TEEN PLEBAn Girls: Perving Over Johnny, Guys Not So Much

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sorry dont think so i have lots of pics of him in the reddish ones and green ones
im just so upset and idk im what going to do if i wake up and see pouring down rain :(
and every1 on here is still going.
Quite long :yawn: and yeah, this morning it was freezing here. Just walking to college I was cold :| and it's not even the end of September yet. But woooo, I don't have to be in until 3.30 tomorrow, yay, sleep in :drool:
I'm all alone here:sad:

....I just spent 5 hours digging in boxes and setting up yard sale stuff:| And I'll have to sit out there and sell all that crap for two whole days:yuck:

Plus I drank like a whole pot of coffee so I'm a little:crazy:

Sooo...I need a little Edge fix...:wink:




Hey :d

This may sound odd but I think I saw Adge on the liberty medal thing :laugh: either that or I'm crazy. From what I remember of her pic I saw it looked like her.

So Adge, if you were at the front of the crowd who were behind that barrier, wearing a (RED) shirt, I saw you :shifty:
Well, my day was so, so. I hate art. :angry: The teacher doesn't even help me cuz I was out sick for two days. :|

I go, "Um, I've been sick for two days so what do I need to do?"

He goes, "Yeah."

I can't remember exactly what he said but it was very rude. I eventually started, but I'm still way behind and very confused. :confused:

Even my friend agrees that he isn't very helpful. She has to ask him multiple times to come over and help. :mad:

But anyways, what are you watching Bibs?
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