Unpopular music opinions take II

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No, it's really not. It's very consistent, but also very conservative. It's no match for an album of true inspiration, a bunt compared to Aquemini or even MBDTF. But it sounds good and I have fun listening to it.

Yeah, and it's a little too indie-obvious to champion the more obscure album and shit on the overhyped one.

Sometimes the critics are right (though the 10.0 from Pitchfork was overkill).
How is it "indie-obvious" to shit on the obscure one and shit on the overhyped one if MBDTF was the only album anyone, even in the indie world, was talking about after it came out?

Are those two albums even comparable, though?

They're not really, no. I will agree that MBDTF is greater in terms of scope, and sure it pushes the boundaries and conventions of hip-hop more than Big Boi's record, but...

It's also a fuck of a lot better than the 'Yeezy record.


But you all know how I feel about anything Outkast related so it's no suprise, I'm sure.
cobl04 said:
But you all know how I feel about anything Outkast related so it's no suprise, I'm sure.

Using this logic, can I assume you found Who's Your Caddy? to be a delightful romp?
Using this logic, can I assume you found Who's Your Caddy? to be a delightful romp?

Never heard of it, but I see it's sitting at a comfortable 1.8 from over 11,000 users on IMDB so I'll steer clear :lol:

Though I did think the best part of Semi-Pro was Andre 3000 saying "who the fuck is Bambi?"
I used to own their LP, well I think I still have it in the collection. Bought it solely for the U2 connection but it's got some good tunes: "Baby turns blue". And it's got them half naked on the back cover....

I just have ...If I Die, I Die
U2's All That You Can't Leave Behind is a fucking great album. It used to be my third favourite U2 album. I can't rank them after AB & JT, but I still think it's a great album that doesn't deserve the crap it gets - a lot of which (in my opinion) has surfaced because they were playing four songs from it each night. There are posters on this forum who used to like In a Little While but now vehemently hate it because it was being played at shows they were not at.

Beautiful Day is one of the band's best singles, Stuck in a Moment is a brilliant pop number (though Earnie's suggestion in that "what would you change" thread to cut back a bit of the cheese and bring out more of the gospel is a prudent one) with great lyrics, a great falsetto from Edge and a great video - and yes I'm talking about the gridiron one. Walk On is a touching song that like IALW seems to have more haters now because it's being played every night. Kite is one of their best songs of the decade, the final verse is actually does not induce projectile vomiting, and the 5th leg Vertigo versions are among the best stuff the band has ever produced live. IALW is pretty neat, and the "man dreams one day to fly" bridge is beautifully delivered by Bono. When I Look at the World is also one of their best of the decade. Another touching vocal from Bono and good lyrics too. New York is one of their more underrated songs, great fun to listen to with the wilting vocal and guitar. The Ground Beneath Her Feet - it's on my copy of the album, therefore it is a part of the package, to me - is another of their best songs of the decade. Grace is pretty. Wild Honey is catchy. Elevation is kind of fun.

Much better than How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb, an album I haven't listened to in maybe two years or more, and also better than No Line on the Horizon, which I also haven't listened to in a long time.
I'm with you for the most part on ATCYLB, Cobbler. My opinion of it has tempered a bit over the years, but I still love Beautiful Day and Stuck in a Moment - the latter is their most unfairly maligned tune, in my opinion. The Ground Beneath Her Feet might also rank as the best U2 song of the 2000s in my book. It's certainly in the top three.
The album versions of Stuck in a Moment and Elevation blow. The acoustic version of Stuck is alright, I guess, and Elevation is probably fun live or something.

Grace is awful. As is Peace on Earth. Wild Honey is embarrassing. In a Little While, New York and WILATW do nothing for me.

That leaves Beautiful Day (great single, hard to argue with it), Walk On (good in its time, should not be played live anymore though), Kite (great song), and Ground Beneath (not really on the album proper, which makes ATYCLB that much worse).

Their worst album, and it's not really even close.
I agree with Peefer Madness. I can't remember the last time I willingly listened to anything from ATYCLB besides Beautiful day.
The album versions of Stuck in a Moment and Elevation blow. The acoustic version of Stuck is alright, I guess, and Elevation is probably fun live or something.

Grace is awful. As is Peace on Earth. Wild Honey is embarrassing. In a Little While, New York and WILATW do nothing for me.

That leaves Beautiful Day (great single, hard to argue with it), Walk On (good in its time, should not be played live anymore though), Kite (great song), and Ground Beneath (not really on the album proper, which makes ATYCLB that much worse).

Their worst album, and it's not really even close.

I agree with everything stated here, except I believe that New York, apart from the cheesy lyrics, is a pretty good song.
Stuck in a Moment

and a great video - and yes I'm talking about the gridiron one.

OK, I just listened to ATYCLB again and no, IALW, WILATW, and Kite aren't as awful as my memory would like me to believe, but compared to other U2 albums, ATYCLB's heights aren't enough to make up for the poor moments.
Beautiful Day, Walk On, Kite, When I Look At The World and New York are the only strong songs on ATYCLB. Wild Honey is fun. Awful, sugary production, scratchy vocals or inane lyrics ruin most of the rest. Definitely one of their lesser works.
Unpopular approach to music appreciation: I enjoyed listening to My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy this evening. Didn't lock the door and break out the kleenex, nor did I sacrifice any animals in its name. Just had fun listening to a great album. My sincerest apologies.

Also, and I know I've said this before, but Romance Is Boring is Los Camp's most mature and thoroughly listenable album. Most of it is great.
LemonMelon said:
Unpopular approach to music appreciation: I enjoyed listening to My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy this evening. Didn't lock the door and break out the kleenex, nor did I sacrifice any animals in its name. Just had fun listening to a great album. My sincerest apologies.

Also, and I know I've said this before, but Romance Is Boring is Los Camp's most mature and thoroughly listenable album. Most of it is great.

I think what's irked me the most about the response to MBDTF is the reaction to it. The 10/10s, the sheer overblown use of adjectives, people talking up some of the more "poignant" lyrics as if Yeezy's written a piece of literature. So it's hard for me to really adore it because I can't help but feel it's bloody overrated. All that said, I do love it and it was in my top 5 last year.

Comprehensively agreed on L!C!
You'd think that a guy who gets friggin Cobbler'd on a daily basis would be underrated. Nope.
you know how by their very nature, opinions can't be wrong? cobbler would be the guy to find one that is.

The album versions of Stuck in a Moment and Elevation blow. The acoustic version of Stuck is alright, I guess, and Elevation is probably fun live or something.

Grace is awful. As is Peace on Earth. Wild Honey is embarrassing. In a Little While, New York and WILATW do nothing for me.

That leaves Beautiful Day (great single, hard to argue with it), Walk On (good in its time, should not be played live anymore though), Kite (great song), and Ground Beneath (not really on the album proper, which makes ATYCLB that much worse).

Their worst album, and it's not really even close.

i still think the bomb album sounded like ATYCLB part II, and therefore makes it much, much worse.

i'll usually defend ATYCLB, because i have very fond memories of it. but honestly, looking at the track listing, there's a good portion of it that bores me terribly. and that same portion that i don't want to listen to, i don't even remember really ever enjoying a whole hell of a lot for me in the first place. i can't even remember grace or NY, wild honey sucks ass, peace on earth blows, and i don't ever need to hear elevation again. i'm sure that if i followed the setlist madness or cared about stuff like that, still listened to bootlegs or whatever, paid attention to the band anymore, etc. and you get the point, the presence of "in a little while" would irritate me, but i still think of that song as something i used to enjoy playing on the guitar when i was 17--and therefore don't hate it.
HTDAAB has better songs, so I like it better. People talk about how ATYCLB works better as an "album," but that doesn't mean shit when the songs don't hold up. Plus, I don't really think Elevation into Walk On defines tracklisting greatness or anything.
I'm going to spoiler this, it's that unpopular, so don't say you haven't been warned.

Backstreets is quite overrated.

It's a great song, but the mythos of Born to Run can be suffocating. I see your point there. Anyway, Racing in the Street is the superior track, I think.
As a fair-weather Springsteen fan, I think most of his "classic albums" are overrated. It's like most "classic" albums or artists though, it's nearly impossible to not be disappointed in something if you come into it hearing it will change your life or blow your mind. Then you listen to a straightforward album of tunes that underwhelm and sound quite dated, and wonder what the hell people were talking about.

All That You Can't Leave Behind to me is still the best thing U2's done since the '90's. By far the best "album", and it has the best individual songs for me too. How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb on the other hand helped keep me off Interference for a couple years.
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