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Blue Crack Addict
Nov 19, 2000
Black Lodge
Anyone else think Walk On is bigger now than when it was the current single a couple months ago?

First TRL, and now the Telethon!

This song could become a hit after all!

Cookie Manwhore
what do you mean trl? as far as i know, it was only on once because one girl wanted it. is there something else?

-death bear
You know, I've been counting the U2 singles played as radio hits from ATYCLB in Los Angeles... Here's my count so far:

Beautiful Day (of course)
Stuck in a Moment You Can't Get Out of (2 MTv videos here)
Walk On
New York (on KROQ)
Peace on Earth (on KROQ)
Kite (been played a few times on KROQ)
When I Look at the World (also played a few times)

That's 8 songs out of 11 in ONE ALBUM!

All That You Can't Leave Behind is literally an album of hit singles... I wouldn't be surprised if U2 is gonna win Grammy Album of the Year for this... Especially with all the relevance the album brings to today's events.

"Lookin for baby Jesus under the trash..."
Originally posted by Flag Pole Pear:
what do you mean trl? as far as i know, it was only on once because one girl wanted it. is there something else?

That's what I meant. But it was still TRL!

Cookie Manwhore
HigH there Mikal, nice of you to join us you WhoreManCookie

Yes, I think Walk On is/will get bigger than it was.
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