Survivor 15 : China

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
and another thing, why the hell would that be the first thing you say to your brother when you see him? if he is truly in "game" mode, why would you mess with that? the more i think about it now, the more unreal it seems.
I couldn't tell if the miscarriage thing is real or not. But if I were playing the game, I wouldn't let it sway me one way or another.

I'm rooting for Amanda to win the game -- I've been impressed with her play. And she seems to have a good blend of social skills to be able to play the game and win votes at the end.

My 2nd choice would be PG. I've found her annoying at times, but I'm impressed that she's been able to survive this long.

3rd: Denise. She's alright, but she hasn't done much to impress as the bottom wheel of her alliance.

4th: Todd. In some ways he's a good player, in other ways he's naive. Personally, I don't care for him that much -- he's on the arrogant side.

5th: Courtney. Yeah, she was funny mimicking Todd last episode. But over the course of the season, she's really grated on my nerves.
Courtney is funny when she mimicks the others, she's got some real comedic sense and theatrical talent.

I don't think Todd will win it, it's going to be a female winner this season. I bet it'll come down to PG and Denise. In that case I am torn and don't know which one I'd actually vote to win. There's still a couple weeks to see how it pans out.
Courtney is absolutely worthless and should not even win a dime. She sucks at all the challenges, she's pretty lazy and she just follows what others do. She should have been gone a while ago.
Sicy said:
Courtney is absolutely worthless and should not even win a dime. She sucks at all the challenges, she's pretty lazy and she just follows what others do. She should have been gone a while ago.
She was soooo close to gone at the very early stage of the game. Yet she's still here weighing in at an impressive 54lbs...strange game.
yea courtney has won at least 1 immunity which is amazing. I do not want her to win, I was just saying she's funny when she mimicks people. I too am surprised she is still on the show. I thought early on she would go.
I predict Courtney will be in the final 3 but she'll be persona non grata, kinda like Becky two seasons ago and whoever it was that was the third wheel last season (can't remember her at all). I actually hate having the final three instead of the final two. I keep hoping they'll change it back to the top two but it doesn't look like it.

So really, it will be the final two. I can't see any one person that stands out as a definite winner of those remaining--they all will have their strong points with the jury.

I don't think Denise should win. I think she made a game-losing mistake and I'm not sure why she did it. . .She must be hoping to win immunity at the final four and be able to decide who she takes with her.

My money is on Amanda. I think she most deserves to win. No one will want to take Todd to the final three as they all see him as a competitor that will earn the respect of the jury. No one will want to take Denise as they think she'll get the sympathy vote (though I think the jury will recognize that she didn't make any "big moves" in the game and feel she rode coattails). So that leaves Amanda, Pei Gei, and Courtney. I think they'd all take each other. Amanda's biggest threat is if either Todd or Denise (especially if it's Todd) wins the final immunity and recognizes how formidable Amanda would be at the final tribal council.
It's either Todd or PG going home tonight! (unless one of them wins immunity) I'm hoping for bye bye Todd! :hyper:

If PG wins immunity again tonight, hopefully Denise will finally wise up and switch sides... if it's not too late.
Wow, Denise is a heartless bitch! She should have taken PG on that reward. And she justifies it because she thinks if PG wins immunity, then she will be the next to go. It didn't have to be that way if she had started strategizing earlier.... she had her chance last week! I hope Denise gets the boot tonight!
Amanda deserves to win...but she was dumb to not try to get Todd out tonight.....I cannot fucking stand lunch lady...she is a total apron string rider:mad: ....they will dumb her ass now she is of no use to them
^ Yup. 4th place is her destiny. She's known it for a while and has done nothing to change it. The fact that she thinks she deserves to win pisses me off to no end.

So, as of right now, I guess i have to root for Amanda, but I think she may have missed her chance to earn votes tonight. She was scared of going against PG, but to the jury she still looks like a coat tail rider. The only move she's made is to oust James, and Todd could easily take credit for that, because he came up with the idea first! Amanda had some good ideas and seemed like she was gonna make some plays, but she never did. The only ground she made was making friends with PG and hopefully getting her vote.

Todd is an ass, but he's not trying to hide it. He's actually flaunting it as a way to get to the finals! He's definitely smart and knows how to stay in the game. Part of me thinks he deserves the win.

Courtney may as well not exist.

Denise makes me sick.

If Amanda doesn't win immunity next week, i think Todd may try to oust her. If that happens, I will hate Denise even more than i do now, which i didn't think was possible.
I was hoping for Todd to go, anything to kind of shake things up.. but it went the predictable safe way. The only one that's half decent is Amanda.. I couldn't care less about the others.

I wanted Todd to go too. We were actually rooting for PG to win immunity but I like Amanda and would like to see her go far.
Well gang, Amanda & her butt cheeks are still safe. I thought Todd would go & it would be down to all females. :| That was a dumb reward going to the wall of China I thought too.
Carek1230 said:
That was a dumb reward going to the wall of China I thought too.
How often is any American going to visit something like that? I would think it a great reward to be able to see it in person.

So now, if the oher 3 are paying attention, they should see that Amanda befriended Peih Gee and clearly will have her vote, and probably will be the easy winner against the other 3, so you'd think if they are smart (which is quite questionable) that she is the one they target to eliminate (assuming she doesn't win immunity) leaving a final 3 of Todd, Denise and Courtney, making the vote a "lesser of 3 evils" situation. If Amanda makes it to the final 3, she wins in a cakewalk over any combo of the others.
Well, PG is finally gone. I was thinking they'd get rid of Todd, but I guess PG was just too annoying. I loved how Denise didn't take PG with her for reward so she wouldn't be able to recover any strength from eating the feast. Courtney was a dope for complaining about the food, though. Go Denise!
Carek1230 said:
That was a dumb reward going to the wall of China I thought too.

:huh: I personally would love to see the great wall of China.

I thought Amanda made a tactical error by not getting Todd out of the game. It could come back to haunt her if he stabs her in the back. He has to know that if Amanda makes it to the final three, she has the best shot at winning. Get rid of her and he becomes the odds-on favorite.

Then again, perhaps she couldn't persuade Denise to vote for him. Denise mentioned that she thought it would be good to keep Todd around because he's made so many enemies, but I don't think it's going to work that way. I think most of the jury will realize that Todd has been playing this game from the beginning and, despite how he acts, deserves to win the whole thing. Denise should have went with Amanda in ousting him.
I agree. Amanda made a big mistake last night. My first thought when PG got the boot was that Todd would never know Amanda voted for him but then when they showed the votes and I saw that she voted for PG, I was disappointed that she wasn't strong enough to take a stand.

And Denise, she needs to be gone two weeks ago. :disgusted:
I was sad to see PG go, I really like her resilience.

Todd stupidly said to the jury that he's probably pissed them off. I think a couple of jury members even had a look on their faces like they didn't know what Todd was talking about. Dumb...let them make up their own minds. Maybe he can work this to his advantage.

Neverthelesss, I'm going for Todd now because he's a probable target and underdog and let's face it, he may have not have schemed the most discreetly, but at least he's played the game. Amanda a close second.

Who I'd like to win -

Todd - played the game, kept his alliance together
Amanda - kept with her alliance, under the radar, pivotal challenge win, made jury vote in PG, told jury about befriending the outsider PG
Denise - hung in there as an outsider with odds clearly stacked against her
Courtney - nothing good to say about her, whinges, rode coattails, rolls eyes frequently at TC

Final - Amanda win v Todd win
I'd like to see Denise win it all.

I don't think it will happen.

If they don't take Todd out soon, he has a good shot to win it all!
I think she's out next and could be the swing vote in the jury. Perhaps picking Amanda over Todd due to something as little as the food thing or the fact that they were closer.
Ok, here's my question;
You are in the jury and Todd and Courtney are the last two.

Who do you select to give the Million?


I would give it to Todd.
I loathe Courtney.
Between those two, Todd would be my choice as well.

Perhaps it'll go back to two instead of three for the finale this time. How many players were there at the start again? It seemed to be a bit less.

The preview, however, mentioned two more tribal councils, so that would be mean three in the finale.
RedrocksU2 said:
Ok, here's my question;
You are in the jury and Todd and Courtney are the last two.

Who do you select to give the Million?


I would give it to Todd.
I loathe Courtney.

Slipstream said:
I was sad to see PG go, I really like her resilience.

Todd stupidly said to the jury that he's probably pissed them off. I think a couple of jury members even had a look on their faces like they didn't know what Todd was talking about. Dumb...let them make up their own minds. Maybe he can work this to his advantage.

Neverthelesss, I'm going for Todd now because he's a probable target and underdog and let's face it, he may have not have schemed the most discreetly, but at least he's played the game. Amanda a close second.

Agree with all of this. I hate to say that i'm slightly leaning towards a Todd win now. Amanda made a critical mistake in not getting him out. Maybe Denise fucked it up for her and she was too scared to ask Courtney. But she needed to do something to show that she was playing the game. To the jury, Todd is the only one who seems to be playing.

And i'm just curious why anybody wants Denise to win? What has she done that is so worthy of the win? Do you just like her as a person? Like her mullet? Like that she's a lunch lady? What is is about her that you like? I think she's a stupid player, who only made it this far because she got in the right alliance.
ultravioletluvv said:

Amanda made a critical mistake in not getting him out.

No, no, no! I don't see it that way it all. It seemed to me that she DID make a real effort to get Todd out, but when she realized that Denise was not going to take the bait, and that she wouldn't be able to get rid of Todd on just her and Pei Gei's votes she went ahead and voted Pei Gei out rather than risk pissing off her alliance and moving herself automatically to the bottom of the group of four. Smart play, if you ask me. I don't think there would have been anything particularly "courageous" about casting a vote against Todd when she didn't have the numbers to get him out (and you KNOW Jeff would have read her vote in order to heighten tension).

ultravioletluvv said:

Maybe Denise fucked it up for her and she was too scared to ask Courtney.

:yes: That's exactly it. She knew that there was no point in talking to Courtney. Courtney is tight with Todd and appears uninterested in big game-changing strategy stuff. I think Amanda knew that if she talked to Courtney her scheming would get back to Todd and she needs to keep someone as sharp as Todd as unsuspecting as she possibly can.

ultravioletluvv said:

But she needed to do something to show that she was playing the game. To the jury, Todd is the only one who seems to be playing.

I agree that if Todd makes it to the final three he will win against any of the remaing players, even Amanda (though I'd much rather she win). It's not Amanda's fault that the people left are too doltish to see what a threat he is. However, Courtney and Denise have both been such coattail riders that I can't see either one of them earning any respect from the jury, so I think Amanda could beat them.

ultravioletluvv said:

And i'm just curious why anybody wants Denise to win? What has she done that is so worthy of the win? Do you just like her as a person? Like her mullet? Like that she's a lunch lady? What is is about her that you like? I think she's a stupid player, who only made it this far because she got in the right alliance.

:yes: Absolutely! I can't think of a player I've respected less in quite awhile. I have no problem with players refusing to go along with plans that will help someone else along in the game but to refuse to go along with plans that will help YOURSELF? Unimpressive to say the least. I like her well enough. . .she seems like a nice enough, if not particularly bright person, but she's terrible at this game.

To be frank I'm not really excited about anyone in the final four beyond Amanda. Courtney and Todd are just really, really unpleasant people--they should be on Big Brother or something. And it will bother me if Todd wins because it's people like him that feed into the righteous condemnations of the Survivor-haters that insist that the show soley rewards "snake and rat"-like behavior (though the truth is that only Richard Hatch, Brian from Survivor Thailand and Chris? the winner of Survivor Vanuatu fit that profile in my opinion. The vast majority of the winners I think have at least come across as really decent people--think Tom, Yul, Earl, Tina, Dani, Ethan, Sandra, Vecepia etc).

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