The Temple Bar: Get Your YaYas and Balls of Sunshine Out - UYMFA!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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LarryMullen's POPAngel

Blue Crack Distributor
Jun 21, 2001
I'll be up with the sun, I'm not coming down...
No longer must you wander aimlessly in search of free drinks.

That's right folks! While the Octagon may be long gone or simply dormant in the darkest depths of the Lemonade Stand, there's a new club on the scene. We have some fresh competition in the neighbourhood!

It may or may not be a giant lemon.

It's the cool new place everyone is talking about...

The Temple bar.....Would you join us?

~ Bri, Zootle n' Friends

i don't think marriage is for everybody anyway. i always think it is weird how we're raised to believe that the standard progression of life is to go to school, get a job, get married, have kids. i have so many friends that say things like "oh when i'm married..." like they are absolutely certain it is going to happen. i've never felt like it was an absolute for me. :shrug:

i'm more interested in traveling the world and helping people. if there's a guy that wants to join me, that'd be great. if not, i don't feel like i am falling short of anything.
I want to get married and have little people who play little league and have a house and dogs and all that. Anybody who has all that is real real lucky in my opinion.

I have time yet
unico said:
i'm more interested in traveling the world and helping people. if there's a guy that wants to join me, that'd be great. if not, i don't feel like i am falling short of anything.

I totally agree. :up:

If it happens, it happens. If not, that's cool too. :)
LarryMullen's_POPAngel said:
Sometimes I think I'd like to get married, have a partner in crime who will travel with me and who will let me be alone when I need it, who doesn't need to spend every waking minute with me. And kids are negotiable - maybe. :eyebrow:

You could be like Starsky and Bitch. :D:D:D JOKE! HAHA. :D<----See? HAHAHA. Just kidding.

Kids are fun. I like 'em. I was kinda nervous about the whole thing, but she's cool. Even with all the crying the first few months. I support kids.

What's an absessesed 14? I know it's a dental term, but what's the 14?
LarryMullen's_POPAngel said:
Sometimes I think I'd like to get married, have a partner in crime who will travel with me and who will let me be alone when I need it, who doesn't need to spend every waking minute with me. And kids are negotiable - maybe. :eyebrow:

Wow, you sound like Gene Simmons...:up:
UberBeaver said:

What's an absessesed 14? I know it's a dental term, but what's the 14?

I'm assuming she means she has a patient with an abscess in tooth 1-4, meaning that if the teeth were divided into quadrants, there's an abscess in the 4th tooth (1st premolar) in the 1st quadrant of the mouth (can't remember if that quadrant is upper/lower - left/right).

I took dental assisting right out of high school. :nerd: But it was so long ago (back when the dinosaurs roamed), I hope I'm remembering it correctly.

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