Space Moon v1

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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LemonMacPhisto said:
NSW is the fucking Moonface'd Awesome Space Moon Lover of Space Moon.


Sir Ian, Sir Ian, Sir Ian...


...Sir Ian, Sir Ian, Sir Ian.

:up: Space Moon ! !
Will there be movies made about Space Moon? Yes, there will be. 5 of them:

Space Moon
Space Moon II: Electric Boogaloo
Space Moon III: The Search for Rock
Space Moon IV: Space vs. Moon, whoever wins, we all kind of win, so, yeah
Space Moon V: Assault on Axver Island
No spoken words said:
Will there be movies made about Space Moon? Yes, there will be. 5 of them:

Space Moon
Space Moon II: Electric Boogaloo
Space Moon III: The Search for Rock
Space Moon IV: Space vs. Moon, whoever wins, we all kind of win, so, yeah
Space Moon V: Assault on Axver Island

Seriously. I love you more and more with every post.
A Fistful of Axver?
For a Few Axvers More?
The Good, the Bad, and the Axver?
CrownVCJ said:
axver is not very space moon

this is a space moon thread

axver is on his deserted island, looking up at the space moon, a moon in space. he is filled with longing and sorrow, for he has ruined his chance of going up into space to be on the moon, and all have left his island for spacemoon.

as a good friend of mine says, truth™
AtomicBono said:

axver is on his deserted island, looking up at the space moon, a moon in space. he is filled with longing and sorrow, for he has ruined his chance of going up into space to be on the moon, and all have left his island for spacemoon.

as a good friend of mine says, truth™

It is very possible to be Space Moon and on a deserted island. It is the path that I have chosen.
LemonMacPhisto said:
It is very possible to be Space Moon and on a deserted island. It is the path that I have chosen.

I am also on a deserted island, although apparently it's a desert. No trees :(

and I have not faired well thus far

Space Moon is accepting of all. However, those who reject Space Moon will feel the cold of space but not the warmth of the love of SPACE MOON, THE MOON: IN SPACE
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