I've been on the fence about the Vegas shows and money was tight when the presale happened. But lately I've been reconsidering going and I have two friends who have expressed interest as well. I'm thinking about going to the December 2 show. Ticketmaster has nothing, and Stubhub has seats running about $200 a piece for the 400s section. In the 10 U2 shows I've seen in the past 17 years, I've always been GA but I was on top of my game, buying during the presales and such. GA at the Sphere, at least on Stubhub is ridiculous. I'm looking for 3 tickets, ideally for GA but I'll take anything that anyone is looking to offload.
I actually discovered Interference while searching for tickets for the Vertigo tour in Tokyo and it was the people I met here who helped me see U2 live for the first time in November 2006. Hoping for the same good fortune this time around it.