Unpopular music opinions take II

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HTDAAB has better songs, so I like it better. People talk about how ATYCLB works better as an "album," but that doesn't mean shit when the songs don't hold up. Plus, I don't really think Elevation into Walk On defines tracklisting greatness or anything.

Well, if we go by the original track order, it works better. I don't remember if Hedge or Boner is to blame for the one we have now, but it was one of them.

It makes no sense to me to put ElevateShuttle anywhere but the #2 slot. And it's asinine to put a song about suicide in between Beautiful Play and that one.


1. Beautiful Play
2. ElevateShuttle
3. Chalk On
4. Stuck At A Match Point That You Can't Get Out Of
5. Peace on Clay
6. Kik* (For NSW)

7. New Racquet
8. In A Little Rally
9. Wild Birdie
10. When I Look At The Cock
11. Ace
You know, I've never been hit in the face. Pierce says it's a rite of passage, but I guess the fact I think Backstreets is overrated isn't a punchable offence to anyone I've actually met :lol:

I do like it, I just don't think it's as good as Thunder Road, Born to Run or Jungleland, and I'd take Meeting Cross the River over it as well. I think it's the vocals. After the 800th "hidinonbeeeehhhhhheeeeckkstreets" I kind of get the point.

Interesting point you make about "classics", scumbo, and I think it's true for the most part. Dark Side of the Moon may be the only classic that hasn't somewhat underwhelmed me due to all its praise.
Here's another unpopular one. The Great Gig in the Sky is fucking amazing.

That's not an unpopular opinion. DSOTM is the one of the most beloved rock albums ever. Literally millions of people love that song.

Just because a couple of people on this particular message board might be vocal in their hate of it doesn't make it an unpopular opinion.

And for some reason I feel like I've said this exact same thing to you before.
I tend to respew a lot of my thoughts/opinions :happy:

Ha, so do I. It's all good.

Every regular poster on this board, I think, has repeated an opinion or a thought about a piece of music, many times. It's hard not to, because we often go in cycles and start having the same discussions that we had a year ago, or two years ago.
Oh man, I was actually just thinking about that. I've been avoiding that thread because I'm three (maybe four) episodes behind and I really need to catch up. Looking forward to it. I will catch up at some point this week and post my thoughts in the thread.
Cool. Coo coo cool.

How do Chicagoans feel about Cutler now, some months on?

Last question, I swear.

Well Abed,

There are about 3,000,000 Bears fans in the city, so there's going to be a ton of variation in opinion. I can really only speak for myself and my friends. Most of them think he's kind of a bitch, but those that think that weren't too high on him to begin with. Some of them were very disappointed in the events of the NFC title game, but still believe that he's a great talent and can get the job done. And then there's me, who would lie down in traffic for him and have a million of his babies.
What the fuck, cobbler?

You really should

See below:

Well Abed,
The googles tells me Abed is a character from Community. I will assume that's what its from and not Friggin Cobbler trying to come up with his own catchphrase or nickname a la 'Cobblerino'
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