The Temple Bar: We've got staffs alright...UP YOUR FUCKING ASS!!!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


ONE love, blood, life
Nov 22, 2004
No longer must you wander aimlessly in search of free drinks.

That's right folks! While the Octagon may be long gone or simply dormant in the darkest depths of the Lemonade Stand, there's a new club on the scene. We have some fresh competition in the neighbourhood!

It may or may not be a giant lemon.

It's the cool new place everyone is talking about...

The Temple bar.....Would you join us?

~ Bri, Zootle n' Friends
Hi redkat :wave:

Bono's b'day is May 10th...I'm sure somewhere in the world it is now May 10th so if you want to start celebrating go right ahead.

And yes, I work nights and days (12hr shifts) :yawn:

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