Time for Another TAG THREAD? ;]

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tag moustache ;]
he also has big feet by the way... oh and a big nose.... is there something God wanted to state with that?(could explain the 2 inches missing on both his legs :wink: )
:drool: my imagination is running high today... back to the bathtub picture...
wich gives me an idea for a tag.. :evil:
tag Bono's wet hair.. :drool: I have no idea how many times I've seen this one... and it still gets me every time I do... :drool:
on moments like this I'd wish to be the foam in the tub... or the water... or the glass.. or even the cigar... :drool:

Galeongirl said:
he also has big feet by the way... oh and a big nose.... is there something God wanted to state with that?(could explain the 2 inches missing on both his legs :wink: )
:drool: my imagination is running high today... back to the bathtub picture...

I think Bono actually has quite small feet for a man. He's mentioned in a couple of interviews about how small his feet are compared to say Larry. It's propably Bonos bulky shoes that maybe give the impression that he has large feet.:shrug:

Tag Adam, Bono and Edge dressed in black...

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