Where are the Arab Countries...

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I'm a chauvinist leprechaun
Oct 30, 2000
Notre Dame, IN, 46556
in this whole business of a Palestinian state.. Where are all these Arab Countries in Giving Palestine none of their land.. Syria.. Iran.. These countries are huge.. Israel has nothing left to give... how come they can't give up a sliver of land...
?????? restate the question.........
Theirs a whole legacy under this whole so called Palestinian state..... Its a real mess.... I mean this started long ago when King Hussain negotiated with a British official in Egypt, wanting an Arab state... The British betrayed the arabs, and set themselves along with the french states of their own within the middle east....Then the British passed a law saying that "Palestine" was a Jewish haven... Which caused competition towards the Arabs and the Israelis...... The struggle goes on and on into the 1948, 1956, 1967, and 1973 war.... All these peace treaties (1979 and the most recent one) have failed to intrest the public... so its basically a never ending mess............
don't know if that answerd your question.
I agree with Amna that it is all one never-ending mess, but, I must say, some of the history quoted is highly dubious. I wouldn't lable everything as consequence of the British betraying anyone.

Still, I do not understand the original question; why should Iran and Syria give up their land? And even if they should, do you think they would? Since when does human nature allow for luxuries such as generousity and kindness when it comes to land?

In truth, the lands in dispute are lands that Israel obtained (usually by force) from neighboring Arab states leading up to 1967.

The disputed areas are Golan Heights (ceded from Syria), the West Bank (taken from Jordan) and the Gaza Strip (taken from Egypt). All of these are currently occupied by Isreal despite their majority Arab, non-Jewish inhabitants. When Israel was planned in the 1940s, Britain, France and the U.S. did not push any immigration limits for the closely-bordered state. But as many Jewish people from Europe wished to live in their designated "homeland," especially instead of post-WW2 Europe, population was bound to be a problem. Israel continues to grow today; many American nationals live in Israel most of the year. This is why Israelis settle in Palestinian lands much to the displeasure of the Palestinian residents.

Several of the bordering Arab states do have Palestinian areas, but only Jordan grants them full citizenship. In Lebanon, they are merely "refugees," and create a tense situation between that country's evenly divided Christian and Muslim factions (though both groups are Arabic).

I think the best solution is an independent Palestinian state made up of some of the pre-1967 lands, but Jerusalem should remain part of Israel and all areas of Jerusalem should be open to people of all faiths. I do not think any of this will happen while Ariel Sharon is p.m., especially since we know lately he is taking U.S. support for granted, perhaps because he and Israel could get along without it.

Yah.. I know about the history, and that the majority of the disputes are over the specific areas of land, but if all these muslims are calling for a jihad against all americans/christians... then why can't they call all together to give up a little bit of their (iran.syria...etc...) and maybe that would .. help.. get this process somewhere, I's just asking why aren't any of these arab countries trying to help each other out.. if they have such binding things as the Bin laden jihad he's been calling all muslims to...
Believe it or not, all these Arab countries aren't in best relations with eachother.... One thing everyone should know is that the Islamist groups, etc. have different beliefs and goals.... Some would call this a Jihad, others wouldn't.... Some would depend on a shari'a law, others wouldn't... I mean Islam has a lot of secs within it..... You've got Shia's and Sunnis, (sometimes in places like Pakistan, these 2 sects are somewhat shaky towards eachother). Overall, these countries all have different point of views on things.... So its kinda hard to support eachother in that case, when everyone doesn't really agree with eachother... Or, sometimes a state might not wanna get involved with another, cuz they might get back-lashed.....
PS- sorry for all the grammer errors, i'm in a rush...
Peace out
Originally posted by Lemonite:
Yah.. I know about the history, and that the majority of the disputes are over the specific areas of land, but if all these muslims are calling for a jihad against all americans/christians... then why can't they call all together to give up a little bit of their (iran.syria...etc...) and maybe that would .. help.. get this process somewhere, I's just asking why aren't any of these arab countries trying to help each other out.. if they have such binding things as the Bin laden jihad he's been calling all muslims to...

But then why not turn it around? Why can't, for instance, the USA not give some land to the Jews. Give them California or, if they don't want to have a sea anymore, Utah or any other state. If the USA wants to help Israel out then they surely can offer some land to them.

C ya!

Marty (maybe not totally serious)

People criticize me but I know it's not the end
I try to kick the truth, not just to make friends

Spearhead - People In Tha Middle

Because Israel, geographically, is sacred and Holy to the Jewish people (as it is to Muslims and Christians, but the Christians are irrelevant in the whole scheme of things), and California and Utah are NOT sacred to the Jewish people.

And also remember that any Israelis or Palestinains may come to the U.S. and apply for and enjoy full citizenship.


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