tuf bono respect

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I'd like to pay my respects with my avatar. :yes:

Please explain the connection between Yoshi (The best character to select when participating in an all night Mario Party Fiesta) and TUF Bono, cause I'm just dieing to know
tuf bono came dangerously close to spraying hairpsray on his pizza, which would have caused Great Intestinal Distress, however, Stains The Hypnodog showed up at the last second and hypnotised tuf bono into putting the can of hairspray down. Ian McCulloch continued on lobbing vitriol at tuf bono, but under Stains' spell, tuf bono hardly paid any attention. Both he and The Hypnodog wandered out of the hairspray shop and continued on with the A Story.
Stains The Hypnodog

BTW: Does "Artist Against Apartheid" Bono constitute as TUF Bono?
YouTube - Artists United Against Apartheid ~ Sun City

Seriously guys, what is this "TUF Bono" and this "tuf Bono" and this "Bono circa The Unforgettable Fire tour" bullshit that's going on, because I don't know what the hell that is, I just know a thing or two about tuf bono is all.

(At first I thought I wouldn't count that, however I do count the In A Lifetime video as tuf bono, so sure).
tuf bono ate the hypnodog and continued strolling along to The Hat Shop with his friend and comrade in Savin' The Woild, Ian McCulloch. Yes, the two were certainly close as fuck, and there wasn't anyway a thing could get between them. We'll dutifully ignore the obvious here, like the fact that Een McCulloch hates every piece of tuf bono's guts, but hey, this is A Story, not The Story, and that's just how things work.

and where am I. Oh yes! They walked into The Hate Shop. That was a mistake. There weren't that many good hats there, but there were a lot of good hates. tuf bono tried out a few hats, and McCulloch a few hates. It was good times.

SUDDENLY tuf bono REMEMBERED THIS A STORY. "wait... i... i think i vaguely remember something about the... the". He thought aloud, quite loudly, no less. "the PRESSYDENTUH! holy shit how did i forget this. i am such a buffoon!". He got a cab, but this was no ordinary cab driver. In an inspired mish-mash of forum in-jokes, this cab driver had a knife.
"Well good sir, I do hope you'll take me to a very fine hat store before I go back to America to deliver a MESSIDGE"

"Yes, tuf bono, I can do that" The cab driver said, maniacally.

"Why that's mighty respectable of you, mr. cab driver."

"Thank you mr. tuf bono" The cab driver said, menacingly.

"Say, mr. cab driver, I've been galavanting around the world, and I really don't know where I am anymore. Where am I?"

"You're in London, Mr. Tuf Bono." The cab driver said, alarmingly.

"Oh I see, I see. Good town. And what's this fine music you're listening to mr. cab driver?"

"A nice respectable-like American band, perhaps you've heard of them, since they won't exist for a few years and you are all about fucking up the mainstream/timeline. They're called Nirvana MR. Tuf Bono" The cab driver said, dangerously.

"Oh, I see, I see. Well it's...it's pretty interesting, though I am feeling a strange need for some butter, and a knife right now."

"You want a knife? I've got a knife. Prepare to be a victim..................OF KNIFE CRIME, BONO!" the cab driver said, with absolutely no respect.

The author wondered if he was no longer male due to being the victim of KNIFE CRIME. Whatever the case, tuf bono was experiencing a bit of a personal knife apocalypse. The cab driver had stabbed a can of heineken, a poutine pizza, and even the velociraptor!

"good god man what ARE you doing! this isn't very respectable!" objected tuf bono.

"It smells like teen spirit to me," replied the cab driver puntastically.

Fearing that the next stab would mortally wound him (it instead struck the slice of pizza tuf bono kept close to his heart at all times, which perhaps was a mortal wound to tuf bono), he lunged and swapped the Nirvana cassette for an Oasis one that he just happened to have in his pocket.

"where were you when we were getting high!" tuf bono demanded of the cab driver. Suddenly, the cab driver's world changed. The author of questionable gender interjected here to remind the reader that tuf bono has never been high, except on the fumes of his own attempts at cooking. And on the drugs all you people smoke in the audience.

The author wasn't quite sure what the cab driver should do with his epiphany or how much swearing and sibling hatred it should involve, so he/she/it left that matter to the next presumably female author.
That broad Ax was right.

The cab driver knelt down at the feet of tuf bono in complete praise, for introducing him to a shitty band that wouldn't even break for a decade. And who knew what was in store for them! Why, the future non-tuf bono Bono would love them. Quite sickening, but at least it made him immune to knife crime.

But let's get back to the point. "I can take you anywhere, mister tuf bono!" said the cab driver, respecting the respectable name of tuf bono. "I can and I will! Just give me the word, He Who Is Most Respected". tuf bono would have been impressed by the fact that he was being treated as a demi-deity, were it not for the fact he was far too involved with gorging himself on the pizza that had saved his life. It most certainly was fine tuf bono eating, and he savoured every bite.

One trip to Washington CD later, tuf bono arrived at La Hotel Respectables to find his hat mouse. An amateur surgeon he came across in a back alley in Oaklans had retrieved his partly digested bowler hat, and he wore it proudly once more. Sure, one of his lungs fell out in the process, but that was just a thing. He had long been planning on replacing it with an extra liver sometime, anyway.

tuf bono finally arrived at the pool that Hat Mouse had been staying at. Hat Mouse had changed a little bit. He wore a zebra-patterned violet fedora and aviator shades, and was surrounded by many mice of the female persuasion. tuf bono wasn't really sure what the fuck this was about, so he did the done tuf bono thing and ate all of Hat Mouse's companions. tuf edge was there, too, and he was kind of pissed off.
Hat Mouse was a little unimpressed by this turn of events. He thought he'd gotten safely out of this A Story and had the pick of the lady mice. Now tuf bono was back, and respectably so, but all the pretty mice he planned to respect later were enjoying the excitement of tuf bono's digestive system. The poor dears were probably choked by pizza.

"hat mouse!" tuf bono was gushing with excitement. "i have my hat back and now you can help me deliver my MESSIDGE!" Hat Mouse tried to scurry away. tuf bono stomped on Hat Mouse's tail, licked his lips, and swallowed the poor creature whole.

tuf bono then turned to tuf edge. Hat Mouse was inexplicably alive and well, perched on tuf bono's hat.

"tuf edge! we are in washington!" tuf edge knew this already and rolled his eyes. "where do we find the PRESSYDENTUH!"

"tuf bono, do you know any geography?" asked tuf edge.

"is it a beer?"

"No it's- god, look, this is Washington CD. It's a place you made exist, because your typos are so respectable and QWESOME. The PRESSYDENTUH lives in Washington DC. And for god's sake, we have an album to record."

At this point, the band heard Tom Sawyer and YYZ on the radio and were put off making music for the rest of the day. They decided to embark for Washington DC and an encounter with the PRESSYDENTUH.
tuf edge and tuf bono took the first train back to Dublin to record some new music. tuf edge had written a lot of nice songs on the trip back, and tuf bono had consumed some fine tasting pies. "Much respect to you and all that, tuf bono, but are you sure that, you know, maybe you might want to have a look at some of this?"

"... does hat mouse like it?"

tuf edge stared into space for a moment, before rolling his eyes. "Hat Mouse is mad for it, tuf bono. Really."

tuf bono thought for a mile. While. But he also thought for a whole mile the train traversed. Maybe two. He thought for two whole whiles about this. By this point, they had already arrived back in Slane. It was wild.

tuf bono was actually recording some fine EAHHYHRGHH WHOAOAOHAHOAAA OOOOHH HAOWOOOHHHHHHHH WAOOAOHHHSREAAHAHEESs for once. There was originally a lyric underneath there, but tuf edge didn't mind much. Baldrick offered tuf bono some turnip juice. tuf bono drank Baldrick.
Adam Clayton burst into the room to a round of applause.

"Which is my instrument?" he asked. There was canned laughter.

"The one with four strings, remember?" tuf edge said, pointing out a tattered bass that tuf bono had tried to eat.

"Ooh yeah, the funky one with big frets." Adam Clayton settled down and played the fifth fret of the E string for ten minutes while tuf bono did respectable EEEAAAAHHHHHRROOOOAAAAAOOOORRR MUUUULLLLTTTOOOOOSSSEEEEEEAAAAMMMMMOOOOHHHHH HHHAAAAWWAAAAAYYYYYAAAOOOOOHHHHUUUUUAAAAA vocals for the forthcoming single.

tuf edge was pleased. He actually smiled. The band were finally making progress. tuf bono wasn't even thinking about his MESSIDGE.

Unfortunately, by taking this thought from tuf edge and putting it on cyber-paper, it allowed tuf bono to be aware of the MESSIDGE again.

"Good god, tuf bono!" exclaimed tuf edge, back to his usual frustration. "Why do you keep caring about your MESSIDGE? It's so War era. This ist the tuf era! Get with the times and the continuity, man."

tuf bono stopped mid-EEEAAAAALLLOOOOHHHHHAAAAAAIIIIIIAAAAA. "but but i'm so gonna bring this MESSIDGE to THA PEEPOL on the upcoming tour! it's not just rock, tuf edge. it's about the MESSIDGE. what matters is The Song. this is A Song. welcome to unforgettable fire."

Suddenly the author was entranced by the opening notes tuf bono had cued up on a cassette player and could not continue the rest of this post. He (not the victim of KNIFE CRIME, fortunately) decided the next author could handle it and played air guitar. "God this is a good song," he remarked.
Adam Clayton hit his multicoloured bong hard. This shit was total hydrophonic from the Netherlands and it started messing around with his brain, making him super chill and at one with Slane Castle and the velociraptor. tuf edge did the same. In other words, the band were recording Bass Trap while tuf bono went for an aimless stroll outside, looking for the A Story to pop up again. He never knew when he'd run into it!

In true tradition of the respectable rpg's poor chronology, what with the album not even being finished or anything, Bob Geldof jumped out from behind a bush and scared tuf bono so much (Bob Geldof has always been a pretty decrepit looking guy) that his hat flew off his head and his eyes jumped out.

"tuf bono! Good to see you, young pup."

"hello mr man!"

"I have heard that you're interested in charity."

tuf bono tried to remember a list of his interests. He was pretty sure charity came down somewhere on the list, not quite as high as poutine pizza, but somewhere around closer to black pudding and pale ale. "yeah, i think charity's pretty great stuff," he remarked.

"Then I'm sure you'd like to get involved in a charity single with other charity singers."

"what is the charity"

"... Christmas."

tuf bono thought about this. Christmas was a pretty good charity! He agreed to do it, and so the two started walking somewhere.
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