just believe in the spirit of fellow fans helping each other out, a la the various sites that sell or trade concert tickets at face value to fellow fans. No matter how many other copies were sent to other fans, the item listed represents one fellow fan who doesn't get a fair shot at getting the album at face value...in exchange for "information" that would be available in a few days and an extra hundred bucks in someone's pocket. :shrug:

I don't buy the argument that being in various collectors groups or spending one's own hard-earned money adds anything to the conversation. It's like when people say it's ok to pirate music online because they've bought all of the previous albums---it's not a real argument. You're either okay with pirating music or you're not. Just like you're either ok scalping fellow fans for an album or you're not.

I just hope that if I'm number two in line at a record store and the guy in front of me scoops up all 10 copies, he'll pass one back to a fellow fan waiting in line rather than hocking that extra album online "just to see" what the others might be worth.
I think it's appalling the store owner sold one person so many copies, and ahead of time.

All the stores I talked to have limits as to the number of each you can buy. One store said they should be able to sell me two, but they were waiting to see how many they actually got. You can't call to have one held for you, you can't reserve them ahead of time.
I won't question your intentions, but the shop owner has no business selling 10 copies to one buyer ahead of street date. You might just as easily sell them for $100 a pop on eBay.

An INDEPENDANT shop owner runs his shop the way he deems fit, ecspecialy to good customers like myself. He is not under any contract to the company in making sure he doesn't sell any till release date. That's the beauty of nwning your own INDEPENDANT record shop. The owner does not have to adhere to the Best Buys, Amazons in the world.
I'm sure if you saw the 360 tour silver press cd's for sale, you'd change your opinion and think it's a great shop. Shops like this are far and between because of the internet.
It sounds like a great shop, but I still don't think it's fair for him to give so many copies of such a limited release to one person, good customer or not. Sorry. :shrug:
An INDEPENDANT shop owner runs his shop the way he deems fit, ecspecialy to good customers like myself. He is not under any contract to the company in making sure he doesn't sell any till release date. That's the beauty of nwning your own INDEPENDANT record shop. The owner does not have to adhere to the Best Buys, Amazons in the world.
I'm sure if you saw the 360 tour silver press cd's for sale, you'd change your opinion and think it's a great shop. Shops like this are far and between because of the internet.

Why don't you give me the name of the shop and I'll forward it to the Record Store Day folks and see what they think of him selling you 10 copies ahead of street date?
I'm not really sure that any of that info changes my opinion, but whatever. The waters would have been tested by someone else in only a few days' time, no need to make a hundred bucks in the process. Only issue---as more copies flood the market in three days, yours isn't worth as much as it is when it's the only hard copy out there. Thus, real incentive to "test the water" now yourself and probably make more money in the process than you would in a week.

I'm not upset about not being the first to own...I don't think that anyone really cares about that. I also don't feel entitled to own this at all. I do, perhaps, feel "entitled" to as fair a chance as anyone else who might camp out in hopes of getting lucky enough to find one in person, fully knowing that it's an ultra-rare release, and I'd hope that a fellow fan wouldn't screw me or anyone else out of hat chance. I guess I just believe in the spirit of fellow fans helping each other out, a la the various sites that sell or trade concert tickets at face value to fellow fans. No matter how many other copies were sent to other fans, the item listed represents one fellow fan who doesn't get a fair shot at getting the album at face value...in exchange for "information" that would be available in a few days and an extra hundred bucks in someone's pocket. :shrug:

I don't buy the argument that being in various collectors groups or spending one's own hard-earned money adds anything to the conversation. It's like when people say it's ok to pirate music online because they've bought all of the previous albums---it's not a real argument. You're either okay with pirating music or you're not. Just like you're either ok scalping fellow fans for an album or you're not.

I just hope that if I'm number two in line at a record store and the guy in front of me scoops up all 10 copies, he'll pass one back to a fellow fan waiting in line rather than hocking that extra album online "just to see" what the others might be worth.
I'm a fan, you're a fan! Sorry of I like to collect u2 memorbilia and you don't and that makes me look entitled? That's not what collectors are about.
Read the post, I bought those 10 copies for 8 other fans that PRE- REQUESTED to find them one. At the time when I ordered them, he didn't know the exact amount coming in. When he said I can buy all 10 for my FELLOW U2 FANS, I passed 8 copies back in my line.
5000 units of an item isn't actualy what I would call a flood.
An INDEPENDANT shop owner runs his shop the way he deems fit, ecspecialy to good customers like myself. He is not under any contract to the company in making sure he doesn't sell any till release date. That's the beauty of nwning your own INDEPENDANT record shop. The owner does not have to adhere to the Best Buys, Amazons in the world.
I'm sure if you saw the 360 tour silver press cd's for sale, you'd change your opinion and think it's a great shop. Shops like this are far and between because of the internet.

Um, yeah actually he is under contract to wait till release date...

Why would anyone change their mind after seeing that the shop sells tour bootlegs?
I think it's appalling the store owner sold one person so many copies, and ahead of time.

All the stores I talked to have limits as to the number of each you can buy. One store said they should be able to sell me two, but they were waiting to see how many they actually got. You can't call to have one held for you, you can't reserve them ahead of time.
There is no seller/consumer limit set by the record industry. Not his/my fault.
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