THE TEMPLE BAR: We're entitled to Carpel Tunnel - UP YOUR FUCKING ASS!!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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ONE love, blood, life
Nov 22, 2004
No longer must you wander aimlessly in search of free drinks.

That's right folks! While the Octagon may be long gone or simply dormant in the darkest depths of the Lemonade Stand, there's a new club on the scene. We have some fresh competition in the neighbourhood!

It may or may not be a giant lemon.

It's the cool new place everyone is talking about...

The Temple bar.....Would you join us?

~ Bri, Zootle n' Friends

:madspit: I think I'm going to go to bed...My wrist really is bugging me

I was having Temple Bar withdrawals there for a moment. I didn't know where to go. Kinda like being kicked out and not knowing where to turn. Thankfully, snow has saved the day, no thanks to her superhero friend.
this wasn't actually what I had in mind, but I forgot and the other thread was locked :(
Thanks snow. :hi5:

You can always edit the title, if you want.

I may have carpal tunnel too. :uhoh: My wrists get extremely sore after being at a computer all day. It's quite painful. :sad:

G'night Reg!
Reggie Thee Dog said:

Go to the doctor's office tomorrow and get it checked out.

I would but I'm afraid they're going to start believing I'm a hypochondriac...I was in there twice and two weeks because I was rather sick, and the second time I went the doctor kept giving me a funny look, so now I'm scared to go :reject:
Well I will always tell you how beautiful you look, even when you just get out of bed...or whenever you at home in your sweats and T-shirt and lounging around...

the sweats and t-shirt is a rarity and so are you apparently :heart: night :wave:

Well I thought the Carpel Tunnel could apply to all those writing papers, typing at work and cheering for hockey teams, playing guitar, writing best selling novels, searching for smileys, calculating stats, packing to move, applying lotion, fishing from a rock, typing to friends about clockwork orange, popping in to say hi....

and being frustrated :D
No spoken words said:
I was in Vegas today. That's odd to me, that I woke up in LA...then was in Vegas for business, and now, same day, am back in LA.

I've done that for work before. Many many years ago - for a convention. Was hell trying to get a taxi back to the airport with a million people in the cab line. Got a ride from one of the vendors. The car was a compact and there was 6 of us. One of the girls layed across our laps in the back seat :up:
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