Teen PLEBAn Party: A Fine Day For A Game Of Golf!

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It rained here too...but we never get a lot. I filled 60 little bags with candy before I ran out of bags...and this morning I counted 26 bags left over, which means only 34 kids came to the door :lol:

SOO much leftover!! :drool: I already ate a Twix :D

I had left over Halloween baked goods from work for breakfast this morning :lol:
:lol: Yes!!

I'm so excited, because I'm finally working non close shifts next week, so it's GOOD that I'm working more hours, and I'm babysitting...:hyper::hyper::hyper: YAY money for next summer :cabbagepatch:

I'm excited to be super poor for the next seven months or so :wink: I am not allowed to buy anything for myself excpet gas :yes:
:lol: :wave:

You know what, now I crave a Payday bar! And I don't think either of my sisters got one of those yesterday. I'll have to settle for Baby Ruth.
YAY looks like you'll have lots of money for Montreal :hyper:
I start back at my old job tomorrow. I asked my boss for lots of hours so she gave me full time this week :D

YaY Aleesha :D Isn't payday great? :wink:

:hyper: That's awesome! Where is the job?
I'm still hoping my mom will let me borrow her car to take up there, since it's pretty close, even though HATE driving her car. That will leave me more money for travel....elsewhere....
It's at Tim Hortons. I worked there for 5 years and I'm going back. It's a pretty good job and mostly all the same staff are there that I'm good friends with.

*Fingers crossed* that you get to take your mom's car. Btw I still haven't seen your U2 Mobile yet :waiting:

Good to work with friends, makes it more fun :up:

Oh, the poor thing wouldn't start this morning when I was going to babysit! It's good now, though. I took a picture awhile back, Imma go look for it :D

:lol: There it is.

Unfortunately the cute little cactus I have on the antenna isn't in the picture.
:lol: yeah, somthin' like that ;-)

Gosh this talk about cars is making me impatient.

I want some tour dates dammit. I don't know whether I should be saving up for GA's or for driving lessons when I turn 17 in Jan Lol! :doh::lol:
:ohmy: I thought you were like 18! :doh:

GAs most definitely :D Even though driving is freedom...

I'm sure there will be more UK dates. It was wierd how they announced the European ones before the US ones, even though the US ones are earlier...
No, they took care of that within a few days and made the band pay a fine for it, AND make a formal apology :doh:

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