Songs of Songs, Books & Fat Puns - New Album Discussion #8

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This is all pretty classic Bono. I think it was Adam who said once that Bono hears an idea and, to him, it’s a completed song because he can hear it in his head, whereas Adam needs to wait to hear the actual finished song.

In this case, Songs of Ascent was “done.” Now it’s at 70%. And I have a strong feeling that remaining 30% is because they’re still chasing a radio hit - which is funny, considering everyone was very excited about him apparently saying they weren’t going to do that this time around (though I didn’t read Bono’s comment that way).

And the reason for the hold up? Another of Bono’s classic pre-album comments: it’s the Edge’s fault!

And of course, this statement really troubles me:

“The only thing the Edge wants to talk about right now is unreasonable guitar music. He’s just really fed up with the pop charts. So that’s U2s…”

Ugh. This band doesn’t do “unreasonable guitar music” very well. This is the same kind of talk we started hearing 20 years ago, in the early stages of HTDAAB. “Punk rock on Venus” and all that nonsense. They just don’t ever pull off the muscular riff rock I think he’s referring to.

The part about the pop charts confuses me even more. If the band thinks they can change the pop charts in their 60s after over a decade of not even coming close, then they are truly, truly lost.
I think you’ve misinterpreted the bit about the pop charts. I think he’s saying the complete opposite to what you’re suggesting, they aren’t trying to influence the charts anymore, they are going for a sound that’s not like anything in the charts. You don’t get a lot of guitar driven music in the charts these days, so that further suggests this with the unreasonable guitar thing. I think the timescales and how close it is to being complete is simply Bono keeping the hype building. SOA isn’t the next album anyway and I think the album they do want to release is probably very close to being ready, the whole thing about edge taking so long is almost like a running joke now, they just release and tour music when they’re ready to and want to, it isn’t a case of get it ready and release it as soon as possible. They’re in a position they don’t need to rush new music out.
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I think you’ve misinterpreted the bit about the pop charts. I think he’s saying the complete opposite to what you’re suggesting, they aren’t trying to influence the charts anymore, they are going for a sound that’s not like anything in the charts. You don’t get a lot of guitar driven music in the charts these days, so that further suggests this with the unreasonable guitar thing. I think the timescales and how close it is to being complete is simply Bono keeping the hype building. SOA isn’t the next album anyway and I think the album they do want to release is probably very close to being ready, the whole thing about edge taking so long is almost like a running joke now, they just release and tour music when they’re ready to and want to, it isn’t a case of get it ready and release it as soon as possible. They’re in a position they don’t need to rush new music out.

I hope you're right about that. The part about the pop charts I read as "Edge is fed up with the pop charts because he thinks everything on there is shit, and so we're coming to save them..." I hope I'm wrong.

As far as this "unreasonable rock" record being very close to being ready...that's now how I read any of his recent comments. I read it as "we have SoA...but we're scrapping that and starting over again on a guitar-heavy album." So I think new music is still far off.
I hope you're right about that. The part about the pop charts I read as "Edge is fed up with the pop charts because he thinks everything on there is shit, and so we're coming to save them..." I hope I'm wrong.

As far as this "unreasonable rock" record being very close to being ready...that's now how I read any of his recent comments. I read it as "we have SoA...but we're scrapping that and starting over again on a guitar-heavy album." So I think new music is still far off.
I’m fairly certain I’m right about the first part he said something about realising they’re unlikely to have hits as well so it definitely adds up to them not really bothering about having a hit single anymore and just focusing on writing great tunes.

Bono’s words regarding the new stuff definitely read as SOA being nearly ready but put to one side to focus on different material and when he says starting again it did make it sound like the new stuff is a long way away, if they really were starting again I wouldn’t be expecting a new album until 2025 maybe but there’s good reason to believe they’ve been working on the rock stuff for a while now, various quotes going back 3/4 years. Bono’s just saying stuff to stir up rumours/excitement/questions like we’re asking on these fan sites. If vegas is open in time I’m fairly certain they’ll be there playing with a new album right on the back of it. I think the new album is as good as ready even if Bono says they’re starting again. Although the one thing I’m also confident of is it doesn’t get released before the end of next year as vegas will dictate that. A new song or 2 maybe but if vegas is mainly focused around AB then the new album won’t be out by then. December release, maybe very early into 2024 (January,February) so they can still tour it that year.
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The two standout moments from the last two tours were (IMO) Exit and Acrobat. If they’re aiming for more of that mean, guitar-driven thing? Let’s fucking go
My take is what lightmyway is saying.

Bono specifically said they have SOA almost done, but are holding onto it because they want to do a "Fuck off to the pop charts, hard rock record with unreasonable guitars" and are going to start working on it again in January.

So most likely they have some of the rock record formed, or at least the white board full of possible songs type of thing and are going back to get it done by fall 2023, then hopefully Vegas, and regular tour for the rock album, and then SOA after that (which he refers to as meditative)

He also said that they knew they weren't able to be on the pop charts anymore, and he's like the old guy that they allow to stand in the back of the birthday party

This from NY Times interview:

Bono revealed in an interview with The New York Times Magazine that the band is nearly finished with a new album, Songs of Ascent, but has no plans to release it. “We’re not putting this out, but I’m telling you it’s awesome,” Bono told the magazine before playing some of the songs and singing along. “There’s pure joy,” he said of one, called “The Bard’s Last Breath.” “It’s a ridiculous pop sort of Rubber Soul, isn’t it?” he told the reporter of another, called “Smile.” “They sound like U2 songs,” replied the Times reporter

Bono clarified that the band “didn’t scrap” the album, “just held it.” Instead, they want to make “the most unforgiving, obnoxious, defiant, fuck-off-to-the-pop-charts rock ’n’ roll song that we’ve ever made.” Not just want to — “It’s our job!” he said he told the Edge, U2’s guitarist. Elsewhere in the interview, an ever-confident Bono manifested a collaboration with Robert John “Mutt” Lange, known for producing albums by AC/DC and Def Leppard.
My question is,how can an album mentioned back in 2009 only be 70% ready??

My guess is that when you have that much time, and work on 2 more albums and do 3 tours in there, a lot of material comes up that they think... Hey this could work for SOA, lets set that aside and revisit it sort of thing.

So it could be that they were whittling down 30 or 40 pieces of songs and maybe have like 8-10 songs finished, and feel that the other 4-8 other songs that need work and which ones will end up making the final cut
SOA does strike me as a leftovers sort of album. Not necessarily leftovers in terms of song quality but in terms of style songs that have been left out that don’t work (in the bands mind at least). Mercy is likely to be on it and that’s already been released, North Star another likely one which we’ve heard in some form. Soon was called a ‘song of ascent’ in the audiobook and that has been officially released already and smile could be the song that was released more than 15 years ago now just with updated lyrics.
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My guess is that when you have that much time, and work on 2 more albums and do 3 tours in there, a lot of material comes up that they think... Hey this could work for SOA, lets set that aside and revisit it sort of thing.

So it could be that they were whittling down 30 or 40 pieces of songs and maybe have like 8-10 songs finished, and feel that the other 4-8 other songs that need work and which ones will end up making the final cut
Yeah you are probably right. Just hope we get to hear it one day.
And people say U2 over cooks things,the demos of Chinese democracy are better than what was released.

I'm also a massive Guns n' Roses fan, and I frequent one of their forums. It really makes me appreciate U2, because the amount of nonsense Guns fans have to deal with is ridiculous.
I’ve listened to this Beacon show a few times now - I am convinced Beautiful Day should be the single. It is sublime. Gorgeous vocals, simple but somehow affecting piano, slow building electric pulse and energy to it. You can just see it growing and swelling as a laid back and worthy take on a classic, and I think it’s done in a way that won’t evoke too much backlash or cynicism.

I’m speechless - a song I don’t quite “get” when you consider it’s cultural impact, I think this would be a wonderful choice to push for some sort of radio recognition.
I've to to ATYCLB in the audio book. When he says to Brian Eno that they should do one more album together, Eno says "why?"

He then goes on to say that because of how much time he was spending on the debt relief stuff, recording sessions for that album were really focused and also fun, because it wasn't the day job and he had limited time. Limited time to not overthink stuff I guess...
I've only done one of these no phone shows, and after doing it? It would be pretty easy to bring your phone in

Here’s another reason to be optimistic about the future of the band. From page 546:

Now I find myself wishing away the freedom to be anything other than the singer and the song. The image of the singer becoming the song is not one I am growing away from. It is one I am growing toward.
Drop an old phone in the pouch…

There's a gap between security and the pouch people, and the pouch people aren't making you empty your pockets.

Security/ushers will make you put it away or they see you use it in the venue, but if you're only looking for an audio recording (wink wink nudge nudge to our members who do such things)? It's entirely doable.

There's a gap between security and the pouch people, and the pouch people aren't making you empty your pockets.

Security/ushers will make you put it away or they see you use it in the venue, but if you're only looking for an audio recording (wink wink nudge nudge to our members who do such things)? It's entirely doable.

Friday night, the pouch people were first out in the alley in front of the Orpheum, then you went through security after kangaroo-ing your phone. (Both of which were after a staffer checked your ticket and wrote your seat location on a post-it note, the use of mobile ticketing and Yondr pouches together wasn't a well thought out plan)
I've not seen this mobile phone thing mentioned for the Glasgow show yet but I think its being done at other UK dates?
Friday night, the pouch people were first out in the alley in front of the Orpheum, then you went through security after kangaroo-ing your phone. (Both of which were after a staffer checked your ticket and wrote your seat location on a post-it note, the use of mobile ticketing and Yondr pouches together wasn't a well thought out plan)
Clever sonsofbitches.

Welp, up the arse it is. Godspeed, tapers.
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